Chapter 21

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Octavia and Clarke slipped on long dress coats, pretty much covering up the costumes before Octavia opened the door. She was expecting to see Lincoln, instead Murphy the zombie stood there.

"Ladies, your limo awaits" he smiled.

"Where are the others?" Clarke asked.

"In the car, Wells and I made the decision that I would come to the door. We want to actually go out tonight. There is no telling how long we would have to wait if one of them came to get you" he answered quickly, making her believe he repeated it a time or two on the way to get them.

They walked down to the car, Murphy opening the door for them. The girls stepped in, taking note of the guys costumes. Lincoln a football player, Wells had a James Bond thing going on and Bellamy was a teacher. He sat watching Clarke's every move. She slid into the seat next to him. All she could smell was a mix of his cologne and shampoo. She gave him the once over revealing a maroon button up with sleeves rolled up his forearms. A black tie and black pants. she smiled at the ruler that lay across his lap. She moved her gaze to his face surprised to see him watching her.

"So what do you think?" He asked gesturing to his outfit.

"Very nice" She replied smiling. He slid his ruler off his lap tapping her thigh with it.

"Do I get to see now?" he asked sliding the ruler under the coat. She placed her hand on the ruler stopping him in his tracks.

"Patience" she answered. His eyes met hers pleading for a peek. She shook her head refusing to give in.

"We only have a few minutes till we get there." She smiled. Octavia and Lincoln sat quietly talking among themselves and Wells and Murphy were playing on there phones. Clarke took her phone out.

"Okay guys, picture time" Clarke smiled . Wells and Murphy looked up at her giving her a smile to humor her. She snapped a picture before moving on to Octavia and Lincoln. Lincoln draped an arm over her shoulder, both of them wearing smiles as they leaned into one another. She took a picture before switching the view on her camera and holding it out in front of her. Bellamy slid an arm behind her moving her closer to him as he leaned in for the selfie. She took a few of them being goofy and then Octavia took her camera and took one of her and Bellamy sitting together. She slipped her phone in her pocket as they pulled into the Azgeda parking lot.

The guys got out first, the girls sliding out behind them. They all walked into the bar together, Clarke and Octavia stepped to the side to check their coats. The guys heading to the bar to order drinks. The place was packed, wall to wall people. The guys slid through the crowd making there way to the bar. Clarke and Octavia stripped there jackets and took the number cards for pick up before entering the party.

"Wow, what direction is the bar in?" Clarke asked.

"This way, come on" Octavia said grabbing her hand so they didn't lose each other before walking in that general direction. They weaved their way through the crowd finally reaching the bar. Thankfully the room opened up a little more so they weren't pressed up against strangers. Clarke could see Wells a few people down, she tugged on Octavia's hand to let her know and they slowly made there way to them. Wells saw them coming, by the time they reached him the bartender was sliding three drinks on the counter.

"Grab your drinks, lets find everyone else, they were going to grab a table, if they could find one" Wells stated.

Both girls thanked him for the drinks as they took them off the counter and followed him. Wells spotted the guys, he took a second to confirm both girls were still behind him and stepped out of the crowd in the direction on the tables. Clarke and Octavia falling in step beside him. Lincoln and Bellamy's gazes both fixed on Octavia and Clarke. Lincoln finding it hard to look away from Octavia's bright red form fitting dress as she made her way to his side of the table. Clarke sent Bellamy a smirk, her costume was a short grey plaid skirt with a tight white short sleeve button up. She left the top few buttons undone to show some cleavage. A small class president pin on the collar of her shirt. Bellamy stood as she reached him.

"This costume is going to cause wet dreams for life." he whispered in her ear, his hand moving to her waist, a blush tinted her cheeks as she looked up at him, meeting his eyes. A flash drawing their attention to the table. Octavia smiling with her phone in hand.

"What? Your not the only one with a camera" Octavia stated smiling. Clarke shook her head sliding into the booth, Bellamy sitting next to her. He slid his arm behind her pulling her closer to him. She smiled leaning into him, she loved the feeling of his hands on her. They sat and talked for awhile, once the music started, they dimmed the lights and people started to find tables and stools so they could sit and move out of the center of the room. They were waiting on drinks as they sat talking among themselves when a blonde girl dressed as a witch approached the table. Her voice drawing attention to her.

"Bellamy Blake, and here I thought it was only a one time thing." The girl smiled running her hand along the back of his neck. Clarke moved away from him turning to face the other woman.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." Bellamy said looking up at her.

"That's okay, it's Christie, I bet you remember the other night though." she laughed as she ran her fingers along along his neck, coincidentally, where the marks she left had faded. Clarke and Octavia shared a look. The guys at the table watching the scene in front of them unfold, feeling bad for the the situation their friend was in.

"Hi, Christie, I'm Octavia, Bellamy's sister." Octavia said standing and shaking her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you."She smiled

"You met the guys I take it?" She asked receiving a nod.

"I'm Clarke" the voice that came from next to Bellamy, made his heart race. This situation was not ideal at all.

"Hi, are you a friend or a sister too?" Christie questioned.

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