Book 8⌇20. Please, Just Hold Me

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Chapter 20 ∣  Please, Just Hold Me


Now I'm just irritated...


Maverick can't keep his hands off's hard knowing he is trying to avoid contact with me as much as possible. Is his control wavering that much? He thinks he's going to kill me. He thinks he's going to lose it if he gives in and just let's go, allowing himself to fall into this confusing and sometimes annoying bond.

Unfortunately for me...

I'm losing control myself. Each time his skin just brushes against my own, the hairs stand on end, feeling a warmth traveling just below my skin. It begs me to get closer to him, even when I'm angry, it's still there. It's calling me to him, half of me honestly believe that he does have a hold on a part of my soul. It's forcing me, not I tell myself, to want to just be wrapped in his arms, devouring that delicious and addicting vanilla and cedarwood scent that drifts from his skin. My senses get lost, hardly able to keep myself together and act like nothing is affecting foolish I'm becoming, trying to grasp what he wants.

Does he want to be with me?

Can he be with me?

Is this some kind of delusion we are living now, to satisfy his want for me to be the person I once was? That may be, something that will change for the better? Maybe instead of remembering cruel memories mixed with complete bliss, I'll regain who I truly was. Maybe he won't be afraid of hurting me or worse...killing me.

He's killing me though.


My eyes glanced down at the black bag resting on the top of my bed, sighing as I flopped back down against the soft covers. Sighing, I let my eyelids slowly slide shut, breathing in and out calmly. So many thoughts running through my head made it extremely hard to find some type of inner peace.

Would I have been better left to die...remain dead? Is that not what fate planned for me?

Are we trying to defy fate and now we're being punished for even thinking about it?

When I did finally open my eyelids, it was because I was somewhat groggy. I rubbed my eyes, lifting up on one arm and slowly sitting up completely. I drew my legs crossed in front of me, searching around and seeing the clock next to my bed, resting on the stand. Rubbing my forehead and pulling my dark hair behind my shoulders, I still felt the ebony hoodie I was wearing, forgetting for a split second that I'd gone out with Maverick into town.

3:47 PM.

It's late. I must have fallen asleep. Jeeze, what was in that pizz-

My eyes fell away from the clock, passing over the room and to a shadowy figure. A pierced scream was ripped from my lungs, electric blue irises staring right at me. Fear spread through my body like wildfire, my heart pounding hard against my chest so hard that I thought it would burst.

All of this happened within the span of about five seconds because on the sixth one, the door to my room was thrown open and a very concerned...mind you shirtless and just wearing boxer briefs...Maverick stopped just short of a few feet inside. My eyes had snapped away from the ghost of a figure, darting to Maverick, my voice barely audible as I stuttered, "I-I-It...I-It, I- t-th-the-there...I-I-" there was just no way with how afraid I was that I could form any coherent sentence, just pointing in the direction that my nightmare had come from.

When Maverick glanced at where I was pointing...nothing was there. Nothing left behind.

A ghost?

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