Chapter 24

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Mia was huddled near a corner seeing a boa constrictor slithering around Michael's bed as if it slept in this room. Luckily, Michael walked in. "There you are, Lionel. Slithered away from Mari again, did you?" he laughed picking up the snake and places him on his shoulder. "Wanna say hello, Mia?" he asked. "You're kidding, right?" Mia raised a brow. "Here's a question, why would a vampire keep a snake for a pet?"

Michael tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"Not to offend you or anything, but aren't you scary enough?"

"True, but there's nothing wrong with extra company. You'd think in this time and era, humans don't mind talking to me when I show my fangs."

Mia stared at Michael with confusion all over her face. He was able to carry a casual conversation while holding a snake that was big enough to wrap around a dog. Michael walked towards Mia extending the snake towards her.

"Oh, crap, that's a big-a**ed snake! Get it away from me!"

"You're not afraid of snakes, are you?"

"You should know. I thought you knew everything about me." Mia squirmed a little seeing Lionel's forked tongue. "Come on, Mia, you'll hurt his feelings if you don't greet him," he smiled. "Ok, ok, hello, creepy snake. Now can you put him somewhere else, please?" Mia said rapidly. "Close enough, humans are so easy to scare," Michael shrugged walking out of the room. He walks into another room filled with artificial trees, branches, and vines. The ceiling was a net allowing in the evening sunshine.

He flipped a switch which made a shade appear to block the sunlight as he places Lionel on a branch. "There you go; I think you had enough fun for today," he laughs leaving the snake's habitat and coming back into his bedroom. Mia was sitting up on his bed with her arms folded and an upset look. "You're mad at me, are you?" Michael asked. Mia glanced over at him and turned her back at him. Michael crawled over to her facing her back.

"Giving me the silent treatment, eh?"

Mia continued to ignore him. Michael crept closer to her. He tries to hear her thoughts only to find out that she blocked him. "You even shut yourself away from me mentally, not bad... for a human," he chuckled. He knew why she was upset, but decided to make a game out of it. "Since I can't read your mind, I will have to guess; a simple nod from you can let me know if I guessed right," he said laying on her lap as he looks up at her.

"Let's see, I know everything about you, so of course I would know you're afraid of snakes, right?"

Mia nodded softly.

"Even with that knowledge, I still insisted on showing you the snake while you squirmed near a corner like a frightened mouse," right?"

Mia narrowed her eyes at him hearing his choice of words. She knew that he was doing it on purpose to push her buttons, but she nodded anyway.

"Now about that remark about humans being scared so easily, I apologize for that." He moved to remove Mia's shoes and began to massage her feet. "Although, it's ironic that you're afraid of Lionel but not afraid of me," he said as he began to move up to her thighs tugging on her shorts. "It's different," Mia finally spoke. Michael moved up until he was inches away from her lips. "Really? Aside from the fangs, the only differences between us are body parts. At least he can't touch you like I can," he said stroking the side of her thighs hearing her gasp lightly.

"And he definitely can't hold you and kiss you like I can," he smirked giving her a soft kiss. Mia turned her head exposing her neck. "You're still not off the hook," she scoffed. Michael leaned down to kiss her neck. "Would a massage cheer you up? After all, I did say that I was going to relieve your stress as soon as you got here," he smiled. "Well, ok, but don't think that it will cheer me up completely," she said lying down as Michael began to rub her shoulders.

I believe a massage will do more than cheer her up. I would like to continue where we left off after the shower.

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