[Chapter 9]

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Payton's POV

As I paced back and forth around the room while chewing on my nails anxiously, I overheard Styles and Tommo arguing loudly in the living room. I kept over hearing Tommo calling me the B word instead of using my real name. What a lovely guy he is. All I did was protect myself and toss water into his perverted face.

This is ridiculous. I shouldn't even be here. Then a thought came to my head. Everyone is distracted at the moment. I can escape! My eyes widen as I glanced at the door and I quickly walked over to it before debating if I should run away or not. I then exhaled before twisting the door knob quietly and I slowly pealed the door open. I stuck my head out to hear the voices grow louder since there wasn't a door hogging most of the noise anymore.

I looked both ways down the hall before I slowly tip toed out and I explored my way around the back side of the house, searching for a back door. I then saw one and my eyes widen before I grabbed the knob and twisted it open, feeling my body slowly feel it's own victory.

I then blinked my eyes at the sudden brightness from the sun as I looked around the massive lot of grass that covered the whole area we were at. Out of all places, I'm stuck in the middle of no where. Lovely. I then took a deep breath before making my way out the door but I suddenly felt a grip on my sweater and I was yanked back harshly before the black door was slammed in front of my face.

I gasped at the sudden movement before I was flipped around and pushed against the door. My eyes widened in fear once I saw a pissed off Styles. I gulped sharply, letting a nervous chuckle slip out of my mouth as my hands trembled against the wooden door. "What the hell were you just doing? Where you trying to escape?!" He said harshly before yelling.

I flinched and trembled even more before feeling my lips shake. "I-no." I lied quickly before he slammed his fist onto the door, making me screech lightly. "Don't f***ing lie to me Payton!" Styles yelled as I whimpered. His hands were digging deep into my shoulders as he held me against the door.

"I just want to go home! Now will you get off me!" I yelled back suddenly before I madly pushed his hands off me. He didn't seem so phased by my actions as I tried to push past him. "Knock it off!" He growled madly as I kept pushing him away from me. "Get off me!" I yelled as his hands kept grabbing mine. "Stop!" He yelled before wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me into the air.

"No! Put me down!" I screamed, hating how easily he could just scoop me up. I began kicking like crazy and I even clawed at his arms which made him hiss in pain. I mentally cried as I was dragged into his bedroom and he quickly slammed the door shut before dropping me carelessly onto the bed.

"NO!" I screamed as I kicked him in the stomach but he quickly crawled on top of me and pinned my arms down. I whined and fussed around as he stared down at me madly. "ENOUGH PAYTON!" He yelled as he squeezed my arms super hard. "How dare you try to leave me already!" He hissed. "Aw why? Would you miss me?" I pouted before he angrily gritted his teeth.

"Shut the hell up." He said lowly. "What? I'm just another pet to you." I mumbled casually. "And maybe you f***ing are. But that doesn't mean you're going to be out of my site. You're mine now remember. I'm not letting you go. You're stuck here with me. Don't you remember?!" He hissed as I rolled my eyes. "Well I want to go home. So let me go home!" I snapped back.

"No!" He yelled as I huffed and laid my head madly against the bed and looked off to the side. "Then get off me." I muttered. "No." I could suddenly sense a smirk on his lips. I widen my eyes a bit as I glared over at him. "Get off me." I said more seriously this time.

"I'm sorry. Who's the boss in this house?" He cooed, leaning in closer to my face which made me whimper. "I am. So you, obey me. I don't obey you." He grinned as I frowned. I raised my hips in attempt to lift him off but it didn't do a thing. "You want to have sex now?" He teased as he raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "You're disgusting! Get off me!" I groaned as he snickered.

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