{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [3]

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"I'm fine Lindsay."

"Ok, just wanted to let you know I got rid of that tray. I'll make you some more toast when you are ready."

"Alright but really the eggs were good. It was just the smell of the coffee."

"Well we will just take it slow. Dr. Steinworth is supposed to be here shortly."

I sighed. "Ok I'll be out in a minute." I hurried through my routine and dressed in the clothes Lindsay had put together for me.

"So when is she arriving?"

"I'm already here Kathleen."

I blushed a bit at my previously insolent tone.

"Sorry. I just feel my brother is over reacting a bit. I mean so I slept for a couple days." a look of horror crossed my face. "did I sleep through Christmas?"

"No you didn't. You didn't take your long nap until after Christmas."

After Christmas? I tried to remember what I had done after shopping with the girls. "its really after Christmas?" I wasn't sure she could hear my question my voice was so soft.

"Today's date is January 18th. Your brother said that the shopping trip you remember is on December 22nd and you started your long nap on January 4th. Do you still think its a waste of time for me to be here Kathleen?"

"No." I said softly as I sank down on my bed. "Matt said you thought it was a combination of shock and stress?"

"Yes I do."

"It’s something about Jimmy isn't it?"

"Why do you say that?"

I tried to read her expression but her face was blank. "The last time something like this happened he didn't leave my side but this time he wasn't here when I woke up and when I asked about him you could cut the tension in the room with a knife."

"What is the last memory you have connected to Jimmy or of Jimmy?"

“He kissed me the morning before I left for shopping. We were supposed to have dinner for our anniversary after Christmas. Did we?”

“I’m not sure. You’re brother didn’t say anything about that.”

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure it’s my place to say Kathleen.”

“Please. No one is saying anything. I just want to know. Is he alright? Did we break up? Is that what all of this is about?”

“Why don’t I get your brother?”

“I’m right here.”

I looked up at Johnny through the tears swimming in my eyes. “Why Johnny? Why isn’t Jimmy here?”

“Sis, Jimmy isn’t here because…..because he died. We were at his funeral…”

“No!” I screamed at him. I put my hands over my ears. “No! No! No! That’s not possible!”

“Kathleen, Kathleen! You need to hear this.” Dr. Steinworth said as she tried to pull my hands away from my ears. I dropped my hands and looked at her through my tears. “What your brother is saying is true. Jimmy is gone Kathleen and it’s going to be hard for you to accept. That’s why your body made you sleep so long. But you need to open up and talk to your brother and your friends about it. Its not going to help you to keep it inside. You remember what happened the last time right?”


“Now no one is saying you need to do anything right now. I would suggest eating something. But you need to start working through your grief. I’m always available if you need to talk.”

“Do you hear me Kathleen?”

“Yes. Ok.”

Lindsay came in with a plate of toast and a bowl of soup. “I wasn’t sure what you would want or how hungry you would be but I thought light food would be best after this morning.”

“What happened this morning?” Dr. Steinworth asked.

“Oh the coffee upset my stomach.”

“She hasn’t ate anything since she started sleeping. She was eating the eggs and when I poured the coffee it upset her stomach.” Lindsay added.

“So you didn’t drink the coffee it was just the smell?”

I nodded at her.

“Well that is interesting. Promise me that if this doesn’t go away after a couple days of good meals or you develop any other strange symptoms you’ll go to your family doctor right away.”

“I promise.”

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now