~Chapter 19~

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"It's already getting dark. Let's get in", he said and I noticed that it's way darker outside than it was when we first went outside. We both were sitting here for about one and a half hours and watching the sunset.
"Wait. Let us get in a little later", I said.
"Because I don't want to get in yet", I explained and nodded at the mansion.
"Fuck them, don't pay attention to what they'll say.", he said and put his hand on my leg.
"Easier said than done"
"They will not say anything"
"How do you know?", I asked.
"I will make sure that it's not gonna happen", he stood up, fixed his jeans and reached for my hand. I looked at him insecure but then I took his hand. With ease, he pulled me up so I was standing on my feet again.
"Let's go", he said and pulled me with him.
He opened the door. As soon as we walked in everyone looked at us. Everyone's eyes were staring at us as if we were some kind of attraction. We went to the stairs.
Surprisingly no one was saying anything, not even a word and I asked myself why. I turned around and looked at Maxim who looked at everyone as if he would kill them any second.
Maxim and I went upstairs. Where we met Mrs Blair.
"Where were you?", she asked us reproachfully. Please, no moralizing lecture I have no nerves for that right now.
"We were sitting in front of the house", I told her.
"The next time tell me before. It's not a problem if you want to go out, just tell me before you'll go so I'll not be worried about you"
She nodded and went to her room.
"At least she didn't make a big fuss out of it", I said relieved.
"She wouldn't do it anyway. She's cool", he said. After that, I wished him a good night and went into my room.


When I went into my room I noticed that there wasn't any water bottle left. So I went downstairs to the kitchen. Mike was there too.
"Dude what's up?", he asked me.
"Nothing. Just wanted to get a water bottle"
"Bro, when you both left outside did you lay her?", his eyes started to glint euphoric.
"Boy what the fuck is wrong with you?", I screamed angrily.
"Chill dude. It was just a question. If I would be you I would take the chance. I mean this body, just her boobs make me horny fuck..", he was disgustingly licking over his lips.
"But you are not me and never will be me. And I swear if you would even dare to try to hit on her I will break every single bone in your little sad body. Do you understand me?", I threatened him. He raised his hands in front of his chest.
"Yeah, dude. It was just a thought", he tried to defend himself.
"Don't even think about it", I said and pushed him not really soft against the wall. Furious and in high dudgeon I went back to my room. Even the thought of him hitting on her was making me vomit.


Sometime between midnight and 2 am. I kind of felt sick so left my room and went to the terrace to get some fresh air.
I leaned against the fence and enjoyed the view. At night everything looked even more beautiful than at daytime. After about 15 minutes, when I felt better I wanted to get back into my room. When I was standing in front of the room and tried to open the door but it was locked. Nica did you seriously lock the door? Wait, no. I didn't even have the key with me.
I was pretty sure that Mia came and locked the door after I left the room. She was most likely mad at me or something like that. This little bitch!
"Fuck", I screamed so quietly so I was the only one who could hear it.
What am I supposed to do now? Since I had no other choice I went to the living room. I placed myself on the couch which was not meant to be slept on and tried to make myself comfortable. Apparently, everyone was sleeping already or in their room since nobody was here.
Now I really had to sleep here just because of Mia who was a bitch.

Just when I made myself more or less comfortable and was about to fall asleep someone woke me up.
"Nica? What are you doing here?", Maxim asked me. Great!
"I'm trying to fall asleep", I answered whispering.
"Why aren't you in your room then?", he asked but not as quiet as I did.
"The door is locked and my key is inside. I think Mia did it on purpose. That's why I'm here"
"Come with me", he said determining.
"In my room. You will sleep in my room"
"I can't just sleep in your room"
"You can. Come with me", he postulated and hold his hand out to me. I did not take it and just stayed where I was.
"I'm going to force you if I have to", he threatened. I knew if I wouldn't stand up he would take me and carry me upstairs. "Stand up and come with me. Stop making it unnecessary complicated.", he said.
"Fine. But we aren't allowed to sleep in one..."
"I don't give a fuck about that, I'm not gonna let you sleep on a piece of wood with fabric over it.", he interrupted me, took my arm and pulled me up.
"Ouch!", I said by reflex. It wasn't hurting at all.
"Shit, did I hurt you?", he asked shocked and abruptly retracted his hand off my arm.
"No. Everything is fine"
"Fuck!", he sighed relieved, "you've hella scared me!"He actually was scared that he hurt me. How cute was that?

Hope you like it xx
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