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"Girl!" Raina's loud voice filled my house and I smiled as I welcomed her with my arms wide open. "I thought you was dead!"

I laughed and shook my head. "I've just been so busy. I'm trying to find a job. You know, before Lorenzo goes to school I have to save him some money." She took off her shoes and jacket as I talked.

"Lo's only 2 years old. You got another 3 years in front of you, girl! You stressing over nothin'." She chewed loudly as her big, round earrings moved around as she talked.

She looked absolutely gorgeous today. Wearing a nice black Kenzo sweater and some ripped jeans with her Balenciaga's. Her baby pink matte lipstick complimented her skin perfectly and her eyeliner was sharp enough to cut another hole in my heart.

I've been feeling nothing but down these past days. Eversince the whole thing between Jermaine and I happened, which already happened 2 days ago, I've been feeling like crap. All that was on my mind was Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine.

What is he doing? How is he feeling? Who is taking care of him? Who keeps him company? Does he still love me? Does he even think about me?

"Gi!" Raina's high pitched voice snapped me back, taking me out of my trance and I looked up at her. "Damn. The fuck's up yo ass?"

"Nothing, Ri. I'm just really tired." I yawned and massaged my temples. I felt like sleeping away all my pain.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?" I shook my head and she gave me a fake arrogant look, making me giggle and blush. "I was telling you about Georgino." Oh God, there she goes.

Eversince she started working with Georgino, her new boss, all she does is talk about how amazing he is. It gets really annoying. Especially since I have no job to find since I've never studied and all she does is talk about how amazing her job is and how it pays off.

"He called me last night and asked me if I wanted to collaborate with this beauty magazine. Girl, I've never been this excited before. Of course, Georgino is coming with me. We are going to Paris for a weekend."

My eyes widened. "Paris? That's so amazing!"

She shrugged. "Meh. I mean, it's nice. But I would rather go to a more fancy city."

I rolled my eyes and pointed my finger at her. "Be glad you are at least going somewhere. You have a nice job, got the money, face and body. Stop crying. There's people out there praying to have half of your life."

She nodded and fiddled with her nails. "You're right. It's wrong of me. I just wanted to go to Milan or something. I've seen Paris so many times." We both walked towards the couch as we sat down.

I was about to ask her if she wanted to eat or drink anything but she spoke before me. "What happened at the restaurant a few days ago. Why did Jermaine and you leave all of a sudden?" She frowned and pulled out her chewing gum, wrapping it up in a tissue.

"Uhm, I didn't know Jermaine left after me?" I looked at her and tried to remember the excuse Jermaine and I made. "Oh, I threw up in the bathroom. I felt really sick so I just called my dad and I guess Jermaine had something else? I don't know. Why you asking?"

"Mh, right, I was just wondering." She looked at me unsure.

"Do you want to eat or drink anything?" I changed the subject, with a small smile plastered on my face.

She turned around and didn't say anything. "Raina?" I walked towards and sat down next to her. I tried to get a glimpse of her face but it was covered in by her big, curly hair. I moved it out of her face, only to see her shed a tear. "Oh." I shook my head as I brought her to my chest and hugged her.

Raina may seem like a strong, independent girl. But really she's one of the most emotional wrecks I've ever met, besides me. She worries too damn fast. I can't blame her, I'm the exact same.

"What's up, Ri? Talk to me."

She let out a small crying sound and took a big breath after. "I-I just... I really like J-Jermaine and he hasn't answered n-none of my calls." She sobbed as she tried to speak.

Was it that serious? She literally met him once. She can't be in love already. I shook my head. Don't let jealousy take you over, Gianni.

"It's okay, Ri. If nothing happens between the both of you, it'll be his loss. Every man deserves a woman like you. You're amazing and I'm sure there's someone out there that's willing to adore you."

And I meant every word that rolled off of my tongue. Raina was truly an amazing and beautiful person, on the inside and out.

Eyes were on her all the time. Whenever we went out, boys would turn their head to check her out from head to toe. And I wish I could turn heads like that. Instead, I turn heads on how awful my outfit looks and how dirty my shoes are.

Raina was a successful, rich, beautiful young girl and I'm sure anyone, including Jermaine, would chose her over me any time, any day.

She's everything I'm not. And I'll never be.

The Perfect Man | J ColeWhere stories live. Discover now