{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [6]

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Johnny's POV

I watched out of the corner of my eye as my sister lay her head on Zacky's shoulder as we watched the movie. I knew that Zacky had a crush on her. Everyone but Kathleen seemed to know that. He wouldn't dare make a move on her before and while I was grateful that he was here to help her grieve a part of me was angry that he was able to be like this with her so quickly after Jimmy's death. I waited until it was nearly the end of the movie before I got up.

"Hey Zacky can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah sure." He smiled at Kathleen as she raised her head up off of him. He got up and followed me into the kitchen. I waited until I closed the kitchen door.

"Don't you think that you could wait a while here Zacky?"

"Dude I'm not doing anything!"

"Right. Just remember that she's still in love with Jimmy, you know your friend."

"Dude," Zacky said looking hurt. "I know that. I'm not trying to pull any moves here. I miss him too and I'm worried about her. She's never been sick like this before."

I relaxed a little bit then. "Alright. I just wanted to make sure everything was clear."

There was a knock at the kitchen door and Kathy poked her head in. "Um is everything ok?"

"Yeah Sis yeah, everything's fine."

"Ok," she looked kind of amused, "Then we should be going to the doctor right?"

"Oh yeah," Johnny said snatching up his keys.

"Um do you guys mind if I ride along?"

"That's fine." Kathleen said with a nervous smile before I could say anything.

"Are you sure you want him to come Sis?"

"Yeah I don't know what this is gonna be and I could use as many friends as I can get." I watched her smile wobble a bit at the end of her statement.

"We are all here for you." Zacky said but made no move towards her allowing me to pull her into a hug.

"I know. I just wish Jimmy was here. Then I wouldn't be so afraid."

She sobbed into my shoulder for a minute before I awkwardly handed her to Zacky. I would have let Zacky drive but he had been drinking and I wasn't in the mood for any more funerals. I watched him settle her and then himself in the backseat carefully buckling them both in before I started the car. She was still sobbing slightly and I glanced back through the mirror every once in a while making sure that Zacky was still trying to comfort her. She quieted by the time she got to the doctor's office. We were the last appointment so the parking lot was pretty empty and I just parked close to the door. I got out of the car and Zacky was still trying to help her out. He fussed for a minute with her but she won and slipped out of the car on her own two feet though she held on to him for a moment to steady herself. We all walked in together to find Dr. Henderson at the desk with the phone to her ear.

"Ah good I was wondering if something had maybe come up. Is this your young man that you are always talking about? I'm so glad you brought him." Dr. Henderson motioned to Zacky at the same time my sister burst into tears.

Zacky stood their awkwardly while I tried to comfort her. I gave him a glare and he started stuttering.

"Um no I'm not Jimmy. I'm Zacky."

"Oh dear. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. Do you think you could call Jimmy and have him come down here?"

"Errr....that's not possible." Zacky glanced at Kathleen in my arms who was still sobbing hard. "He, um...."

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now