~Chapter 67~

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The club was not as crowded as the ones in Miami always but nevertheless, there were not just a few here. The atmosphere was nice; in the middle was a huge dance floor that was already filled. On the sides, there were separate areas equipped with black couches and tables. The VIP areas. We were heading straight for a VIP area like this. Maxim was holding my hand all the time, even when he was greeted by someone in between. When we were sitting in the VIP area he finally let go of my hand and put his arm on the back of the couch. A girl came to us into the lounge and took the order. Jade ordered vodka energy, Sarah a martini with two olives - not one or three, but two - and the men wanted a whiskey.
"A big Coke.", Maxim said. When the waitress looked at me I ordered a Sex On The Beach.
"No alcohol again?", one of the guys asked Maxim smiling as the girl was gone.
"No.", he shook his head, "I don't drink." A flashback took place before my eyes. It was this one night Maxim came to me drunk and completely disbanded because of the anniversary of his parents' death. I would never forget that night and I really hoped that this would not happen again. It was an incredibly sad thought that alcohol was the only solution for Maxim when it came to the death of his parents. Maybe next time he would talk to me instead of getting drunk. I felt Maxim put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to kiss me on the temple.
"Everything okay?", he asked me.
"Are you hungry?"
"No.", I replied.
"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" "Maxim." I said and looked up at him, "I'm fine."
"Sure?", he asked, his gaze was very soft and loving. I smiled at him and assured him that I was really fine. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and kept his arm on my shoulder. The girl from earlier brought the ordered drinks and left. Jade grabbed her vodka energy and drank a big sip. Then she took off her jacket, threw it on the couch she was sitting on and got up.
"I'll go dancing. Are you coming with me?", she asked me.
"Maybe later.", I replied.
"You have to come with me. What if I'm kidnapped or even worse if a guy will try to hit on me?", she dramatized the situation.
"They would give you back after two minutes because you are so annoying. No matter whether you would be hit on or kidnapped.", Maxim said, whereupon he reaped a middle finger. Then she looked at me again and sulked. And I couldn't resist her pout.
"All right. I'll go with you!", I gave up. She clapped her hands and grinned.
"You too?", I asked Max. He shook his head and said that he might follow later. I kissed him briefly and got up. Jade reached for my hand and crossed her fingers with mine. She said something but I could hardly hear her because of the volume of the music. In the lounge, it was a lot more pleasant as far as the volume was concerned. I could feel the bass in my whole body and the adrenalin flowing through my veins.
"I love this song!", she screamed, squeezing through the crowd into the middle, pulling me along. I didn't know this song but it sounded like every other song that was on the radio at the time. Jade also took my second hand and began to move to the music. I did it like her. We danced and laughed and had our fun. Then she let go of my hands and after a while, I lost sight of her. I had turned briefly to the side and already she was gone. I started to look around and tried to find her. But even standing on my tippy toes didn't help; it was much too dark and there were too many people on the dance floor. Since I slowly panicked I decided to search for her. I walked through the crowd looking for Jade. With each sweaty body more and with each further song, I became more and more nervous. Besides, I had completely lost my sense of time. I didn't know how long we had been here and how long Jade hadn't been with me. It felt like time had been stopped but at the same time, it felt like an eternity.
I walked towards our lounge hoping that Jade might have gone back. But on the way there I was stopped. I turned around and looked into the face of a stranger. He was probably in his mid-20s and was wearing jeans and a white shirt which he had rolled up on his arms and opened. His hair was sweaty and stuck to his forehead and neck. One could smell his alcohol trail miles away and even more so when he stood in front of me like that.
"Hello, beautiful!", he said in perfect English, but he slurred over the alcohol. Probably he was also from America or he just knew the language.
"Hi.", I replied forcedly. He had his hands against the wall to the left and right of my head and had narrowed me down. I tried to walk under his arm but he pushed his arm further down and blocked my way. If we weren't in a corner where hardly any people were, I would probably scream now, but one way or another the music would dampen the scream.
"You're here for the first time, aren't you?", he asked and I got sick. I nodded.
"I noticed you from the beginning, especially when you danced with your little girlfriend.", he grinned disgustingly. "Listen, erm... I have a boyfriend. And I'm really not interested.", I said and was shocked how quiet and insecure my voice sounded.
"I don't see a boyfriend here and besides he doesn't have to know anything about it." He put his hand on my waist that was next to my head before and came even closer and I panicked.
"Please, let me go!", I asked him and could hardly breathe. My throat was like laced up and my heart raced like wild. "Please!"
"It will go really fast, sweetie!", he whispered and began to kiss my ear. An incredible disgust spread through my body and the terrible memory of James came back. This guy's hands went from my butt down to my legs. He pushed my dress up and stroked his sweaty fingers over the inside of my thighs.
"Stop it! Let me go!", I begged, "Please stop!", I tried to scream but it was just a soft whisper. I cried and tried to push him away from me but unfortunately, in vain, he was too strong. He pressed me against the wall and closed my mouth with one hand so that I could say nothing more and with the other, he grabbed me between my legs. I lost power. I closed my eyes and prayed that someone would save me. The guy's face turned into James'. His hands became James' hands and the club became James' bedroom...
'LET HER GO YOU FUCKING BASTARD!", someone yelled. "YOU MISERABLE SON OF A BITCH!" I didn't know who it was at that moment, but the guy got pulled away from me and thrown to the floor. "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! I WILL KILL YOU YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"
Only now I could see that it was Maxim sitting on the guy beating him up.
"Nica! Nica, are you all right?", I heard Jade calling. She stood right in front of me and shook me but still, it seemed like she was miles away and everything was wrapped in cotton wool. I pulled my dress down again and hugged myself. I was freezing cold and I trembled all over my body. Jade said something but I didn't understand a word. In my head, it was empty and so felt my heart.
"Maxim it's enough!", screamed Jade.
"Maxim!", George came and pulled Maxim away from the guy, probably so Max wouldn't kill him. George lifted the guy up and dragged him away. The guy was about to lose consciousness and was unable to stand by himself. His face was covered in blood and his shirt was torn. I didn't know where George took him, to be honest, I didn't care either.
I felt Maxim come up to me and put one arm around my waist and the other around my head and pulled me tight to his chest.
"I am so sorry, Veronica!", he said into my hair. I didn't know what he was apologizing for, though. After all, it wasn't his fault. "I should've never left you alone. I promised to take care of you. I didn't want anyone to hurt you. I am so damn sorry, Veronica!" He repeated the last sentence over and over again and after each time it sounded more like he was crying himself. I clung to him and began to cry. Unrestrained and loud.
"Jade, get everything ready, we'll fly back tomorrow morning." I heard Maxim say in a firm voice. I inhaled Maxim's familiar smell and hoped he wouldn't let me go. I was aware that I would break if he let me go. He held me tight, he held me together.

Hope you like it xx

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