Chapter 43

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Sitting up, drinking water I couldn't have been more content. Once I got out of this hospital I'm sure I would have unlimited energy. It's only been a couple of days since I woke, but I honestly feel great. The doctor said most of my injuries will be or are just fine, I'm scheduled to leave any day now. But, I want to see my favorite blonde before I go anywhere.

"Iain? Where's Lilli?",

Looking up from his phone, Iain took a minute before he answered.

"Oh! She's next door actually, she knows you're awake but there's something I have to tell you. Two things before I bring her in."

I don't know why that scared me but I tried to not act so nervous. Iain sat down on the hospital bed with me and grabbed hold of my hand.

"First, before Lilli sees you, you need to know she thought the crash was her fault. We assured her it wasn't, but I would like her to hear it from you."

My face dropped low in shock and disbelief. The accident wasn't her fault, how could she think that?!

I sighed before replying.
"Oh she will. What's the other thing."

Iain put his head down, no longer looking at me.

I repeated myself.
"Iain? What's the other thing?"

Tightening his grip on my hand, Iain gave me his phone. On the screen was...that road..the...where the accident happened??

"A detective came a few weeks back and he said your case has escalated to his desk. Long story short, he has reason to believe the accident, wasn't an accident. He has officers placed all around so don't worry about safety but he'll have to talk to you soon Aaliyah."

I inhaled sharply and my breathing started to get ruggedly fast. The accident wasn't an accident?
Someone wants me dead? Who? Is he sure it's safe here? Are we in incredible danger? Will they try again? Are they trying to hurt Lilli to-

"Aaliyah!" Iain yelled, snapping me out of my hysteria.

"It's going to be okay, here drink more. Detective Warner is going to work with us and find out who was behind this don't worry, and please don't panic."

I took a sip of the glass of water he reminded that is in my hands. Swallowing loudly, I put the glass down on the table next to me.

"Easier said than done." I muttered. My thoughts were running wild and I was slightly flipping shit...okay not slightly, extremely.

"Iain I just woke, can't this wait and I wanna see Lilli."

Iain sighed, squeezing my hand reassuringly he nodded.

"I understand, we'll deal with that later. I'll go get Lilli now."

I watched as Iain kissed my hand before getting up and exiting the room.
Pushing the covers from over me I looked at my bruised legs and thought about how ugly they looked even though the doctor said it would eventually heal. Touching them, I felt a strange feeling, it resembled suffocation but I am clearly well and breathing.

I lifted my head off of the steering wheel long enough for me to see the smoke, the crinkled metal, and the red, white and blue in the far distance blaring their horns.

Turning my head slowly, I tried to clear my vision of the red to see if Lilli was alright.

"Lilli", I tried.

Feeling a chill a shiver came over me, returning me planet earth, I put the covers back over me quickly doing my best to cover any lower body scars. I didn't want to remember. I didn't want to.

"Aaliyah!!" I heard. Looking up with ushered tears in my eyes I saw my favorite blonde coming towards me as she could go with Iain in tow.

"Lilli! Oh honey, are you okay? How does your leg feel?" I asked, concerned she was even standing at the moment.

"No don't worry." Lilli plopped right beside me hugging me half to death.
"It's doesn't hurt at all, the doctor says I only have a few more weeks with the cast. Wanna sign it??"

I chuckled, remembering when I had a cast riddled with signatures.
"I suurree do." Reaching for the permanent marker on the bed stand I wrote my name in the middle of her cast.


"There ya go Lil, now I'll always be with you for the next couple of weeks haha."

Passing the marker to Iain, I wrapped both my arms around Lilli, laying my head atop of hers.


"Yeah Lil?"

I felt Lilli's arms hold me tighter, as if she was afraid I would disappear into thin air if she didn't hold on for dear life.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Looking to Iain I gave him the look, understanding he excused himself.

Hearing the door click I sighed and made Lilli look at me for a moment.

"Lilli I know you thought the accident was your fault, I know you blamed yourself and now I'm here to tell you that is completely understandable. You have every right to feel that way but I hope you listen when I say you shouldn't. The accident was not your fault, that's silly talk. I don't blame you."

Lilli looked up at me with those piercing blue eyes, making her look so much like her father.

"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"No Lilli, never. I mean what I say, it wasn't your fault."

*knock knock*

Turning my attention towards the door, I wondered who it could be now.

"I hope I'm not interuppting anything Ms. Pinkston, it's a pleasure to meet you.",

I looked at the unfamiliar man wildly. Having a toothpick in his mouth and a trench coat on, I thought he couldn't have been more tacky. I knew I smelled cheap aftershave and pleather.

"And who the hell are you?"

The man stepped forward, extended a rough hand I had no intentions on shaking.

"Warner. Detective Warner."

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