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My Lord. I just received the best dick I could. Now all I could hope for was Jermaine's forgiveness, cause I was kind of confused.

Was this it? Fucking? Is that it?

"Jermaine," I shook his shoulder but he didn't reply. I looked at him and noticed he fell asleep already. His eyes were closed and cute snores left his mouth. I chuckled and played with his hair as he slept on my chest. I felt relaxed.

I had to get up before Jilenna decided to bring Lorenzo home. I wasn't about to let them see me like this.

My head hurt so I decided to take an aspirin and fixed the bed. I was craving strawberries more then ever, so I had to get myself some as soon as J woke up.

I called Jilenna and made sure to have her bring Lorenzo home, I also asked her to get me some strawberries. I figured why not let Lorenzo wake Jermaine up. That'll brighten up his mood for sure.

Or... I hope so.

"Thank you so much Jilenna. I really owe you." I grabbed Lorenzo out of her arms and she gave me her beautiful brigt smile, handing me the strawberries.

"You always welcome. Is Jermaine here?" She asked out of nowhere. As she noticed my confused expressions, she pointed behind me. I looked and immediately felt my cheeks heat.

Jermaine's sweater was there.

"Oh and your hair looked a little... bigger than usual." She winked at me and walked away, leaving me to laugh. "You're crazy!" I yelled as I laughed as she pretended to be sassy, entering her car.

I waved at her as she rode off of the parkway.

I put the pack of strawberries in the kitchen and walked towards Lorenzo, bending down to his length.

"Lo. Mommy wants to talk to you." I said to Momo as I took off his jacket and shoes. He nodded as if he was paying attention. I lowkey knew, if I removed my arms from him, he'd go running to his toys.

"Daddy." I said and Lorenzo immediately looked at me, laughing as he put his hand in his mouth.

My heart ached seeing him laugh like that. Lorenzo never said the word daddy to anyone except for my dad, he calls him papo cause I taught him to.

I would love for Lorenzo to see someone as a father figure. And none other than his real father to be so, of course.

"Daddy is here." I said to Lorenzo and he just nodded, not realizing what I really meant. "Mami's gonna show you." I picked him up and walked towards the bedroom, Jermaine was still sleeping.

He was naked but the sheets were covering him.

"Daddy." I pointed at Jermaine as I whispered in Lorenzo's ear. "That's daddy."

Lorenzo smiled and wiggled in my arms, wanting to get out of my embrace to do whatever he wanted to do.

He climbed on the bed with my help and started to jump up and down, losing his balance every now and then. "Daddy!"


I smiled as I heard my son's voice calling me. I didn't want to wake up cause this felt amazing to hear. I couldn't wait to hear it for real.

"Daaaaaddyyyyy." I smiled once again.

But my smiling stopped as soon as I felt tiny hands on my shoulders.


"Daadaaaa." I could feel my heartbreat quicken as I opened my eyes widely.

Did my tall ass just hear that right?

"Gia-" I turned around to see Lorenzo in my face, he grabbed my shoulders and started to nib on it, smiling as he did.

By the bedside, stood Gianni. Looking like a damn queen. Her hair loose in her natural form, wearing a big shirt and makeupless. Just how I preferred my lady to look.

Bad as hell. Natural as hell. Just for me.

She smiled at me and I returned the smile. My attention shifted back to Lorenzo who continued to call me 'daddy'.

I've never heard anyone call me daddy, besides Gianni, but that's another story.

I mean a kid. My son. This was the first time my son called me daddy. I never imagined him to call me daddy that quick. I guess Gianni told him.

"You talked to him?" I asked as Gianni sat down on the bed and I sat straight, pulling the sheets up and putting Lorenzo on my lap, playing with his fro.

"He probably thinks your name is daddy now, but he'll eventually understand." I smiled as she moved closer and took my hand in hers.

"So no more Jamaine, huh?" I said and Gianni's beautiful laugh filled my ears, but her face slowly turned serious again.

"Are we good, bubba?" My smile slowly faded and I nodded, looking serious too.

"But if there's any more secrets you've kept, please let me know now. Cause if I find out there's 1 more, Gianni... I'll lose my trust."

She nodded and pressed a kiss on my face.

"There's no more secrets."

The Perfect Man | J ColeWhere stories live. Discover now