~Chapter 10~

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"So you were talking normally, then? No arguing," Jake asked the next morning in front of the school.
"Yeah. I also don't know how it happened. I mean he was even really nice."
I told Jake about yesterday. That Max had changed, but I didn't say anything about what he had told me. Normally I would tell Jake everything, I wouldn't leave anything out, but still, I would feel bad if I told someone.
"So are you guys cool now?"
"I don't know, Jake. Maybe. Maybe not, I don't want to jump to conclusions now," I said.
"When do you actually want to get along again? You and Mia." I just shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know it myself. Mia and I hadn't talked for almost 2 days. It wasn't the first time we had argued, but it was still shit every time. We were both incredibly stubborn, that's why we didn't talk to each other for 3 weeks. But then it got too stupid for Jacob, he had forced us to talk and to get along. He has always been the light of conflict.
"You should just talk to each other."
"Yes, maybe you're right," I admitted.
"I am right. Let's go inside," he said and put an arm around my shoulders. Jake took me to my classroom and then went to his own. I sat in my seat and put my legs on Maxim's chair.
"Do you have the paper with you," Max asked as a greeting. "Yes I do," I simply replied and took my legs off the chair because of his gaze.
"Did you write my name on it, too?"
"No, I intentionally left it out. Of course, I wrote your name on it."
"With you, one never knows," he said. He hadn't really said that. Actually, he hadn't said anything drastic, but I really felt attacked by him.
"You don't know anything about me, Maxim. You don't know how I do something, nor what you can expect from me. So don't say something like that", I attacked him.
"I know where you come from, where you live, what your parents' names are, who your best friends are. I was in your room. When you think and try to concentrate, you chew on your pen and don't notice. You always blow up your nostrils when you get upset. Shall I list more or is that enough for now?" I was shocked. How did he know that? Were these things so obvious? Was I that easy to see through?
"Good morning", our teacher greeted us. At that moment I didn't care if Mrs. Blair was there or not, I still looked at Max in shock.
"Never say again that I don't know you. I'm quite observant, honey," he said totally seriously and looked at the blackboard.

Why the hell did this guy make me so insecure?

This one was a pretty short one I know but I hope you like it xx

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