Chapter 9

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Mia turned to her side only to see that Michael had shifted back to a cat. She looked outside realizing that it was morning. "Oh, that's right, you can't be near sunlight," she sighs. Michael nodded in agreement as he cuddled close to her. She pets his head leaning against the bedpost. She couldn't get last night out of her head. His touch, his lips, his eyes. All of a sudden, she shot up from the bed running downstairs; she remembered that he drained Cathy. After she reached downstairs, she notices Cathy eating a big plate of breakfast. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Pancakes?" she smiles.

"Cathy? You're okay?" Mia asked.

"Of course I'm ok. I was feeling kinda weak when I woke up, so I decided to make some pancakes to boost me up. By the way, why are you naked? I know we're celebrating your birthday, but damn," she laughed.

Mia blushed heavily and runs back upstairs to grab her robe. "You didn't tell me I was still naked," she replied to Michael.

You never asked.

She stopped hearing his voice in her head. She turned to Michael watching him twitch his tail. "Did you just talked?"

I can communicate with you telepathically. Whether I'm human or animal, no matter how far apart we are, I can always talk to you. Besides, you looked better without any clothing.

Mia could hear the cockiness at the end of his thoughts. She walks over to her window and closes the curtains making sure no sunlight enters her room. "Alright, Michael, show yourself," she said crossing her arms. Michael begins to shifts back into human form with a big smile on his face.

"We need to talk."

He tilted his head, "About what?"

"About last night." Before she could continue, Michael wraps his arms around her waist inhaling her scent. "What is there to say about last night? It was amazing; but we can always continue more of it," he grins kissing her neck trailing toward her lips.

"But...Michael..." Mia tries to talk in between his kisses. She pulls him back looking at him. He noticed that she had a serious look on her face. "Look, last night was amazing, I'll admit that, but when you said that you loved me, I wasn't sure if I meant that I loved you too.

"You mean you don't love me?"

"To be honest, I'm not too sure," Mia sighed lowering her head.

Michael lifted her chin up to look into her eyes. "I understand, our bond may feel strange at first, but in time, it will become natural to feel things like this. I still love you even if you don't feel that you love me."

"Well, I am a bit attracted to you, but love kinda feels like a pretty big step, considering how we've just met. Guess I just need more time to figure this out," she shrugs. Michael holds her close giving her a hug and strokes her hair. "Take all the time you need, darling. I understand." Mia returns the hug while at the same time, Cathy walk in. "Come on, we're gonna be-" she was cut short seeing Mia hug a guy. Both of them turned around feeling a bit embarrassed. "So this is "Mr. Kitty," she smiles. Michael walks towards her extending his hand. "Actually, my name is Michael," he smiles. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, I'm Cathy, Mia's best friend since kindergarten," she smiles. "Now that we got the intros out of the way, can we go, Mia? We'll be late for work."

Mia nodded heading to the bathroom to put on some clothes. A few minutes later, she follows Cathy out of her bedroom but turns around to face Michael. "Will you be ok by yourself?" she asked. "I wish to be near you right now, but I'll be fine," he nodded. Mia gave him a kiss on the cheek until he grabbed her giving her deep kiss on her lips. She wanted to keep going, but she broke the kiss. "Ok, let me get going before you get me started," she giggled heading out of her apartment. Michael licked his lips tasting her lipstick. He lies on her bed sighing heavily. He looks to the sides of the bed seeing that he left claw marks on her sheets.

I really wish she didn't have to go. Her lips are so delicious. Like candy.

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