~Chapter 16~

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"How much should I give you?", I asked Maxim on the way back to the mansion.
"What do you want to give me?"
"The money for the food. I haven't given you anything yet" I looked up to him. He rolled his eyes and said: "You don't have to give me anything"
"But you paid for me"
"Wasn't a big deal", he said and finished the conversation.

When we arrived back at the mansion I said bye to the others and went upstairs to my room. In my bag, I started to search the room key and of course, it was in the furthest corner. I opened the door and entered the room. I threw my bag on the bed and sat down next to it. Lost in thoughts how I always was I haven't noticed the two cases on the second bed. So Mia was already here too.
Because of the different time zones and the whole walking I was overtired. I took my vanity bag out of my case, some clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom. After a long extensive shower, I went back to the room and ignored Mia who was sitting on her bed as much as I could. In general, we both were pretty good at ignoring people but most of the time she was the one who was giving up. The saddest part was that frighteningly it didn't bother me as much as it should that we weren't talking anymore. With this thought, I fell asleep.

The next morning I was woken up by Mia's annoying ringtone. Tired and annoyed I looked at her and turned my face back again into the pillow.
But since I couldn't fall asleep anymore I took my phone and saw that I had a message.
"R u awake?", Max wrote. He sent that message 22 minutes ago.
"Now I am. Good morning", I answered. I stood up and took some fresh clothes to change after the shower. I put the clothes on the shelf and undressed. The hot water felt heavenly on my skin. Relaxing and just wonderful. Water is such an amazing thing. After showering, drying, teeth brushing and the whole stuff I took my phone and checked if I had a text.
"Morning. I'm gonna save you a place at the table", he texted.
"Very nice. Thank you"
"That's who I am", he answered. Only he could say that.
I didn't put any makeup on and let my hair air drying. I was starving so I didn't want to spend time with blow drying it. After a disparagingly look from my former best friend, which I returned with a lovely glance, I went downstairs to the dining room. Everyone who was there was sitting at the table and talking at the same time. When I noticed Max, who was sitting bored at the corner and doing something on his phone, I walked over to him.
"Hey", I greeted him. On his serious face appeared the crooked smirk which I loved.
"Hey", he said and put his legs off the chair next to him. I sat down and put my phone on the table.
"The intelligence quotient of this people is so low that I'm still surprised by the stupid and unnecessary words and sentences that are coming out of their mouths"
"What makes you think that?", I asked him confused.
"I'm sitting here for about 15 minutes. And in this 15 minutes I caught about 20 different conversation snippets, out of this only like 5 snippets were on a normal level", he explained.
"Ah okay"
"I mean how old are they? 16-18? Isn't that the age were you stop laughing about the words vagina and penis?"
"Some of them are 18 but in their heads, they are still 12", I said and got his agreement through a nod.
During the breakfast, Max was constantly complaining about the people in our class. He was interrupted by Mrs Blair: "To keep the house clean two of you will clean the kitchen. And every day you will switch so everyone would have to do it at least once. Today Veronica and Maxim will have the honour."
"Wait, what? Why us?", Max asked outraged. I tried to calm him down by putting my hand on his leg because he tends to act aggressively. But he didn't really react to it.
"Because I decided so. You would have to do it someday anyway.", she explained. I looked at him and saw him clenching his teeth which made his cheekbones look more defined than they already are. And this kind of touched something in me.
"Maxim. Calm down. We both know you'll regret it if you will freak out", I whispered with the hope he will actually calm down.
He took a deep and mumbled a barely audible "Fine".

Everyone stood up and left crazy chaos on the table behind. I groaned annoyed and started to clear the table. Meanwhile, Max was standing there and chilling on his phone. He probably wasn't even thinking about to help me.
"Maxim!", I hissed at him while filling the dishwasher.
"What?", he asked unimpressed.
"What about helping me?"
"There isn't much left anyway", he said.
Shocked I looked at the sink which was overfilled with plates and cups that haven't fit into the dishwasher. There isn't much left anyway. Was he serious?
"Do you see this?", I asked him and pointed at the overfilled sink. "Take the towel and dry up!", I demanded and threw the towel right in his face but he managed it to catch it within a second. He put his phone away and scuffled to the sink. Listless he took a plate and dried that up. Pleased I continued washing the rest. I mean he could be much faster but I let the complaining be. But when he started to look at his phone for every trifle the last thread of my nerves broke.
"Put your fucking phone away and dry that damn plate up! If you wouldn't look at your phone every second we would have been done already", I shouted angrily.
"Chill" He did not just say that.
"Chill? Chill?!"
"Yes man. Calm down and stop complaining about every shit. It's fucking annoying"
"Get out of my sight before I'll drown you in that sink", I threatened quietly.
"I'd love to see you try", he made fun of me.
"Fuck off already", I whipped the towel from him and turned away.
"Bitch", he said and left the kitchen.

I managed to finish the rest in less than 10 minutes.

"Why are you alone? Where's Maxim?", Mrs Blair, who appeared from somewhere, asked me. Great!
"He erm.. went to the bathroom. But we are ready anyway" And why the hell was I defending him?
"Oh okay fine. I thought he ducked out", she laughed.
"No. Of course not", I said and faked a smile. She left the kitchen and I went upstairs.  Before I entered the room I took a deep breath and then opened the door. Maxim was laying on his bed and had his notebook on his stomach.
"Have you ever heard something about knock... Oh, it's you."
"I defended you, even though I could have said that you've done nothing", I told him.
"Erm..thank you?", he said but it sounded more like a question.
"You know what annoys me?", I asked him.
"I bet you'll tell me now", he said but I ignored him.
"Your mood swings are worse than the one pregnant women have. At first, you are in a normal mood but then all of sudden you are aggressive and passive. You don't care about anything but yourself. You told me that you don't have any family left but then I saw you with this little girl picking her up from the kindergarten. I seriously don't know what to believe. You are overextending me. Seriously, you do. I'm getting a headache someday"
Meanwhile, he already stood up and was standing right in front of me.
"You never know what to expect from...", before I even could finish my sentence he put his hand on my neck, pulled me against him and then surprisingly put his wonderful lips on mine and kissed me.

Hope you like it!
Thank you for the reads, votes and comments xx

Is he really a bad boy? [English]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz