Chapter 15

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Michael and Mia danced throughout most of the night. "So, are we still going out for our date?" Mia asked. "I thought this is our date, unless you want to go out," Michael said tilting his head. Mia giggled at the way he tilted his head like a confused dog. "No, this is fine. I like dancing with you," she smiles. She glanced at the top of stairways where the vampiresses were watching them. Michael looked up at them giving them a sexy smile. All of them swooned at once. "Michael, you're not flirting with them, are you?" she asked. "I like to tease them a bit. They know I'm yours, but they can't help but to stay attracted to me," he laughs. A few minutes later, Caleb approached them.

"Mind if I cut in?" he asked looking at Mia. Mia looked at Michael to see if he don't mind. She knew Michael can get jealous if another man sets his sights on her, let alone dance with her. He hesitated for a second. "Fine, but only if Mia allows it," he nodded. "Since you're ok with it, I don't mind," she shrugs. Out of nowhere, Mari yanks away Michael by his arm. "Yay! Come on, Mikey, dance with me!" she giggled pulling him away from Mia. This is what happens you feed her sugar. Mia laughs at the telepathic message he sent. Caleb extended his hand. "Shall we?" he smiles. "What's your name?" he asked.

"It's Mia, what's yours?"

"Caleb," he smiles. Mia accepted his hand as they begin to dance. She started to examine more of his features. He stood at the same height as Michael, with the exception of having a slightly bigger build, hazel eyes, and shoulder-length light brown hair. "Like what you see?" he smirks. Mia blushed when he realized that she was watching him.

"It's like I'm attracted to you."

He chuckled. "I figured that, seeing that you're Michael's lifemate and all. He always knew how to spot a good-looking woman; and that's long before he was turned."

"You knew him?"

"You could say that. He's my brother. Not by blood, but by being sired."


"That's when a vampire turns a human, and the vampire becomes sort of like a master or mentor. "

"Oh. So, who's your sire?"

"The laughing guy," he replied sarcastically.

Mia looked over at Bart who was laughing with another vampire. "So Bart's your sire?"

"Yep. He's my father as well and Mari is my sister."

"Which also makes her Michael's sister," she smiles looking over at Mari who was spinning Michael around.

"Cute and smart. Unlike some of them," he motions near the stairway referring to the group of vampiresses. "They wouldn't tell the difference between Michelangelo and Van Gogh. If Michael or I tell them to sit, they'd sit and roll over."

"I'm sure they're not all that bad, aside from the fact that they seem to know Michael better than I do."

"Oh? And what kind of juicy gossip did they give you?"

"Sexual stuff and something about "the look", she shrugs. "Are they true?"

"Half of it is true about him."

The song ended as Caleb led Mia to a bar. Michael stepped in front of them. "Relax, we're just going to talk," Caleb rolls his eyes. "Don't do anything stupid," Michael glared before he is yanked again by Mari. After they took their seat, Caleb started to talk again.

"I noticed that you're taking all of this in very well, with him being...different."

"It's better than being like most men. Although, the "vampire" did threw me off. I was scared of him at first, but he would have drained me if he wanted to, and yet I'm still here."

"Quite a brave girl. Guess he was controlling the darkness when he laid his eyes on you."

"He said something like that before. What exactly is the "darkness"?

"Think of it as one of his "looks", only more dangerous and violent. It's something inside all of us that can control us and devour whatever humanity and soul is left.

"That can happen to him?"

"It happened once when he was still a newborn. He wasn't used to the idea of drinking human blood, so he refused to feed. However, the longer he starved, the stronger his bloodlust became. Once the darkness was suppressed, he calmed down and had to accept his new life. We host something that can really bring the monster out of us."

"Does it ever go away?"

"Well, that's where you come in."


"I take it he didn't tell you the whole thing. You see, my dad believes in the whole lifemate fairy tale. A lifemate is the one who can help us maintain our souls and keeps the darkness away from it. An eternity without one can be extremely difficult. We could become cold and emotionless with only the desire to feed or kill. Without a lifemate, a vampire only has two choices; give in to the darkness or face the sunlight."

"But how can you tell that you've found a lifemate?"

"The minute you regain your sight for color. After being a vampire for a while, we start to lose the ability to distinguish color. We become colorblind like animals."

"Suppose the person doesn't want to be your lifemate?"

"That's not possible. When you met Michael, did you felt something?"

"Now that you mention, I have fallen for him pretty quick. Things just clicked for us."

"That's because you knew that deep down he was the one you want to spend the rest of your life with him. Like I said, all of this sounds like a mushy fairy tale, but even with a lifemate, the darkness can still be a very powerful opponent. So, if he starts to act the opposite, you'd know the reason why."

"I'll let all of that sink in; it looks like he misses you," he looks as Michael approaches them. "So how did you manage to get away from Mari?" he teased. "I promised her if she let me go, I'll give her another ipod, and she insisted that it should be red this time," he shakes his head. Caleb sits up and stretches. "Then I'll leave you two lovebirds alone, the crowd is starting to disperse and I'm getting hungry," he replies heading to the exit. "So what did you two talked about?" Michael asked taking a seat close to her. "Just stuff about the lifemate thing and among other stuff," she shrugs. She didn't want him to think that she was threatened by him. She lets out a yawn.

"Aww, somebody's sleepy," Michael teased.

"I'm close to it, but I don't see how I'm going to get some sleep based on your "schedule".

"No need to worry about that, you have work in the morning, so you need rest." He picks her up and carries her upstairs bridal style. "I can walk, you know, "she giggled. "I know, I just like to carry you," he smiles. He walks into a room different from Mari's. The decoration was more currently designed.

"This is your room?"

"Mhm, and this is your room as well, since you're staying with me for a while," he nodded as he places her on his bed. Mia notices that there was a pair of pajamas laid out for her already. "What are you going to do for the rest of the night?"

Michael shrugged. "Probably mingle a bit. Now get some sleep, and I'll be glad to ask any questions regarding your conversation with Caleb."

"How did you...? Oh, right, the super hearing thingy."

"Goodnight, sweet lady," he smiles kissing her passionately. "Goodnight," she smiles returning the kiss. Michael leaves the room as she drifts to sleep. A few hours later, Mia felt something wrap itself around her waist. She didn't turn knowing that Michael was laying next to her. He watched as she drifts back to sleep in his arms. He felt his stomach growling and the sound of Mia's heartbeat as it pumps blood throughout her body. His fangs begins to elongate but he managed to fight it.

She is so peaceful when she sleeps. And yet her blood is so tempting. No! I can't, I won't.

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