Chapter 38

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Clarke and Bellamy fell into their bed, they successfully moved all of Charlotte and Clarke's stuff in with the help of their friends. Tomorrow would be a never ending day of unpacking what was left and arranging things to all fit perfectly. Thankfully Clarke had been sending boxes of stuff over every day and Bellamy began unpacking stuff two weeks ago. They all fully unpacked Charlotte's room as soon as they finished moving everything in. So atleast Clarke felt relieved that she was all set up and taken care of.

"What's on your mind? You are awfully quiet?" Bellamy spoke softly.

"I'm glad we are moved in, once we get everything unpacked I can start decorating for Christmas"

"I should have known" she laughed at the sound of the smile in his voice.

"This place is bigger than our old place, the options are endless."

"There can only be one North Pole"

"Not true, there can be two" she smiled leaning into him, a slight grumble from him followed as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her tight to him. His lips grazed her shoulder then her neck.

"You're Beautiful" he whispered. He heard a small sigh escape her lips as he pressed his lips below her ear.

"Do you like that?" the silence lacked response.

"Clarke?" he called her name, a soft snore sounding back. He just chuckled in response. The first night together in their house and she falls asleep on him. So much for what he had planned. Her being in his arms was enough though. He slipped her hand in his and fell asleep rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

Two weeks had passed and Bellamy was away at a teaching conference. Clarke and Octavia helped Charlotte decorate the house. It wasn't the North Pole but it sure was close. Mr. Mrs. Collins stopped over to help them put the finishing touches on the decor before they took Charlotte out to dinner and bowling. That had become their Saturday routine.

Sunday night came fast, Charlotte and Clarke just finished dinner when they heard the keys in the door.

" What do you think?" Charlotte asked.

" I think it looks good" Bellamy smiled. He turned and pulled Clarke in for a kiss. Charlotte took off in the other room.

"I'm glad you like it" Clarke smiled.

" Its nice, looks like someone bought out Macy's storefront." he chuckled.

Christmas time was Clarke's favorite. They went and met santa, had Charlotte's picture taken. They went Ice Skating and went to the tree lighting. The days flew buy, giving her just enough time to finish Christmas shopping and Grocery shopping before Christmas eve.

The house smelled heavenly. She had the main course in the oven, Sides on the stovetop and deserts waiting there turn in the over lined the counter. She was doing a mental check...Dinner close to done, deserts waiting on oven, place settings for everyone. Gifts wrapped for guests under the tree. Soda, Juice, Wine...Wine...Wine.

"Crap! Bell? call your sister, I forgot Wine" she called out.

"Dialing now" the voice echoed back from the living room.

Octavia showed up right before everyone else with a few bottles of Wine.

" Where's Lincoln?" Bellamy asked.

"Somewhere behind me, he was carrying gifts" She replied just as you could hear someone struggling to get through the door. Bellamy pulled the door open reavealing tons of boxes, and legs. His laughter rang out.

"Lincoln is that you?" he joked.

" Take some boxes would you? Your sister is crazy" his muffled comment made Bellamy laugh more as he helped lighten his load a little.

They made there way to the living room adorned with the giant tree Clarke had to have and preceded to haphazardly stack more gifts around it. No sooner did they sit down and the door opened. Emori and Murphy each with armfuls of gifts followed by Wells who had two giant garbage bags of wrapped goodies.

The doorbell rand as they were trying to make room for all the gifts.

"Grandma and Grandpa, I got it!" Charlotte yelled running for the door. There they were, giant smiles and bags of gifts also.

"At this rate I didn't have to shop at all" Clarke laughed.

"I'd say not sweetie" Mrs. Collins Chuckled getting a look at the living room.

" I have desert in the car I have to run out and get" She added.

"Oh no you don't, come sit. John can you grab desert out of Grandma's car?"

"Is it lemon bars, because yes, however the tray may not be full when I get back."

"John Murphy, you will spoil your dinner" Mrs. Collins scolded causing an uproar of laughter.

Clarke, Octavia, and Emori brought the food out to the dining room table dish by dish. Mrs. Collins setting serving spoons in everything. Clarke quickly set the deserts in the oven before calling everyone to the table.

"I think we successfully stacked every gift around that tree" Wells announced confident.

"Could have just stacked them in Charlotte's room" Bellamy joked.

"There not for her, those all said Uncle Murphy on them"

"Uh Uh I saw them, they said my name" she said seriously

"None of them said Uncle Murphy sweetie don't listen to them" Emori chided.

"That's okay I ate all the lemon bars" Murphy replied

"Enough from you, hush. Don't terrorize that poor girl" Mrs. Collins swatted him.

Clarke stood at the counter watching everyone enter the kitchen, they all joked and laughed. At that moment she was beyond happy she came back home, home to this. They were her family and to think one little girl is what brought them all back together. It was perfect, she couldn't have asked for a better gift. She smiled running a hand over her small baby bump.

"You just wait, they are a crazy bunch, but they will love you with all they have" she whispered before taking her seat.

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