[Chapter 24]

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                             Payton's POV

I breathed hot air onto my icy cold hands as I began to walk towards the bed. I rubbed them together to create heat in order to get feeling back into them. My body was slightly trembling in my winter clothing, the tight long sleeve stripped shirt and grey leggings were not doing much help for me. I had no idea why the shower water was so cold, maybe because Styles' forgot to pay for the propane, but I was absolutely suffering when I had to wash my hair and body.

I was still shaking from the cold as I breathed out and wrapped my arms around my stomach. My teeth were chattering as I made my way into the bed, trying to snatch any last bit of warmth I could find in this room. I wrapped the large blanket around my body and tucked myself deep into it, feeling a comforting sense of warmth.

I sighed in relief before I closed my eyes and rested my head against the pillow, wanting to just relax already. I then realized how tired I was as my eyes remained closed. I started to feel emotionally drained as my train of thoughts slowly started to slip away and I began to fall into a deep needed sleep.


"Hey, wake up, I told you to wait for me in the room, not fall asleep." I suddenly woke up to Styles' bitter voice and harsh emerald eyes. I blinked up at him with fearful eyes as I sunk deeper into the bed, frightened that he was hovering over me with his large hand clamped around my shoulder.

"Jesus why are you shaking so much? You look so pale." He questioned as he narrowed his eyebrows and took a better look at me. I was surprised when I realized I was still really cold but I just continued to tremble and look up at him innocently.

I then flinched when his hand brushed against my cheek, checking my temperature before it drew back quickly. "My god you're freezing. What the hell did you do?" He asked before he yanked the blankets from my body without even caring that it provided me with warmth. 

"I- I didn't do anything." I finally had the courage to speak once I realized he was reaching down for my body. I whimpered slightly when he grabbed my waist and pulled me up, making me grab his shirt involuntarily.

"Calm down I'm not hurting you." He spoke in annoyance as I was struggling in his grip. "Why are you so cold huh?" He asked as he sat me down on the bed before sitting right in front of me. I just blinked at him as he kept putting his hands at different places of my body, making me extremely uncomfortable. I wish I never showered. It would of saved the uncomfortable feeling of him touching me everywhere.

I flinched when his hand reached around my neck, rubbing his thumb slightly along my cold skin. My body craved the slightest bit of warmth that his fingers provided and I hated it. "Answer me Payton." His voice raised as he squeezed my neck a bit. "I- I took a cold sh-ower." I stuttered as I widened my eyes at him.

"How come? Are you trying to harm yourself?" He shot questions at me as he looked more annoyed and mad. "N-no, the water wouldn't turn warm. It was freezing cold the whole time." I quickly said with a slight whimper. His face softened as he realized what I was trying to say. "You're saying we have no more hot water?" He questioned.

I nodded my head without blinking. "I'll need to get more then." He said more to himself before he sighed and released my neck and waist. "You're too cold. Put some more clothes on or use a blanket." He said as he grabbed the blanket he tore off me moments ago and dropped it on my lap.

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