~Chapter 23~

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"Psst Maxim", I heard someone whispering. I opened my eyes and looked in the face of Mrs Blair. I was still sitting outside on the terrace, next to me Veronica.
"Huh?", I made and rubbed my eyes.
"You should go to bed. Its already past midnight", she whispered and I noticed only now that it was dark already.
"Hmm. Fine", I stood up and stretched myself at first.
"Goodnight", Mrs Blair said goodbye to me.
"Night", I said and started looking for my keys.
"Veronica", I whispered silently to wake her up. No reaction.
"Veronica!", I tried again but still no signal. In that case, I have to carry her inside then.
Carefully I reached under her arms and legs and lifted her up. I was holding her barely when she automatically snuggled up against my chest. For a short moment, I held my breath and looked at her how she was peacefully sleeping. I carried her to my room and stopped in front of the door, which was locked. And the key was in my back pocket. How am I supposed to open the door now without waking her up?
"Dude what the hell are you doing there?", it was Mike who came upstairs.
"I'm dancing as you can see", I answered annoyed, "instead of staying there without doing anything you could open the door. The key is in my back pocket", I said. He hesitated for a moment.
"Hurry the fuck up", I demanded bugged.
Not that it bothered me holding her and she wasn't heavy at all, well she was actually quite light but I didn't want to stay here forever.
"Yeah calm down", Mike got the key out of my pocket and opened the door.
"You are welcome"
"It wasn't taking you a million years at all", I said and carried her to the bed. I laid her on the bed carefully and covered her with a blanket. Luckily she didn't wake up.
"Man, I don't even know you like that. What has come over you?", Mike admitted amazed.
"You don't know me at all. And nothing had come over me"
"Why do you care about her so much then? I mean she's hot I know but you could just fuck her and..."
"We already talked about that, didn't we? You will shut the fuck up and stop talking shit. She isn't a slut to talk about her like that."
"Dude she can't hear you. You don't have to defend her.", he laughed. And that was the point where he made a big mistake.
"Come with me", I said. He followed me out of the room and stopped waiting. I looked at him and hauled off. My fist landed on his lip which burst.
"Are you fucking crazy?", he groaned with pain.
"If you will say anything like that about her if I am next to you, your lip will not be the only thing bleeding. Did you understand that?", I asked without even raising my voice really. 
He nodded and held his hand in front of his bleeding lip. I rubbed my hand and went back to my room. After I took off my shirt and my jeans I crawled into my bed. And then I remembered that I had to bring Veronica's stuff to my room. But I literally don't want to stand up again now. I will do that tomorrow. And hopefully, she wouldn't be mad at me. I turned around and watched her sleeping. And somewhen my eyes shut too and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up in Max' room again. What was I doing here?
I turned around but next to me was no one. His side was empty. Where was Maxim?
Kind of overwhelmed and tired I threw my face back into the pillow. I heard steps and the silent, short squeak from the door. I raised my head to see who entered the room. It was Maxim, in one hand he held my jacket and with the other one he put my case on the floor.
"Hey. What are you doing there?", I asked drowsily.
"I'm brought your stuff from Mia's room to mine. You are going to stay here from now on.", he told me.
"But why?" I thought I had to go back to my room with Mia.
"Mrs Blair asked me if you will sleep in my room the rest of the days and I said yes. I hope you have nothing against it though, I mean you could go back into your old room, I just thought it would be better if you would stay here cause you and Mia are disunited and you already slept here and..."
"It's all good. I understand it", I reassured him.
"So are you staying here?", he asked me. I nodded and laid down again. On his face appeared a crooked smile. I love this smile so much.
"Thanks for bringing my clothes. You didn't have to do it. I would've done it by myself"
"No worries. I couldn't sleep anyway so I thought I could do it for you"
He put my jacket on the chair and sat on the bed.
"Did you simply walk into the room?", I asked him.
"Well I wouldn't call it simple", he laughed, "at least not for her. Mia was sleeping and I got into the room. I packed your things together, I don't know if it's all of them or not maybe I forgot something, you have to check that later, anyway. Of course, she woke up and started bitching and stuff but I couldn't care less.", he told.
"What time is it actually?"
"Ehh wait", he said and looked at his phone, "7:47", he answered.
"No wonder why I'm still tired", I sighed but stood up.
"I'm in the bathroom", I said and took my vanity bag and some clothes. After I brushed my teeth and got 'ready' I changed my clothes. Only then I noticed that I was still wearing the same pants and shirt as I was wearing yesterday. In my leggings and an oversized hoodie, I walked back to Maxim's room. He was laying on the bed with his phone in his hands.
"Max?", I spoke. I laid myself next to him and looked at his face. He put his phone away and made: "Huh?"
"Why did I woke up in your room? I know it sounds stupid but I can't remember getting in your room yesterday"
How that sounds though as if I was hella drunk yesterday and couldn't remember anything.
"You fell asleep on the terrace and I tried to wake you up but it didn't help. So I carried you inside my room and laid you on the bed", he told me as if it was the most casual thing ever. Totally embarrassed I threw my face into the pillow and sighed frustrated.
"Why does that always happen to me? The most embarrassing stuff always happens to me", I complained.
"It isn't embarrassing at all. Don't exaggerate it. It's all good", he promised and stroke over my back. I turned my red face to him and saw him smiling.
"You look cute when your cheeks are turning red", he said and went with his thumb gently over my cheek.
We looked at each other, deep into the eyes and it felt like he was looking deep at my soul. His face came closer so that I could feel his peppermint-cigarette breath. He put his wonderful lips on mine and kissed me. A giant firework exploded inside my body.

Again and again, each and every day and more intense I started to realize how much this tattooed guy meant to me and what he could spark in me.
He disengaged from his position and smirked at me. I smiled, turned red and laid down on the pillow again. We stayed like that until he asked: "What do you think about a lil sleep?"
"Mhm", I made tired and heard him silently laughing. My eyes shut and the last thing that I noticed was him laying an arm around me.

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I would be happy about feedback.
Thanks for all reads, votes and comments! Love you xx

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