Chapter 30

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Two weeks had passed quickly, everyone staying busy and rushing around. Thanksgiving was this week meaning the holiday season was approaching fast. Bellamy had dropped Charlotte off at the coffee shop stealing a kiss from Clarke quick before heading back to parent teacher meetings. Octavia and Clarke cleaned and talked amongst themselves, even tried to bring Charlotte into the conversation and she just stared out the window. The shop was empty, giving Octavia and Clarke the opportunity to sit down with her at the table.

"Hey kid, whats up?" Octavia asked.

"You are awful quiet today" Clarke observed outloud.

Charlotte turned looking at the two women.

"Do I have to go back to school?" she asked quietly picking at the table. Clarke looked to Octavia before speaking.

"Depends, why don't you want to go to school?" she asked.

"The first graders are mean" she replied instantly.

"How?" Octavia asked. Charlotte reached down and pulled out a flyer that was torn sliding it across the table. Clarke and Octavia peered down at the flyer together.

Father Daughter Dance was across the top of the page in big bright letters. Clarke sighed, how had she forgotten that was a tradition.

"Okay, so what's the problem, you don't need a dad to take you, you have Bellamy, Uncle Wells, Uncle Lincoln, and Uncle Murphy" Octavia stated.

"The girl who ripped my paper told me I had a dad but Mommy and Mr. Blake scared him away" She spoke quietly gauging her mothers response.

"Who is the girl sweetie?" Clarke asked quietly.

"Gianna, she said that's what her aunt told her." she replied. Clarke looked to Octavia.

"Has to be Roma, her brother has a little girl"

"She still manages the pizza place right?" Clarke asked standing. Octavia nodded in response.

"Mommy's going to take a quick break, I'll be right back, can you help Auntie O do inventory?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah" Charlotte smiled hoping up from her seat.

"Good, you are better at it then mommy anyway"

"That's a fact" Octavia laughed. Clarke shot her a look before heading out the door.


Clarke entered the pizzeria, Roma standing at the podium.

"I need to speak with you , now" Clarke stated, the anger evident in her voice.

"The coat room" Roma stated leading the way. As soon as the door clicked shut she turned to Roma.

"Listen, I don't know what your problem is, but your niece started harassing my daughter over her aunt's opinion with me, and that is a problem. I don't care if you like me, I don't care if you like Bellamy, or Bellamy with me. You could hate everything about me , but the second you bring my daughter into it, is the second you will regret it." Clarke stated.

"Clarke, kids are kids, she needs thick skin" Roma started. Clarke shoved her back against the window.

"Kids need role models and obviously your niece drew the short straw because she got you. Stay away from my family, Bellamy included and I suggest you put a stop to the bullying, or I will" Clarke seethed yanking the door open.


Bellamy and Lincoln hopped in Lincoln's car driving to the pizza place, the principle had ordered 12 pizza pies for the faculty meeting after the parent teacher meetings. They parked at the curb and entered the pizzeria, they headed to the counter, Lincoln grabbed Bellamy's arm yanking him back.

"I'd say they are having a friendly conversation" Lincoln said sarcastically pointing to the window into the coat room. You could clearly see Clarke and Roma standing toe to toe. Seconds later Clarke shoved Roma the whole window shook.

"Perfect" Bellamy stated heading around to the door. Just as he reached it, it flew open and out stormed Clarke.

Bellamy reached out grabbing her arm. Her body tensed and her eyes shot to his ready for a fight, he watched her relax seeing him.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"Yup, everything's great" she smiled pushing up on her tip toes to place a kiss on his lips.

"See you later" she said turning and walking out the door. Bellamy stood there watching her leave before joining Lincoln at the counter.

"What was that about?" he asked

"I have no idea, she's crazy" Bellamy chuckled shaking his head.

"Aren't they all" Lincoln replied pulling the first stack of pizza's off the counter.


"Hey, O sent me a text, why didn't you tell me what was going on?" Bellamy asked Clarke as he approached her at the counter of the coffee shop.

"It was no big deal, I handled it" She smiled.

"Yeah, I was witness to it." he reminded her with a smirk.

"Mr. Blake, can we go home, I'm so bored" Charlotte asked from her table.

"You bet kid, pack up" he laughed.

"Should I ask her to the dance?" he whispered to Clarke.

"Why are you whispering? Do you want to go with me or not?"Charlotte asked him. He spun around to face her.

"You are just like your mother, right to the point, I'd love to take you"He smiled.

"Good"she smiled taking his hand, he barely stood, with enough time to let his lips brush Clarke's before Charlotte was pulling him towards the door.

"Two more qualities of your's she has, no patience and demanding" he joked.

"Watch it Mr. Blake"Clarke smiled.

The day went buy quickly, She was busy making a list for Thanksgiving, they were all getting together at Bellamy's house for Thanksgiving dinner, she even invited Finn's parents. She knew it was a big step, but what better way to take the step then with her "Family" all around. Only Bellamy knew she was inviting them, she was worried about mixed emotions, they decided they would play buffer if needed, After all it was for Charlotte and Clarke could most certainly be the bigger person in the situation.

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