Chapter 29

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Clarke and Bellamy headed out to the car, Clarke walked at a quick pace to open the door for him. Charlotte was sound asleep in his arms, between the excitement and the pain meds, he was sure she would be knocked out for awhile. They rode in silence to his sister's, he held Clarke's hand in his, running his thumb over the back of her hand repeatedly. They pulled into Octavia's. Clarke got out and waited as Bellamy lifted the child again. She kept a step or two in front so she was able to open doors. The second Murphy and Wells saw Bellamy carrying Charlotte they hit their feet.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Octavia asked pushing past the men.

"Fractured arm, can I put her in the spare room?" Bellamy asked.

"Yes of course" Octavia stated leading the way up the stairs, Clarke trailing behind.

Octavia pulled the blankets back as Clarke took the jacket from Bellamy. She watched him lay Charlotte carefully back on the pillow. Pressing his lips to her forehead.

" Sleep tight squirt" he whispered, before looking up at Clarke and Octavia.

"What?" he asked in response to the looks he was getting.

"Nothing, I have stuff in the oven, I'll be downstairs" Octavia smiled heading for the hallway.

"Thanks again Bellamy" Clarke spoke quietly as to not wake Charlotte.

"Stop, no need t" He started but was cut off by her lips against his. She deepened the kiss but slowed it at the same time. Her fingers gently ran through his shaggy hair. He pulled back giving her a smile.

"We are going to continue that later, right?" he asked with a smirk.

"You bet, I have to help your sister now though." She replied tugging him towards the door. As they turned the corner several sets of eyes landed on them.

"What happened?" Wells asked.

"Apparently some first graders pushed her off the bleachers, that was all they told me when I took her." Bellamy replied.

"She fractured it in two spots and is going to be in a cast for eight weeks. no surgery just limited activity with that arm." Clarke added.

"You couldn't have called us?" Murphy stated.

"I'm sorry, I was a little pre occupied, and the last thing the hospital needs, is a room full of grown men, guarding a five year old, like shes royalty about to be kidnapped." Clarke stated throwing a salad together quickly.

"I see your point" he mumbled leaning back in his seat. Bellamy chuckled pulling a stool at the counter out, before taking a seat on it.

Once everything was ready they all moved to the table. Lincoln and Bellamy set the table as the girls moved the food over. They all sat down making their plates. The sound of feet coming down the stairs pulled Murphy's attention to the entrance into the dining room. There stood Charlotte rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Hey there, come on, you hungry?" Murphy asked holding his hand out to her. She surpassed his hand and climbed up in his lap.

"I'll take that as a yes" he laughed.

"I'll go grab her a plate" Wells said standing. Bellamy stood grabbing her a juice box from the fridge and setting it in front of her.

"Someone is loved" Octavia smiled.

"She is definitely blessed, they would do anything for her." Clarke smiled back.

"Alright, plate, juice, what do you want to eat?" Murphy asked her.

"Everything please Uncle Murphy" Charlotte replied. Wells loaded the plate and Murphy shifted her to a better position so she could eat easier.

When everyone was finished and the dining room cleaned up, Wells and Murphy raided Octavia's game closet, finding "Candyland". Bellamy cleaned off the coffee table and Lincoln moved the furniture back. The four guys and Charlotte all took a seat on the floor around the board choosing their pieces.

Clarke sat on the couch watching them play the game, a glass of wine was passed to her as Octavia joined her on the couch.

Clarke and Octavia sat talking about the coffee shop and the storage center, they talked about Charlotte, they talked about Finn's parents, they pretty much covered everything in one round of candyland. The guys played a few more rounds, Bellamy and Clarke stealing glances at one another. Octavia gently nudging Lincoln with her foot every now and then. Charlotte was sitting in Wells lap, you could see her fading fast. Bellamy took one look at her and tapped Clarke on the leg.

"We should probably go" he stated motioning to Charlotte.

"Yeah, I'd say she's tuckered out" Clarke smiled standing.

"I'll grab her coat" Octavia offered heading up stairs to grab her things.

Clarke stood washing the wine glasses quick and drying her hands.

"Hey, take tomorrow off, stay home with the munchkin" Octavia stated.

"Expect visitors" Wells stated.

"Lot's of visitors" Murphy added.

"That would be a good idea, let her get used to the cast before you send her back to school" Bellamy smiled resting his hand on her lower back.

Wells got Charlotte dressed as Murphy went out to the car and started it.

"Bye, Auntie O" Charlotte called as Wells lifted her and headed for the door.

"Bye sweetheart, I'll stop and see you tomorrow" Octavia smiled.

"Thanks for dinner, everything was fantastic" Clarke said hugging her before following Wells out to the car.

"Little sister, thanks." Bellamy stated as he ruffled her hair.

"Bell, cut it out" she whined. Lincoln chuckled beside her.

"Everything was great, thank you" he said seriously.

"Your welcome, so big bro, how's things on the relationship front?" she asked with a smile.

"Better then ever" he replied giving her a grin.

"Looks that way, good for you" she replied.

"Oh and you two, are obvious, I'm happy for you, don't make me regret saying that" Bellamy said sending Lincoln a look.

"No worries here, Shes an amazing woman" Lincoln replied, Bellamy nodded.

"That's the truth, good night, thanks again" he said clicking the door shut and heading to the car where Clarke and Charlotte were waiting. Wells and Murphy said goodnight and headed back into the house.

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