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Lmao. I can't believe I let y'all wait for a month. I'm sorry. Genuinely sorry. But damn these tests literally ate my ass lmao. Shit was hard. I survived tho. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this chapter. It's trash actually but y'all just wait on this new story I've been working on ☺️



"What exactly are you trying to tell me?" I stuffed another cucumber piece in my mouth, looking at Jilenna, with a lost expression.

She sighed and leaned on the kitchen island before saying, "You know exactly what I mean. What if the baby ain't Jermaine's? You told me Raina kind of sleeps around with men quicker then she should so maybe the baby ain't even his."

"I know. Raina has a wild sex life and stuff but I'm sure she don't lie about shit like that. She wouldn't do that, I know how she is." I said.

"I'm not saying she's lying... I'm simply saying that baby could be someone else's." I shrugged a bit and tried to avoid eye contact with Jilenna.


Cause I kind of was feeling her entire 'theory'. What if the baby really isn't Jermaine's? I wanted it to be true. I'm not liking this situation. This means that Raina and I will be forever connected... In the wrong way!

Before I could say anything I heard Lorenzo's yells. "I'll get him." Jilenna stood up before I could and ran up the stairs, leaving me drowned in my deep thoughts once again.

Could it be true? Should I talk to Jermaine about this? This sounds too stereotypical. That baby ain't his. Sounds like a damn plot twist in a movie.

"I think baby Lo has a fever." I turned around to see Jilenna holding a sick looking Momo. "Touch his forehead. Feels like damn fire."
I picked Lorenzo from her and did as she said, pressing my hand against his forehead.

"Lord. My baby having his first fever." He looked at me through his big eyelashes as he played with his 'fro. "Don't touch your damn hair like that." I slapped away his hand, making him look at me angrily.


"Are you coming?" I held the door open for Raina as she just sat in the car, staring at the ground blankly.

She looked like trash. Her hair was all over the place and she was wearing a very oversized Juicy Couture red sweater along with some leggings.

"I have a son and a girl back home. Can you please-" "Oh you do?" She gave me a fake chuckle and stepped out of my car, grabbing her bag with a snap and walked inside the building.

I rolled my eyes, slammed the door shut and followed her. I hated doing this. I just wanted to see my baby and ditch.

We walked inside and sat down in the waitingroom not exchanging a damn word. I didn't even feel like talking to her. She was annoying me. Nothing like Gianni. Who I missed. I was gonna shower her with some real love once I come home.

"Ms. Brown?" Raina stood up and walked towards the doctor, making me do the same. She shook hands with him and later shook hands with me. "Must be Raina's man?"

I could feel Raina's eyes burn on me as to what I would say next. I decided to make her even madder, since she was annoying me.

"Actually, just got her pregnant. Nothing else."

The doctor's face was priceless. He looked at me like man I know how you feel. A chuckle left my mouth as we walked inside the room to make some pictures of the baby.

"So, shall we start with the ultrasound right away?"

Raina just nodded and layed down on the stool right away. I tried to hide the fact that my hands were shaking. Shit, nevermind. My entire body was shaking! Man when I say I was scared shitless. I'm a father already but I felt like I was going to be a father for the damn first time.

I watched as the doctor covered Raina's belly in some kind of aqua colored gel. He took a hand-held device and ran it across her entire belly, while looking at the screen that was set right next to his left shoulder.

My heart by now was 'bout to beat out of my damn chest. Like shit. I felt... scared.

"It's being a stubborn little one, won't show in between the legs." The doctor chuckled and I nervously chuckled with him. My eyes shifted to Raina as she stared at the screen with widened eyes. Never actually realizing how far she's actually gotten into pregnancy. Before I could think any further, I took her hand in mine. I squeezed it, to let her know I was there.
I could feel her eyes burn on me, but I decided to just keep looking at the screen. All I wanted, was to let her know I was there to support her through this. Even if we ain't together.

"Congratulations!" The doctor startled both of us with his damn loud voice. "It's a babygirl. Her heart rates healthy, very healthy actually. Same goes for her breathing, movements and her position in the uterus seems like the safest and best." A smile showed on Raina's face as I just continued staring at the screen.

I'm gonna be a father to a babygirl.


"Should I text Jermaine that Lorenzo is having a fever?" I asked Jilenna. A frown appeared on her face, before she shook her head.

"Sweetheart, he's the father of your child. Yes! Text him." She said as she continued cutting me some cucumber, my ass was craving these more than ever.

"But... He's with Raina. I mean he's probably busy taking care of her and the ba-"

I stopped talking as Jilenna dropped the knife on the island and looked at me with a look of disbelief, before she spoke her wise words to me,

"You're losing him if you act like this. You shouldn't do this, Gianni. The man found out about what happened on an accident and the first one he told was his girl. You should respect him for being real with you. The way you can reward him is by staying by his side through this and let him know that you're still 100% down for him. Let him know what you know. If you start keeping things away from him, and even if it's simple things like this, he'll feel like you don't want him anymore."

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