~Chapter 24~

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"I don't want to go on it. You can do it by yourself and I will wait for you here. Okay?", I asked Maxim scared.
"You will come with me. It's not going to be as bad as you think", he tried to calm me but it didn't work. We were standing in the middle of a forest on a ladder which would bring us to a flying fox. You could slide by yourself or in a duo. Of course, you would get secured with a belt and rope. The flying fox wasn't that high actually if you were secured but if you would fall down the collision could be lethal. The guys from my class got that idea spontaneously because it was the last day of our holidays in France and it was 'fun'. I wasn't that funny for me at all because I was terrified of heights. But the majority decided to do it. I tried to convince Max to do it alone but he forced me to go with him. Soon it will be our turn. Only two were left in front of us. My heart was beating crazy unnaturally fast and I was shaking.
"I don't have a good feeling about all this. Really not"
"Relax. Everything's gonna be fine. In the end, you'll want to do it again, probably"
"No. Definitely not", I straightened out. "I don't want to go up there"
He smirked and looked at the others who were driving down at the moment.
"What if I'm gonna die.", I asked him.
"You are secured. Nothing's gonna happen"
"What if its gonna happen anyway"
"If something will happen you can be mad at me for the rest of your life. Okay?", he submitted.
"I'm fine with that but I would rather not do it at all"
Max was standing in front of me and looking me in the eyes.
"Why do you worry about that so much? I'm with you and we will drive together. Besides the way isn't that long anyway"
"First of all, I'm afraid of heights. Second, I don't have a good feeling about that. And third I'm hella afraid of it"
"You already mentioned that you are afraid", he said amused.
"Haha really funny", I said offended and turned my face away.
"It was a joke", he whispered, "nothing's gonna happen to you"
"How do you know?"
"I will take care of you", he promised and kissed my hair.
"It's your turn", the guy said. Immediately my heart started to beat again like crazy and my hands were shaking.
"Who will drive backwards?", he asked.
"Me! I don't want to see anything", I said probably a bit too loud.
The guy attached the hook to my belt did the same with Max.
"Are you ready?", Max asked me smirking.
"No", I admitted. He laughed and put his arms around me so he was holding me.
"Are you definitely sure that it's safe? I feel like the rope is too loose.", I asked the guy just to be sure. I started sweating.
"Yes everything is safe", he promised but my feeling was telling me something different.
"Here we go!", he removed the fuse and we were ready to go.
Immediately I closed my eyes and clung to Maxim. The wind surrounded me exactly like the adrenaline which was going through my whole body. At first, it wasn't as bad as I thought but then it seemed like my rope was shaking. I couldn't even concentrate anymore, all I was thinking about was the sound of a rope ripping. The crunch when the rope was ripping bit by bit was terrifying. I was literally about to get a heart attack.
Chill Nica. You are imagining it. It's just your fear.

But that ripping wasn't going away.
"Maxim! Max something is ripping, I think my rope is ripping apart", I screamed.
My eyes were wide opened when I looked up. Panic fear was the only thing that I felt when I saw the torn rope. 
Please let it be a dream. Please let me wake up from that horrible nightmare. I don't want to be here anymore, I want to leave now. Please. Before I could even bring out one more sound the rope ripped completely.

I know it isn't as long as the other chapters but I hope you still like it!

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