[Chapter 36]

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                                Payton's POV

I could no longer look into Harry's eyes as I suddenly became selfish. As much as I wanted to be a good citizen and help the guy, I knew getting attached was the wrong way to go. I couldn't become friends with Harry nor grow to like him because that is completely and utterly wrong. I will not be like those Stockholm Syndrome girls. I just can't. My life isn't with him, it's back at home in my college with my 3 best friends. I have a whole life back at home whereas I have nothing here with him.

Everything Harry does is illegal and messed up. I don't even want to know the trouble he's caused since he became a gang member. He's probably posted in every city with the sign "wanted" right underneath it. I can't risk being seen with him, they'll think I'm a criminal too. I can't go to jail!

I was beginning to wonder what Harry's real purpose was of having me here. Was I actually here for his company? Did he have feelings for me? Was he lonely and needed someone to need him? Did he have major trust issues with girls except for me? I had no idea.

I shook the ideas out of my head before I grabbed Harry's bicep and looked at his legs. "Come on Harry, let's get some rest yeah?" I suggested as I got up and squatted beside him.

He moaned as he looked away, clearly not wanting to move from his spot. "I know but we can't just sit here next to the broken glass. I have to clean it before the guys get here. I don't want them to know what happened." I said before he gave in and looked at me.

"Fine." He said as he frowned.

I nodded my head before I wrapped his arm around my shoulders and snuck my arm around his waist. "Okay on three.... one.... two... three." I said before I began lifting him up, praying that he would help me out.

He then moaned as he lazily lifted himself up with me, causing my breath to increase. I struggled to get him up fully before he leaned against me, causing me to fall on the counter.

"Woah, we're okay. We're okay." I said as I widened my eyes and felt the counter dig into my spine.

"Let's keep going." I suggested as I began to push him towards the hallway.

He began stumbling on his feet as I helped walk him towards his room, cautiously taking each step. I held onto his waist fairly tight, making sure he wouldn't slip through my fingers from one false step.

We finally managed to get to his room before I helped him to his bed, carefully leaning him down onto it. "Nice and steady." I whispered as he slowly laid down on his mattress.

I pulled my hand from his back before he could crush it and I began grabbing the bedsheets to warm him up. He started to curl up against his bed as he looked completely exhausted and vulnerable.

I felt pity for him as I held the covers and gently pulled them over his body, tucking him in. I patted the sheets to make them flat before I stared down at Harry, noticing how tired he looked.

As soon as I took a step back he quickly looked up at me before reaching his hand towards me. "Payton." He mumbled as I looked down at him.

"Yes?" I questioned, wondering what he wanted.

"Can you stay with me? Please." He asked innocently as my heart sunk.

"Harry I have to clean up the mess." I tried to make an excuse as I picked at my nails.

"Forget the mess..... please?" He begged as his eyes bore into mine softly.

I let out a deep sigh, feeling overcome by sympathy. "Okay." I gave in before I sat down next to him and placed my hands on my lap, not knowing what to do.

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