~Chapter 5~

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"Because of your stay. We decided last year that we would all sleep and live together in one house. I have inquired and found nice domicile that you will surely like. It is a bit isolated and half an hour away from the city," our teacher told us.
"Mrs. Blair, they told us it wouldn't be a youth hostel," John commented.
"That's not a hostel either. You'll like it, believe me. Now to the room distribution. You are a total of 23 in the class. There are 13 rooms in total. 1 three-room, 2 single rooms and the rest are double rooms. I'll have one of the single rooms, who wants the other," she asked. Immediately a hand rose. Next to me.
"I want it," Maxim said decisively.
"Don't you want company, Maxim?" asked Mrs. Blair.
"I'll pass," he said dryly.
"He wants to smoke a joint undisturbed," it came from Martin, he was a guy I would never befriend. His kind alone would piss me off.
"You wouldn't have been there anyway," Max replied without a spark of irony in his voice.
"Maxim, I hope it's not the reason," said Mrs. Blair.
"Of course not. It was just a joke." It was clear to me that he was serious.

The remaining two hours the rooms were distributed and the other things were discussed because of the class trip. It had been quite boring, so I put my arms on the table and my head on my arms.
"Mrs. Blair?"
"Yes, Pauline. What is it?" she asked in the meantime already annoyed. I heard an annoyed sigh next to me, which made me smile.
"What if we argue with the person we're in a room with? Can we then sleep with someone else," she asked.
"Seriously?", it came from Max. I lifted my head and looked at him.
"It was the fifth question. I was counting, so I can get mad," he justified himself. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Pauline, after all, he was right.
"Pauline, I think even you are mature enough by now to solve your fucking problems yourself and not annoy every damn person around you with your unnecessary and stupid questions," Max said and Pauline looked outraged at him. She expected someone to stand up for her. But the whole class, including me, remained silent and waited for someone to react. Even Mrs. Blair said nothing, so it was clear she was on Maxim's side.
The shrill ringing of the bell broke the silence and everyone stood up, including Pauline, who was still shocked that no one had stood up for her. I would never have admitted it out loud but I found Maxim's reaction justified and awesome.

Hope you all like it xx

Is he really a bad boy? [English]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang