Chapter 17

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Octavia pulled up in front of Clarke's house, Charlotte hopped in the back and Clarke got in noticing the other person in the car.

"Clarke, Charlotte, Meet Lexa. She is Nyko's daughter and will be your babysitter for Friday night." Octavia stated.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Lexa greeted.

"Nice to meet you also" Clarke smiled. The girls talked all the way to Polis. Clarke liked Lexa and was was glad to be given the chance to get to know her before just leaving Charlotte in her care. Charlotte also seemed to enjoy her company setting Clarke even more at ease.

They spent two hours in the store, it was extremely busy, with Halloween only being a week away. Charlotte managed to find a viking costume she liked, similar to the 'How To Train Your Dragon' franchise, Upon trying it on Clarke approved and she was done. Lexa found a few she liked. Clarke and Octavia turned down the first two knowing Nyko would hold them responsible if it wasn't acceptable. They let her purchase a 'woman warrior' costume, it wasn't bad, looked bad ass, just a little short, so they found her a long coat to go with it and she was all set. Octavia and Clarke looked for something simple to wear at work. Finally settling on matching 'Madame steampunk costumes' They were dresses, a little on the short side but with them behind the counter most the time, no one would really be able to tell. Other then that they were black and gold with a lace up front and they had a elegant lady like look mixed with a pirate. Perfect. She worked for Octavia all day on Halloween, Murphy opted to not schedule her. He said something about her being overwhelming enough on a regular basis. Which made matching even better. They purchased everything and picked up the other costumes they ordered, before heading back. Octavia pulled into the diner to drop Lexa off just as Bellamy, Murphy and Lincoln were exiting. They said goodbye to Lexa as the guys approached them.

"So did you get what you wanted?" Bellamy asked Charlotte.

"Yeah, I'm a viking warrior" She said grabbing the bag to show him. Clarke knew her secret one was stuffed in the back with Octavia's. She watched him sneak a glance in the bag as Charlotte pulled hers out to show him.

"Very nice, who's are those?" He asked.

"Mom and Auntie O are wearing those to work" She smiled handing one to him. He could hear Lincolns sharp intake of breath behind him.

"Exactly my thought, you think this is a good idea?" he asked them holding it up.

"I think my coffee sales will be through the roof." Octavia smiled.

"I'm sure of that" Lincoln commented.

"I'll be over for coffee frequently" Murphy smiled receiving a glare from Bellamy.

"I thought you said it was a toned down one for work?" he said looking to Clarke.

"That is toned down big brother, wait till you see the other ones" Octavia stated trying to hide her smirk.

"Perfect, neither one of you see's a problem with dressing like that to go out to a bar?" Bellamy asked, his protective side kicking in full throttle.

"No, You will be with us, plus Lincoln, Murphy, Wells, It's not like we are going out alone." Clarke stated meeting his eyes.

"Clarke" Bellamy stated. She wasn't going to let him lecture her.

"Bell, would you let something happen to me?"

"Of course not" he replied instantly.

"Then stop complaining" She retorted. He sighed tossing the costume on to the back seat next to Charlotte.

"Well ladies, we are headed over to Azgeda now, there's a basketball game on, we will see you tomorrow" Murphy said heading for his car. Clarke grabbed an envelope out of her purse.

"Bell, here" she said handing it to him. He gave her a smile and slipped it in his pocket.

"See you later" he said, she gave him a wave as Octavia started backing out.


Clarke and Charlotte were up bright and early, they headed over to Octavia's for coffee. She greeted them as she helped a few customers. Clarke stepped behind the counter giving her a hand quick. Wells was going to pick Charlotte up there later in the day. He had to work last night so he couldn't go to guys night. Once they cleared out the small rush Clarke went and sat with Charlotte. Octavia leaned against the counter chatting with them. Clarke could see Bellamy and Wells coming down the street followed by Gina and Murphy. Murphy and Gina came through the door saying hello and heading for coffee. Murphy sounded grouchy and Gina kept glancing out the window, Clarke could see Wells talking to Bellamy. However it looked as if the conversation was escalating above a quiet conversation.

"What's that about?" Clarke asked. When no one answered her she stood up.

"Stay here sweetie." Clarke gave Charlotte a smile as she hurried out the door.

As she got closer she could hear Wells lecturing him.

"All because you drank too much, do you even know who the fuck it was? So help me God, don't even say Roma, What do you think she's gonna say when she see's your fucking neck Blake."

"I don't know, She's the one who keeps pushing me away, she doesn't want this, if she did we would be together, what can she say? what is there to be mad about?" Bellamy replied sounding defeated. Although the sound of his voice was nothing compared to the look in his eyes when they fell on Clarke a few feet away from Wells. Her eyes told him everything he needed to know. He fucked up, he hurt her. The pain was evident as she met his eyes. Wells turned seeing Clarke.

"I'm gonna head in" he stated receiving a nod from Clarke as he crossed the road.

"C'mon, I suppose you need coffee too" she spoke to Bellamy, like he was a customer, not one ounce of emotion in her voice. She turned to walk away from him when she felt his hand on her arm.

"Don't walk away from me, slap me, yell at me, something, just don't walk away" he pleaded with her. She turned to look at him, she could see he was as hurt as she was. He was right, she was the one holding back, it was her loss. She wouldn't let it ruin what they had though.

"What is there to say? You are right, what can I say?, we aren't together, I have no reason to be mad at you, just myself" she replied honestly.

"Clarke, I'm sorry" Bellamy stated watching her.

"I'm sorry too" she replied, forcing herself to push it to the back of her mind.

"Now come on, its cold out here" she said heading in the direction of the shop, Bellamy quickly falling in step with her. She paused at the door turning towards him.

"It wasn't Roma, was it?" She asked.

"No, I don't know what her name is, I can assure you it was just a make out session in a car, nothing happened past that." he replied studying her expression.

"Something hold you back?" She asked with a slightly pissed tone.

"Something like that, I thought you were cold" he accused, anything to get away from this conversation. She turned on her heel and opened the door.

The awkwardness that surrounded them might as well have been something you could see with the naked eye, it seemed everyone noticed it the second they walked in Octavia's shop.

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