~Chapter 48~

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The next weeks went by without any really exciting things. Maxim and I spent as much time together as his work could allow it. When he wasn't there I was with Jacob or studying at home. I tried a couple of times doing something with both of them at the same time but every time they weren't talking to each other or one of them would just leave. I started to think something happened between them which I didn't know about. That's why I addressed the subject in a conversation with both of them - separately from each other of course - but both acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. Especially Maxim. He never allowed talking about his feelings, he always changed the subject instantly. He never told me anything, he kept everything to himself. Maybe he didn't trust me.

"You know what I want right now?", I asked Maxim. We were laying on the couch and watching a boring show.
"Hmm", he made and went with his thumb over the back of my hand.
"Salted popcorn"
"Go ahead and get some"
"That's the problem. I don't have any and all stores are closed already", I complaint.
"Well. Shit happens", he said unconcernedly.
"Wow. So much empathy. Don't overdo it.", I said sarcastically.
"Empathy is my middle name"
"You have as much empathy as a rock"
"Well then go outside and lay down on a rock. He's probably more comfortable than I am"
"I will" He laughed and showed me his middle finger.
"Let's go to the movies", I suggested my amazing idea. However, his reaction was anything but enthusiastic. He looked at me as if I offered to take a bath in shit.
"You are not serious, are you?"
"I am.", I jumped up excited, "Let's go to the movies"
"It's almost midnight"
"If we'll hurry we'll make it to the midnight preview"
He sat up and went through his hair.
"Tell me that you are kidding about going to the movies and watching some kind of trash film just because you want salted popcorn." He made it sound like it was the most absurd thing in the world.
"That's exactly what I want. My mouth is already watering. Come on get up. Please", I kneeled down on him and kissed him stormy, "I'll pay. Please", I begged and made a pout. I kissed him a couple of times and asked him again.
"Ugh", he sighed, "Fine"
"Yeaaah, you're the best", I shouted.
"Yeah, I know", he said cocksure as he was and put his lips on mine.
I stood up and went to my bedroom to put something on since I was wearing only underwear. Like Max..
On my bed was Maxim's hoodie, I took it and put it on. It reached the middle of my thigh and smelled like heaven. It was a mix of aftershave, smoke and something I could only describe as Maxim. Divine! I took some jeans shorts out of my closet and put them on as well.
"Babe, have you seen my hoodie?", Maxim came into the room wearing only jeans and raised a brow when he saw me. "I knew it", he laughed. I smiled at him and put my hair into a ponytail.
"Have I told you already that I love it when you wear my clothes?", he said seductive and started kissing my neck.
"Maxim...Max..", I tried to stop him, "Max you know how it'll end if you won't stop"
"That's the plan", he whispered and shoved his arms under the hoodie.
"Okay that's enough", I said and let go of him with a heavy heart. "You are impossible", I laughed and kissed him. "Go and get dressed or we'll be late"
He rolled with his eyes and fished a black sweatshirt out of his bag.
"Can we go?", he asked while putting the shirt on.
"I'm ready. Let's go"

"That was probably the shittiest movie I've ever seen!", since we left the cinema hall he was complaining non stop about the movie. "I can't believe that you talked me into this. I did that just because of you"
I stepped in front of him and looked at him smiling.
"Yes I know it and I really appreciate it that you have done something horrible like this just for me. That's why I love you" I only realized what I said after it was already too late. Maxim also seemed to notice what I said. He had this indefinable look in his eyes and was silent. Why isn't he saying something?
"Maxim I-"
"We should go now.", he said dead and gave me a slap in the face in this way. Although. No. That wasn't it. A slap in the face would hurt less than this.
For a short moment, I couldn't move. I was frozen. Only when he walked past me to leave the cinema, I could move again. Hurt and ashamed I followed him.
"Hey sweetheart, got plans for tonight?", it came from some gross guy who was standing at the entrance of the cinema and smoking. I looked at him disgusted and kept walking.
"Come on sweetie, we would both like it. I'm sure."
Again I showed no reaction and kept walking. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut? Why did I have to tell that I loved him? Maxim would be next to me now and this guy wouldn't even dare to speak to me.
When I saw Max' car I ran to him so this idiot wouldn't have the idea to follow me. I went into the car and after a quick look in my direction, he made his way on the road. The whole drive we didn't talk to each other. Nobody said anything, you could hear nothing but the silent sound of the music playing on the radio. Even though it was a fun pop song about partying, it made me sad. Everything was making kind of sad. I was pretty sure that it was because Maxim ignored my profession of love stonecold and still wasn't talking to me.
I opened the front door and entered the house, followed by Maxim. He walked past me into my room and started packing his back.
"What are you doing?", I asked him.
"Packing. I'm gonna sleep at my place. I've something to do"
"At 2 am?"
He seemed not knowing what to say because he was just looking at me with puckered brows. He then turned away from me and crammed a shirt into the bag.
"Do you really wanna go now?", I asked disappointedly.
"Yes", he answered in a shocking cold tone. All of sudden he was so unapproachable and reserved.
"Why does it feel like you are breaking up with me?", I could feel my tears running down my cheeks, "Are you doing it right now? Are you breaking up with me, Maxim?"
"Yes", he made a short pause and I was already crying. My heart stopped and I felt like I was about to pass out. "No. I don't know, Veronica. I have to go now"
"Is it because I said that I love you?", my voice was less than a whisper. Barely audible.
He ignored my question and said instead: "I have to go now"
"So it's over now?", I managed to bring out and my chest tightened up.
"Veronica, please.."
"Answer me"
"Answer me, Maxim. Now", I insisted.
"Yes," This tiny word pulled the rug out from under my feet. It felt like he ripped out my heart with his bare hands out of my chest. I handled to sit down on my bed before I could fall.
"You..you are breaking up with me because I said that I love you? Do I have this right?" I didn't need an answer to know that it was exactly how I thought it was. How absurd was that?
"I say that I love you and you are breaking up with me right after that. Wow. You could've ripped my heart out at the start and save labour."
He kept quiet and I tried to tame the storm of disappointment, bear the lightning of pain and overcome the rain of tears.

What do you think will happen next?

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