~Chapter 43~

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The whole night I was tossing and turning and I couldn't get a wink of sleep.
It was probably because I couldn't really process the day or actually the evening. Or maybe because Maxim was laying not even 10 meters away from me in the guestroom and I wasn't with him.

Apparently, I managed to fall asleep for some seconds - at least it felt like that - because I got woke up by the sun tingling my face.  I sat up and just stared through the window for some minutes without thinking about anything. Well, I tried not to think about something, but while you are trying not to think you are still thinking.

Did that make even any sense? Ugh, I didn't know, even I didn't understand it. Was Maxim already awake? My phone showed that it was 9:02 AM. I forced myself to get up and to go to the bathroom. In less than 5 minutes I managed to brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair and make a perfectly messy bun. Even though I took my time and wasn't rushing myself.
While I was walking downstairs to the kitchen I started to think about what I should make for breakfast. Scrambled eggs? Fried eggs? Toast? Pancakes?
"Pancakes!", I said to myself and started to put all ingredients together.
"Morning", I heard Maxim's sleepy, harsh and extremely sexy voice said behind me. He was standing in the door and going through his hair, which was unkempt falling into his face.
"Morning", I said smiling. He smiled back and gave me the once-over. He looked then to the side and started smirking. What was this about?
I looked down on me. I was wearing a black top and my pink satin pyjama shorts. And of course a bra! He was wearing the same outfit he was wearing yesterday, dark jeans and his dark grey sweatshirt, but this time the right way.
"I'm making pancakes. Are you fine with it?", I asked him.
"I don't care. I could eat everything right now", he answered, "Do you have a toothbrush for me?"
"In the bathroom, next to the room you slept in, is a cup with one in it. You can use that one"
"Okay. Thank you", he said and disappeared. I devoted myself to my pan.
"Oh and by the way", Max' head appeared in the door again, "I love pancakes", he smirked his crooked smile and winked at me before he left again. I shook my head smiling and started to make the pancakes.

"FUCKING SHIT!", I screamed pissed, "Ugh I hate. This. Fucking. Pan!" This was the millionth - well at least it felt like that - pancake which was burned like hell and that I could throw away. I heard steps coming down the stairs and saw Maxim entering the kitchen.
"Nica I have to tell- Is everything okay? Ohh", he made and started to smile amused.
"I- I don't have any batter left", I confessed embarrassed and leaned against the cooking island with my butt pouting. He looked at me pitying but then started laughing the next second.
Maxim positioned himself in front of me and put his hands on my face.
"You look really cute right now."
I knit my eyebrows and tried to look aggrieved.
"What do you think about you taking a shower now and getting rid of the batter", he gripped into my hair and removed a piece of batter which was stuck in my hair, "and after that, we will go out getting some breakfast?", he suggested.
I shrugged. "Yeah. Why not? I mean it can only be better than this, right?", I said and pointed at the fail batter lump which was supposed to be the pancakes.
"Exactly, even though I was really excited about the pancakes"
Sighingly I went upstairs, meanwhile, I was feeling Maxims eyes on my back.
In the mirror, I noticed all the batter pieces in my hair and the flour on my forehead and my nose. God, I look ridiculous!
I washed my face with water and got rid of the first problem. When I took my shirt off and was about to do the same with my shorts, Maxim stormed with the words "Nica I have to tell you something", into the bathroom. Scared I grabbed a towel and covered my body with it.
"Oh sorry", he apologized and covered his eyes with his hand.
"What the hell are you doing here?", I asked him mad.
"I have to tell you something", he answered and fumbled with his other hand for the wall to lean against it.
"Couldn't you wait? I was about to take a shower and besides that, I have barely anything on", my cheeks started glowing immediately and were 100 per cent safety bright red.
"Well, I don't have a problem with it", he said and smirked his attractive crocked smile.
"I thought so. Whatever it is, you can tell me it after I took a shower."
"I know but-"
"Maxim I'm standing here only in my underwear and-"
"Like I already said: this really isn't a problem for me", he smirked again and wanted to take his hand off his eyes.
"Don't you dare taking your hand away!", I threatened him, "Maxim please get out", I said and hoped that the towel covered everything.
"Ugh! Fine", he sighed and left the room. I let the towel fall down and undressed until I was naked.
"Hurry up!", he yelled from the other room, "Or I will come in and you will have to share the water with me!"
"Was that a threat?", I asked him laughing and stepped into the shower.
"That was a really attractive offer and you are the only one out there who would even think about declining it!"
"Well I'm not like the others"
He answered something but I couldn't understand it anymore because I turned the water on and his voice got subdued.
I showered and allowed myself plenty of time, I took even some minutes for a hair mask. Just to tease him. Pleased with myself I put my hair up into a towel and put a bathrobe on.

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