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"That's all that happened?" I sighed as a way of saying yes.

I was telling my dad about what happened last night between Jermaine and I.

"I couldn't stand being so close to him, pa! I was at the verge of attacking him with kisses." I could feel my dad just shake his head on the other line of the phone.

"Gi," he started and I heard Jilenna call him in the back. "I have to go. Jilenna and I are going to mcdonalds. You want anything?" I looked over at Lorenzo who was sitting on the ground, playing with his toys.

"Could you come and take Lorenzo so he can enjoy some time outside? He hasn't been out for a long time. I'll just stay and clean the house."

"You coming with us, I'm not leaving you home alone."

I groaned. "Dad, please. I need some time alone. Just, please. Take him. He's too young to be spending so much time watching tv. He needs some fresh air." I said.

"Alright. Next time you coming with us, though! I'll let this one slide, Gi." I chuckled.

"Yeah, sure. I gotta go get Lorenzo dressed. Catch you later, pa, bye."

"Bye, sweetheart." And the line went dead.

"Guess who's going to mcdonalds with grandpa?" I said loudly in excitement, making Lo's head turn my way. "Yes, that's right! Momo!" He jumped up and started laughing, making his cute dimples appear.

My son gone break some hearts when he grows up.

"Let's get you dressed, baby." I picked him up and walked towards our room. I changed him into his superman sweater and his black, comfy sweatpants along with his blue shoes that lightened when he walked. He got them from my dad for his birthday and he's still so obsessed with them. "Doesn't my baby look so handsome? Yes, he does!" I said in a baby voice as I pinched his chubby cheeks, making him hold my hands and try to remove them. He hated it when I pinched his cheeks.

Just like Jermaine.

My smile slowly faded and I removed my hands. This man wasn't ever going to leave my mind. I shook the thought away and grabbed Lorenzo. "Which jacket do you want to wear?" I asked as I held his two jackets up.

I had to get him new ones soon, he's been growing and I have to find a job to make money we can live off. "Bo!" Lorenzo pointed both his fingers at both jackets, making me laugh. He couldn't pronounce so many words and it was so cute.

"No, pick one. The red one? It matches with your sweater." I put away the black jacket and made him put on the red one. "You like it, Momo?"

"No!" He pouted and I rolled my eyes. "Blue, blue, blue!" He jumped up and down.

"There is no blue, Lo. Enough. Or mommy won't let you go to mcdonalds." I warned him and he stopped immediately. I smiled as I picked him up and sat down on the couch with him, playing with his hair. Pa and Jilenna could show up anytime now.

4 minutes after, the bell rang and Lorenzo immediately started to run to the door, making me laugh. He was so excited. I opened the door and there stood Jilenna. "Your dad's waiting in the car." We hugged and she kissed my cheek. "How are you doing?" The concern in her eyes was clear to see. Guess pa told her what happened between Jermaine and I.

"I'm doing good. Thanks for taking Lorenzo." I smiled at her and she patted my back, giving me a warming smile.

"We are taking him to a playground after with trampolines and all. Are you okay with that?" I nodded quickly, I sure as hell was okay with that. Lorenzo really deserved some time out. I can't afford shit, so I'm glad dad can take him. "Alright, see you later! Say bye Lo." Jilenna picked him up and I quickly kissed his cheek.

"Bye baby. Have fun."

When they left, I immediately started to clean the house. After, I changed in my shorts and my oversized sweater with my cozy socks and I put my hair in a bun. Walking towards the TV, I grabbed my glasses and opened Netflix.

Since I had nothing to do with my boring life, I might as well start watching a new serie. All I was doing was overthinking. Thinking about Jermaine and Lorenzo too damn much.

As I was looking for a good serie to watch, there was suddenly a knock on the door. I frowned as I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 8pm. Who would visit me at this time? Only person possible would be Raina.

I took off my glasses and stood up, walking towards the door. I unlocked the door and opened it. I stood there stunned and with a frown on my face as Jermaine stood right infront of me, looking at me coldly. "Aren't you gonna let me in?" He pointed behind me.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. So I just stepped aside, opening the door further so he could step in.

"What are you doing here, Jermaine? I'm not in the mood to argue." I looked at him as he took off his shoes and jacket.

He surpringly seemed very... Comfortable?

He looked at me as he stepped closer and grabbed my face. "Jermaine, wha-" before I could finish my sentence he pressed his lips against mine and started to kiss me slowly.

I was too shocked to move or to take anything in. Seriously. Was I dreaming?

Before I could think about anything else, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

I missed him and there's no denying that. I know this is wrong, but I'm only human and I can't push away my feelings for him.

"Mmh." I mumbled as he tried to push his tongue in my mouth. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us towards the couch, still kissing.

It felt so good. So good, to have his lips pressed against mine. That's where they belong. Not against any other girl, only mine. I felt complete. Feeling his arms wrapped around me felt like a warm blanket. I needed him. I miss him and I love him.

He slowly pulled away as I opened my eyes and stared at him. My damn eyes started to get teary. I was slowly starting to drift away from that amazing kiss.

"Please," he pressed his forehead against mine and looked at me. "Please, be mine again."

The Perfect Man | J ColeWhere stories live. Discover now