Chapter 1

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Mia woke up hearing the sound of her alarm clock going off. She gets up and stretches as the sun shines in her bedroom. She walks into the bathroom inspecting herself in the mirror. She straightened her light brown hair looking at her brown complexion. She turns on the television while getting ready.

We have breaking news; there has been another late night attack near an alley. The police have discovered a pattern connecting with the recent attacks from last month. "Like most of them, the victim was female, in her early 20s or 30s and was left unconscious with what appeared to be two bite marks on the side of her neck; what make this whole ordeal strange is the attacker leaves a rose," a police officer commented. The victim has been hospitalized due to blood loss, but her condition is unknown.

Mia sighs at the mention of another attack. All of a sudden, she felt a chill going down her neck. She looks around realizing that her windows were closed. So where did the chill come from? Shaking it off, she walks back into the bathroom and starts the shower. After taking off her pjs, she steps in feeling the warm water flow down on her body. She felt the chill on her neck again along with the feeling of something touching her waist. She yelps turning around, but sees nothing there. It felt like something or someone was in the shower with her. A few minutes later, she steps out of the shower hearing her home phone ring.

"Hello?" she asked.

No response.

"Hello?" she asked again.

Still no response with the exception of light breathing on the other line.

"Ok, whoever this is, quit playing," she said feeling irritated. Before she could hang up, the caller finally responded. "Happy Birthday," a male voice replied. He hung up on her. Mia knew today was her birthday, but how did a total stranger knew about it? She checked the caller ID seeing an unrecognizable number.

This one seems fun. Searching through her mind was pretty easy; not to mention interesting. No matter. I'm still thirsty, so she'll do. Don't like to come out at night, sweetie? Don't worry, I'll come to you.

BITTEN: Lustful ObsessionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant