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"Clarke Blake move this hunk of junk!" Octavia shouted.

"Mom, I think she's having the baby" Charlotte voiced in a panick.

"Over my dead body, do you hear me O?! Cross your damn legs if you have too, I just bought this car!" Clarke scolded, Bellamy smirked at the whole situation.

"Yeah I'll get right on that, if he starts coming out just shove him back in Charlotte! Wouldn't want to ruin your mother's new car! " Octavia replied sarcastically groaning at the pain from the contractions.

"Ewww gross, Uncle Lincoln's meeting us there right?" she gave her dad a pleading look.

"Yes, a few more minutes, everyone just hold it together" he replied with a chuckle. A blaring horn caught his attention as Clarke ran a red light at the intersection.

"Alive Clarke, we want to make it alive." Bellamy stated.

"She's not having that baby in this car Bell!" she stated seriously. Bellamy was never so pleased to see the ER sign. Once they got Octavia in the hospital Clarke called Grandma and Grandpa Collins to check in on Aurora and Maddie, before joining everyone in the waiting room.

"You are going to be an uncle...excited?" Clarke asked Bellamy.

"Nervous and excited" he replied.

Seconds later a doctor appeared followed by a very happy Lincoln.

"Family of Octavia Lincoln Trikru, come meet the newest addition, Lucas" Everyone followed them to Octavia's room and crowded the new mother and the baby. She was home before she knew it and the house was full of people. Charlotte couldn't wait for her little sister's to meet the baby, they were eight and a handful. Charlotte was now a teenager and Bellamy and Clarke were not ready for what that brings, no matter how confident they acted.

Bellamy sat in the chair off to the side, Lucas in his arms. He cooed and smiled while holding the new baby's hand. Clarke watched from across the room.

Grandma Collins leaned over to her whispering

"You know what that means...time for another one"

"No way, I'm in a constant rush now, and I feel like we take up your life too."

"Sweetie I wouldn't have a life if it wasn't for those girls"

"I think they are enough" Clarke laughed. The thought of another one overwhelmed her, she could barely manage what she had.

"Can't blame a grandma for trying" she smiled before turning her attention to the girls.

"Speaking of Grandma, we were wondering if you wouldn't mind taking on that title for Lucas too, Lincoln's parents are no longer here like mine, so?" Octavia spoke quietly, her voice hopeful.

"Of course dear, how lucky we are" She replied before looking to Grandpa Collins who was taking the baby from Bellamy.

"That's an honor Octavia, Thank you" he gave her a smile as he took a seat next to Grandma.

"Alright, all the kids on the couch with Grandma and Grandpa, let's get some pictures"

Clarke stood grabbing her phone. They got various shots with everyone, Murphy showed up just in time to take a picture of all of them together.

"Uncle Murphy brought treats for him favorite girls"

"Oh Yeah?" Clarke asked

"What did you get us?" Octavia asked.

"I said my favorite girls, that excludes you two" He joked pulling a bag out from behind the couch. Once he pulled out the bakery box they knew it was cannolis with sprinkles for the kids. The girls gladly helped him with the box to the kitchen. He came out with one on a plate for Grandma.

"Suck up" Clarke coughed into her hand. He stuck his tongue out at her heading back to the kitchen.

"Somethings never change" Bellamy laughed. Just then Wells, Maya and Emori walked in with more bakery boxes.

"Hope everyone wants desert" Wells announced setting boxes on the coffee table.

"Oooo Look lemon bars" Octavia stated taking one.

"Lemon what?" Murphy asked emerging from the kitchen.

"Where's my cannoli?" Octavia asked guarding the box.

"I'll trade one for one"

"deal, you bring me mine first" she bargained.

"Kids" Emori scolded.

"Yeah, think of the image you are creating for the children"

"They will be resilient" Murphy stated.

"Survivors" Clarke offered

"Untouchable" Octavia added.

"They will act like their parents, and that's not a bad thing" Grandma stated.

"At least not to my knowledge" she continued seeing the crowd give each other worried looks before busting out in laughter.

"We shall see" Bellamy laughed.

"We shall see"


Thank you so much to everyone who has read this story, i do have plans on doing a sequel but it will be awhile. I need to finish the Double G Ranch, and I just posted my start of King of the City today. Plus I have another bellarke one in the works, so look for the sequel around october/november, until then i will try my best to keep you busy with the others I am working on. Thanks again. Love and Kisses!- heidi

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