~Chapter 49~

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Maxim left my house some moments later without saying a word. I was still sitting on my bed and crying into my hands. I still couldn't realize what just happened. He actually broke up with me because I said to him that I loved him. It was shocking how cold he got from one moment to another. How crazy was that? Maybe he just didn't want me in that way. That would explain why he didn't want to talk to me about his feelings. But why didn't he distance himself from the beginning then? That would've saved a lot of pains for both of us.
I laid down and pulled the hoodie over my nose so I could smell Maxim's smell. His smell mixed with the salted taste of my tears that were running down my cheeks non-stop.
It felt like he left behind a gigantic hole in my chest after he left me. A hole where my heart was just some minutes ago. It felt like every single tear made the pain grew and spread it everywhere inside my body.
I had to talk to someone. I needed someone with me. Or I would freak out any second.
With shaking hands, I grabbed my phone and dialled the number. It was almost 3 am so the chance was nominal that someone would pick up.
"Hello? Veronica?", she answered and sounded surprised.
"Hey", I said quietly, "do you remember when we were little we swore that we would be always there for each other no matter what time it is?", I asked her. My voice sounded broken. In front of my eyes appeared the memory when we were 9, laying in my backyard after school, that day we swore the oath.
"Yes. What happened?"
"Does that still count?"
"Yes of course"
"Can we forget everything that happened? I need my best friend", I admitted crying.
"Are you at home?", she asked. I could hear her closet door opening.
"I'll be there in a minute", she said before she hung up.
I had no idea if it was the right thing calling and forgiving her but I needed my best friend in this moment. We've been through so much that this shouldn't be a big deal anymore.

Since Mia was literally living next door, she needed only some seconds to come over. I heard the front door open - she hasn't forgotten where the second key was - and hear coming upstairs. Mia entered my room and looked at me with tears in her eyes. She then turned away and tried to blink away the tears. I sat up and went through my hair. She was wearing long, checkered pyjama pants and a worn out t-shirt.
"What happened?", she asked worried and calm. Sie came over to me and stopped in front of me awkwardly. After seconds of consideration, she decided to sit down next to me on my bed.
"He broke up with me", I said and burst into tears again.
"What?", she asked shocked and put an arm on my back, "Why? Everything was fine, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. That's what I thought, too, but then I told him that I loved him and he..he left"
"Wait. Do I have this right? You say him that you love him and he breaks up with you?" Her voice sounded amused. I couldn't even take offence at it, to be honest. I nodded.
"God! Guys can be such idiots sometimes!", she burst out and wiped away a tear off my cheek. "Are you sure that that was the reason? What exactly has happened?", she asked and I started telling her everything. She was listening attentively and hasn't interrupted me once. After the thousandth tissue and the millionth tear, she looked at me and hugged me.
"I miss him", I whispered.
"I know. But everything's gonna be fine, sweetie. He's an idiot for breaking with you like that. Every other guy would kill to be at Max' place." As if.
I snuffled and blew my already red and sore nose. It felt great talking to hear again. I realized only know how much I've missed her. I talked myself into believing that I wasn't missing her until I believed it somewhen.
"Is that his?", she tugged the hoodie that I was wearing. I nodded and she forced me to doff it now. She was right. It wouldn't get easier if I'll keep wearing his hoodie. I followed her command and threw it in the corner. It landed next to the dresser on the floor. I took a shirt out of my closet and put it on since I was wearing only a bra and a pair of jeans short. I took off the shorts and opened my bra. After that, I got back on the bed to Mia.
"Much better", Mia said satisfied.

"Nica. I wanted to say sorry. For everything, I've said or done. I was stupid and jealous." Jealous? Of what? Oh okay. I get it.
"You're into Maxim, right?"
"I was at first. And when you started getting along I got jealous. That's why I snapped and started talking shit about you. Especially because I knew that I haven't had a single chance compared to you. And then when even Matthew was into you I was pushed over the edge."
"Matthew is an asshole."
"Yeah, I know. But it was again the same thing. He was into you and not me. I shouldn't have said that with James. After I realised what I've said and that in front of the whole school, it was already too late. I didn't even mean that. I'm sorry. Really sorry"
"Let's forget everything, alright? How about a fresh start?", I suggested. Her eyes started sparkling and shining. She started nodding fiercely.
"I've missed you so much", she admitted and wrapped my her around me.
"Me too", I said and hugged her back.

"You are not into him anymore, are you?", I asked her after we stopped hugging.
"No. No. That's over", she answered with a chuckle.
"Okay", I replied and laid down on my pillow. "Did I wake you up when I called you?"
She shook her head. "No, I was still awake", she said and laid down next to me. We kept quiet and stared at the ceiling.
"I held the belief that I've lost you forever", Mia admitted after a while, "the call from you was very surprising. I've expected everything but you forgiving me."
"I'm glad I have you back with me", I said and turned around to her, "Will you stay here tonight? I don't want to be alone"
"Of course"

I hope you like it xx

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