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"I-uh, actually gotta bring Lo-"

"It's Sunday." Raina said and she frowned at me. "Plus you barely go out." I sighed and opened the door further. "If you don't want me to come inside just tell me right away."

"No, Raina, not like that." I quickly walked towards the kitchen and closed the door, hoping Jermaine will understand to stay inside. I looked at her and leaned against the door. "What's up, Raina?" I said her name loud and clear so Jermaine could know it was her.

"Nothing, I just." She threw away her purse and started to cry. "I feel so dumb, Gianni!" She cried out and held her hands infront of her face. "Why do I let people use me like that?" She sobbed. "I always fall for the wrong men and I always end up running after them. I'm so done! Jermaine hasn't answered any of my calls, he even blocked me on his phone!"

I looked down and walked towards her, taking her in my arm and making her sit down on the couch.

I feel like such a bad friend.

Maybe that's because you are. You are a bad friend. Raina doesn't deserve this.

"Maybe you should try and see someone else. Maybe he wasn't that interested in you. Y'all just met once and I don't think you can be in so deep, with just one date."

"One date?" She looked at me with mascara smudged all over her face. "He said he couldn't want to meet me and make love to me! One date? We've been talking for over 5 months, Gianni! 5 months! Does that sound like someone that isn't interested in me?"

"Make love to you?" I swallowed and looked at her. "What else did he say? That he wanted you to carry his children?" I scoffed.

"Goddamn it!" She yelled out. Meanwhile, Lorenzo was just continuing to play. He was used to seeing Raina cry and scream in my house.

She cries a lot for a rich person with a perfect body and face.

"Why do I let people make me so fucking happy and then just drop me? Why am I being treated like this!" I rubbed her back as she let everything out. "Jermaine is an asshole. Fuck him. For giving me hope and playing me like that! Am I not pretty enough, Gianni? Is there some other bitch that he likes better? With a fatter ass, more money, huh?"

Damn. Actually, it's a girl with a petite ass and barely any money.

"It's okay Ri. You not gone die." I removed me arm and layed back.

I have to have her back, eventhough I was just riding Jermaine a few hours ago.

Stop being rude Gianni. I shook my head and looked at her.

"There's so many other men. Like Délano! Isn't he something for you? He's so sweet and I bet he has some bomb ass dick." She wiped away her tears and chuckled. "I would, but he called me today." She looked at me and gave me a smile. "He called to tell me how beautiful you looked on the date, all casual. And how sweet you were. He asked me to give your number to him but he wanted me to ask your permission first."

I looked down and frowned. "I-uhh," I scratched the back of my head. I didn't know what to say. Délano is so sweet and fine as hell.

But all I could think about was the rage that was going through Jermaine's body right now, since I, for a fact, know he's pressing his ears against the door as hard as he can, just to follow this conversation. I know his nosy ass.

"He's a nice man, G. Besides, you gotta move on. Start making some changes. For you and Momo. Plus, Délano has money girl. I'm sure he'll previde more than enough food on the table." She said. "And wouldn't it be nice for Lorenzo to have a brother or sister?" She winked and I slapped her arm playfully, making her laugh. "Nah, but forreal! You gotta give him a chance. Can I give your number or not?"

I hesitated but soon shook my head. "I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to bring a man with Lorenzo and all and because of my previous relationship. I wanna wait."

"Wait? Girl, it's probably been 2 years since you had dick. Shame on you! Get you some BBC." Raina pinched me and I looked at her unsure. "BBC?" I questioned.

"Uh, yeah! Big black cock, sister." I gasped and covered my mouth as Raina bursted out laughter.

Damn, she must be on her period. She was just crying 30 seconds ago.

"You desperate." I shook my head and tried to stop laughing. The BBC word just had cracked me up.

"I missed talking to you." Raina smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

I can't wait for this dumb situation to be over. Now I have to choose between Raina and Jermaine.

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