Chapter 14

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"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked immediately, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, just not paying attention." Clarke replied as she dropped the glass in the garbage.

"If whatever it is you two have, results in anymore broken glass, you are going to work for free" Octavia whispered jokingly to Clarke as she made her way to the other side of the counter, causing a blush to cross Clarke's face. She stood up facing Bellamy.

"So about that Halloween party?" Gina asked again.

"I don't really do Halloween." Bellamy replied honestly, Clarke tried to hide the small smirk on her lips but Bellamy noticed it.

"Are you going?" He asked Clarke.

"I don't know, maybe."

"Who knows, I might just show up. Have a good day ladies." He said grabbing his bag off the counter giving them all one last look before following Lincoln out the door.

"One can hope, right?" Gina smiled. Octavia just rolled her eyes.

"I like the other one, strong and silent" Roma stated.

"I hear he's taken, so dream on Roma." Clarke said smiling as she moved to the next customer. She could hear Octavia laugh behind her. Roma and Gina moved on to Octavia to pay for there coffee.

"What about your brother, he spoken for?"

"Really Roma? We all know he won't make that mistake twice." Octavia stated folding her arms.

"I meant for Gina" she snapped. Octavia glanced at Clarke.

"You would have to ask him." she replied

"You can't be serious, a ready made family, everyone's dream right?" Roma laughed following Octavia's eyes before throwing money on the counter and walking out. Octavia shook her head in disapproval before looking to Clarke. The look on Clarke's face let Octavia know she overheard the conversation. The crowd thankfully moved out quickly. Clarke was wiping down tables quietly as Octavia put the deposit for the day together. She watched Clarke sit in a chair for a second fixing a Halloween decoration she put up that had fallen apart.

"Hey, I know you heard Roma earlier, don't let that get to you, remember who stepped up when you had no one." Octavia stated. Clarke looked over at her leaning back in the chair.

"I know, She just aggravates me, I don't know what your brother ever saw in that" Clarke stated. She couldn't help but think about her statement though. It's not just her, it's Charlotte too. Would he still want that, it was different when she wasn't born yet.

"He saw a quick piece of ass, only ass was him for not seeing her for what she is." Octavia stated in a matter of fact way.

Clarke wore a smile shaking her head as she re-hung the skeleton in the window.


Friday night's were her favorite, Bellamy, Octavia, Wells, her and Charlotte would all go to the diner for dinner together, Sometimes Murphy would join them.

Tonight they were all present and taking up the large corner booth, even Lincoln came out for dinner. Lincoln and Octavia occupied one end and Charlotte, Clarke, and Bellamy occupied the other. Wells and Murphy sat opposite them in chairs. Clarke's senses were on overdrive as Bellamy insisted on sitting so close to her that his leg was pressed against hers. They all had a good time laughing and talking throughout dinner. They just ordered dessert when the door opened to the diner. Roma and her friends walked in, she eyed the group on her way past giving Bellamy the once over before smiling at Clarke.

"Hey Bell, Gina thinks your cute. She's super interested and she's got no baggage." Roma stated.

Bellamy could feel Clarke tense.

"Alright, I've had it with your stupid shit, Don't you ever refer to my daughter as baggage." Clarke said standing and kneeling on the seat to face Roma. Bellamy turned slightly towards Clarke hooking his finger in her belt loop.

"Clarke, I feel sorry for you, you threw away what you had when you left, did you know he came back to me after that? Night after night." Roma smiled at her. She could feel Bellamy's hand tighten on her jeans, she looked down at him and he looked everywhere but at her.

Clarke placed her hand on the back of his neck gently running her fingers along the top of his shirt. She felt him still under her touch.

"Good for you, I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, because I'm back now, I'm not leaving this time, and you don't stand a chance." Clarke stated. Roma met her stare evenly before her friends pulled her along to a table on the other side. Clarke turned and sat back down, just in time for the dessert to be brought to the table. Bellamy's hand moved from her waist to her leg, resting heavily on her thigh and on her mind. Her friends sent her tiny smirks and they continued there night like nothing happened. When it was time to leave, Octavia caught a ride with Lincoln, Wells, and Murphy. Clarke and Charlotte climbed in Bellamy's SUV. Charlotte talked non-stop till one block away from their house, then she fell asleep. Silence filled the car until they pulled in the driveway.

"I'll get her, just open the door to the house." Bellamy said getting out of the car and opening the back door. He unbuckled Charlotte, picked her up, closed the door and carried her effortlessly into the house. He followed the trail of open doors and lights until his eyes fell over a room with a light purple theme. Clarke stood inside pulling the covers back on the bed for him to lay her down. Bellamy laid her gently on the bed and Clarke took her shoes off before covering her up. Bellamy stood in the doorway, Clarke turned the light off in Charlotte's room. They walked together to the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink? Water, beer, or wine?" she asked looking to Bellamy.

"Beer" he replied. She slid a bottle towards him, poured herself some wine and lead Bellamy to the living room.

They sat on the couch in comfortable silence as she put on a movie.

"I'm sorry if I stepped over a line tonight." Clarke said taking a sip of her wine before setting it on the coffee table. Bellamy set his beer next to her drink and took her hand in his.

"Clarke, I feel awful that it came to that, because of me, then her telling you I went back to her, it was true, but I didn't want to admit that to you. However, I am glad to know you have no intentions of leaving" he said giving her a smile.

"I have no intentions of leaving here, I also have no intentions of letting you make that mistake again." she said looking at him.

"Oh yeah?, well how do you plan on keeping me from doing that." he asked raising his eyebrows playfully at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she laughed leaning into him, he placed a kiss on the hand he was still holding, and they laid back against the couch watching t.v. together. 

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