~Chapter 50~

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At some point around 4 am. I woke up and looked around at first. Mia was laying next to me and was still asleep.
We really made up again with each other. It was almost like back then when we were having sleepovers at each other's houses. Movie nights, shopping tours through whole Miami or just staying up and talking for hours in the middle of the night. Well maybe it won't be the same again but at least I had my best friend back. And it felt great.
I stood up and took my coverlet. Mia turned around and pulled the blanket closer to her without waking up. I held the coverlet close to my chest and went on the balcony with it. I sat down on the lounger and covered my legs and pulled them to my chin.
It was eerie quiet outside. Scary. But somehow calming. Sad. But somehow peaceful.
And suddenly reality hit me like a thunderbolt. Everything was actually real and not a nightmare. Maxim and I weren't together anymore. Max was gone. Not just because of a job but really gone.
I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt so small suddenly, so fragile. He was everything I wanted. He was everything I needed. But he left just like that. How could he do that? I put my arms around my knees and broke into a passion of tears.
The hours went by and the darkness left with the time and the sun appeared in the sky. I was still sitting on the same spot as I did hours ago. The whole time I spent staring into the air and thinking about nothing. My mind was completely empty.

"How long have you been sitting here?"
Mia came with quiet steps on the balcony and sat down on the chair next to me. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at me from the side.
"I dunno. Too long already, I guess.", I said without taking my eyes off the sky.
"How are you feeling?", she asked. Great question. How was I feeling?
I shrugged my shoulders and stood up.
"Want some pancakes?", I asked Mia and didn't wait for an answer but just left the balcony and went downstairs to the kitchen. With a smile on my face, I started to put all the ingredients together.
"What happened to you?", Mia was clearly confused while she was watching me mixing the batter.
"Nothing. What should've had happened?"
"You are so happy all of sudden"
"Am I not allowed to be happy?"
Since the pan was already hot enough I put the first portion batter into the pan.
"No. I mean yes, of course, you're allowed to. But I thought after what...what happened yesterday...you would be erm.."
"We broke up with each other. So what? Someone is breaking up every day with someone. It's no big deal", I said and flipped the pancake.
"But-", she started again but I didn't let her speak.
"I'm fine. I'm not planning on going around the streets being sad and in a bad mood. It's just a break-up. Nothing more, nothing less. How many pancakes do you want?"
Mia knew exactly that I was lying but nevertheless, she didn't talk about it for the whole weekend. And I was more than grateful for that.
We actually spent a really nice weekend together. Most of the time we were in the pool where she told me all the newest gossip about everything and everyone.

"Is it really happening? Is the apocalypse coming?"
"You are crazy, Jacob", Mia laughed when Jacob came towards us at school.
"Get outta here! You two back together? It can only mean that the apocalypse is near", he said still surprised.
"You have to exaggerate everything right?", I said and put my arm around Mia's shoulders.
"How did it happen?"
"Long story", I answered. "Let's go, Mia. The class is almost starting"
"But we still have over 10 minutes", she said after she looked at her phone.
"I don't want to stand here anymore. I'm going, you too?", I let Mia's shoulder go and left them.
"What's all this about?", Jake asked her.
"Maxim and she broke up", Mia answered.
"No way", you could hear the happiness in his voice. It wasn't a surprise.
"MIA", I yelled and gave a 'you better come with me right now' look. She understood and walked over to me with quick steps.
"Can you stop telling everyone that we broke up?", I hissed at her.
"I'm not telling everyone about it. I told it, Jacob. Our best friend."
"Whatever. Quit it."

Mia and I entered the classroom where everyone started looking at us immediately.
"Oh my god"
"They made up again"
"Serena and Blair 2.0 are back in the game", those were just some of the stupid comments that came from our classmates.
I rolled with my eyes and let myself fall on my chair.
He wasn't here today. His car wasn't in the parking lot either. Exactly like I've expected it. He was probably somewhere in a different country shooting with some supermodels at the beach or some shit like that.
But it was none of my business anyway. And that's exactly how it should be. He should do whatever he wants.
"Hey, can I sit here?", Mia asked.
"Sure", I said and took my bag off the chair. She sat down and leaned with her back against the wall.
"Like in the good old days, right?", she said to me. I looked at her and understood what she meant.
"Yeah. Like in the good old days",

Mia and I were best friends. We were the most popular girls at school again. The table belonged to us again. Everything was like it used to be. Everything was familiar and accustomed. I was used to it. I wanted it that way.
Well, I guess I used to want it.

Hope you like it xx

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