~Chapter 54~

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I still couldn't believe that I really surrendered on going to that - my own- birthday party.
"Veronica!", my father shouted my name. I was getting ready for the party when my dad came into my room.
"Veronica, I haven't given you my present yet.", he said and grabbed my arm. When I looked at him confused he said that it was outside.
Together we went downstairs. Before we walked out he placed his hands carefully over my eyes, which made me even more excited.
"I know that you never said anything but I thought it was the right moment for your own. Happy Birthday, angel!", with these words, he took his hands off my eyes and I saw a brand new black BMW M3 with a giant bright red bow on top of it, right in front of me.
"You got me a car?!", I screamed happily and fell into his arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, dad! Oh my god! Thank you!" Excited and happy I ran over to the car and opened the door. I got into it and opened myself to this wonderful moment. I have my own car! That meant I didn't depend on anyone driving me somewhere. I could drive to school on my own, in my own car! Amazing!
"Do you like it?", he asked me and leaned against the door.
"I love love love it!"

"Maybe it won't be that bad.", my father said before we entered the hall. I looked at him doubtfully and sighed. The hall was decorated in the colours white and light mint. Ballons and silver garlands were hanging from the ceiling. There were bar tables with white tablecloths and candles on top of them. Further, in the back, there was a giant table with reams and reams of presents on him. On the wall were two silver helium balloons.  A 1 and an 8. Then there was a bar, a little stage on which a for me unknown band was playing and some waiters walking around with finger foods and drinks.
We barely entered when we got welcomed by the mass which consisted of guys in suits and their parents and everyone wished me a happy birthday. After the probably thousand Thank You and I'm happy you came, I found my mother at the present table.
"Hey, mom!", I said.
"Veronica! You look wonderful!" I was wearing a blue dress which was made out of blossom lace. It was the same colour as the playsuit had, that Maxim complimented me on.
"Thank you!", I said and she smiled at me.
"Do you like the party?", she asked me,
"Yes.", I answered. Of course, I liked it as much as one would like a party which you didn't plan and you didn't know the guests.
"Are there some handsome guys, that you like?" She smirked at me and was raising her brows.
"The party just started. It is not the case that you may be in a relationship, am I right? You would tell your mother about it, right?", she looked at me dunning. Of course, there was someone. Someone I adored like crazy and would give up everything for. But I couldn't even say that because we weren't together anymore.
"No, mom. I'm not together with anyone.", I made sure. To make a deepening of this conversation impossible, I escaped to the bar.
"One glass champagne for the birthday girl?", the barkeeper offered me.
"Yes, please!", I took the glass, thanking him and took a sip of the liquid gold. I leaned against the bar and let my eyes wander over by the people. Mia and Jacob were eighter not invited or they just didn't come. Because of the mainly male guests, I felt like Rory from Gilmore Girls, she had a similar party organized by her grandparents.

"You look like you'd be rather somewhere else.", I heard someone saying next to me. I turned around and was looking at a face from a guy. He was taller than me, about my age maybe one or two years older, and was wearing dark blue pants and a white shirt which was tighter around his arms and chest.
"I'm Derek.", he introduced himself and held his hand out.
"Veronica. But I'm sure you already know it and it wasn't my decision to come here.", I said and shook his hand. He smiled.
"Yeah, I feel the same. My parents dragged me along.", he laughed a chuckling laugh, which made his angular face seem softer. At least he was honest, it made him kind of likeable.
"I would be at a college party right now. Shouldn't you be happy right now and have fun? Since it's your birthday party."
"My mom planned all of this behind my back. I'm not really into birthdays.", I told him.
"Alright.", he said. "Is there a reason why I don't see any girls here?"
"I think my mom thought, since I'm finally 18, that I'm marriageable. That's why she is looking for a husband worthy man for me.", his look confirmed that it was completely absurd. Not a second later a smile appeared on his face.
"So it's like a competition?", he asked amused, "The one, who'll stay the longest, will win the place on your side?"
"At least its what my mother imagined.", I replied laughing.
"Do you have a favourite yet?" Yeah, but he isn't here.
Instead of answering his question I stayed quiet since I had no idea what to say. I didn't want to be rude.
"I  understand", he said and pursed his lips, "you have one. But he isn't one of the guests. Am I right?" He was good. I've had to hand it to him. To hide my smile I placed my lips on the glass and drank the champagne.
"He's really is an idiot if he's not here.", he said.
"Why exactly?"
"Because I, if I'd be him and a girl like you would be into me, wouldn't let you be alone surrounded by guys."
"A girl like me? How is a girl like me? You don't even know me.", I looked at him challenging and he smirked.
"I am really good at reading people."
"I don't believe you.", I answered provocatively."
"Watch", he said and came closer to me, "do you see the guy over there? The one with the blue bow tie?", he asked. He nodded at the blonde guy who was wearing the blue bow tie and talking with two other guys.
"His girlfriend broke up with him two weeks ago and 'cause of his frustration and pain, he lost the last basketball game; he's the captain of the team. And it's ice tea in his glass but he's pretending as if it's whiskey."
"And you know all this just by looking at him?", I asked kind of impressed.
"No, no. He's my best friend.", he laughed and I couldn't help but laugh too. "But please don't tell him that I told you all this.", he asked.
"I'd never!", I assured laughing.
Maybe the night wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

All in all, it was a nice night. I spent most of the time with Derek. We talked about everything and nothing. He told me that he would take over his parents' company, he was the captain of the football team at his school and he was a passionate reader. The last one surprised me the most because he didn't really look like a bookworm. He was really nice and likeable. Besides, he had great humour but at the same time, you could talk to him about serious subjects. And gladly he wasn't as pushy as Matthew,  he was even conservative sometimes. Derek also introduced me to his best friend, Luke, he was really nice but it was very much noticed that he was still grieving about his ex. Some of the other guests were nice as well but I liked none of them as much as Derek. He even gave me his number in case of the thing with this idiot who left me alone wouldn't work out and we could hang out, so I could call him. Surprisingly I really considered going out with him sometime.
At the end of the party my mother was extremely pleased with herself and her party and also she was amazed by Derek, I almost couldn't stop her talking.
"See? It wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be.", my father said in the car on our way home.
"Yeah", I agreed and kneaded my hands.
"I saw you talking to a guy. You were with him almost all the time."
"Derek. He's really nice." I could feel his stiff look on me.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Is everything alright between you and Maskim? I haven't seen him at ours for weeks and you aren't talking about him anymore. And you don't seem as happy as before." I shouldn't be surprised by the fact that my father noticed all of the changes.
"We are not together anymore.", I said straight forward and it still hurt talking about it. My father seemed shocked because he was looking at me surprised.
"Did he hurt you?", he asked me worried and even a little angry.
"No. No, it just didn't work out.", yeah, maybe it was obvious from the beginning that it wouldn't be serious between us. "I'm fine.", I promised. Even though he knew I was lying, he didn't say anything else. We stayed silent for the rest of the way. Until my father broke the silence.
"Don't be too long. You have school tomorrow.", he said and I understood nothing. What was he talking about? Where shouldn't I be too long?
"What do you m-", before I could finish my question it already got answered. The headlights shined directly at our driveway. Where a person was sitting on the stairs. When the person noticed the car he stood up, and like that the face of the person got finally exposed. It was Maxim.

I really hope you like it xx

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