~Chapter 11~

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I spent the whole remaining hour concentrating on the lessons in vain. I just couldn't figure out how he remembered something like that. Who noticed something like that? Yes okay, I memorized these things. When it came down to it I could remember every single detail. But I had always been like that. 

After school, I made my way home. Jake had to go somewhere, so I had to do something on my own. At home, I did my homework and then threw myself on my bed to listen to music. But I couldn't do that because my phone rang.
"Hello", I reported.
"Hey, Veronica!"
"Aunt Irina, hello", I greeted my aunt with pleasure.
"I would have a question for you."
"Would you perhaps now have time to pick Amy up from kindergarten? Vadim and I are working. The nanny is sick, so I wanted to ask you if you could possibly watch her for an hour."
"Yes, of course. No problem. I'm on my way."
"Thank you! We'll pick her up at your place."
"Yes okay. See you later."
"Thank you again," she said before she hung up.
Quickly I got up and went to my closet. I replaced my sweatpants with black shorts and my tank top with a perforated T-shirt. At first sight, you might think that the shirt was ancient and totally broken, but actually, the shirt was quite expensive and is from a designer. It had character, which I really liked.
I put on my shoes, put on my sunglasses and left the house. The kindergarten was in town, and since I was too lazy to walk, I took Dad's car. Theoretically, I could drive to school by car, but most of the time I went with Jake, so it wasn't really worth taking it.

When I got there, I stepped out and walked into the building.
"Hello, I'm Veronica Trafimova, Amy's cousin. I was supposed to pick her up," I said to the educator.
"Ah, yes, right. Mrs. Miller just called and let us know - Amy! You'll get picked up," she shouted and my little cute blond angel came running towards me.
"Nica!" she shouted delightedly and jumped into my arms.
"Hello, my darling. Do you want us to go for ice cream," I asked her.
"Yes," she called and jumped up and down enthusiastically. I laughed and took her hand.
Just as we were about to leave the door, I banged against someone.
"Oh sorry," I apologized.
"No problem", answered a very familiar voice. Max.
I looked up at him. He just grinned cheekily and passed me by. Shocked I stopped in the door, my gaze followed him as if by itself. A little brown-haired girl came running towards him. Happily and even somehow lovingly he took her in his arms. Who was that? Why was he so different all of a sudden?
Before things could get uncomfortable, I went out the door with Amy and put her in the car.
"Amy," I started.
"Yes..." she said.
"Who was that boy who just walked in? Has he ever visited your kindergarten before?" I asked and felt totally stupid. Amy was 5 years old. I seriously asked my little five-year-old cousin if she knew Maxim.
"Yes. He picks Sophie up almost every day. That's her brother," she replied and continued playing around with her bracelet. Brother? How? I thought Maxim didn't have a family. Then why did he have a little sister? Had he lied to me?

Hope you like it xx

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