Chapter 18

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After the driver dropped Cathy home, the drive to Michael's house was anything but quiet. Mia sat on his lap while he wrapped his arms around her hips and nibbles on her neck. His hands roamed around Mia's body until his fangs begin to enlarge and rake across her neck, which made him stop. "Michael, why did you stop?" she asked. "I can't control myself when I'm around you, Mia; I haven't fed since I met you." Mia looked at him with a raised brow. "That's only half-true, Michael, remember?" she asked. Michael nodded remembering that he fed from Cathy. "You're right, but now is the time for me to feed again, but..."

Mia cupped his face with her hands. "Michael, you can drink my blood if you want," she smiles. Michael stared at her wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that she would even suggest something like that. "Mia, do you hear what you're saying?! I can't drink from you; I'd be putting your life in danger."

"I understand the risk. Besides, as long as I'm near you, the darkness won't control you, right?" she nodded. Michael stared at her in amazement that she was willing to offer herself. He placed his hand over hers and looked deep into her eyes. "I'm only going to take a little bit until tonight when I go out," he explained. Mia nodded in understanding. They exchanged passionate kisses as Michael trails his kisses down to her neck until he bites into her flesh. Mia winced a little but relaxed allowing him to drink.

She felt her blood leaving her body and flowing into his mouth. She remembers how it almost felt the same way when she first met Michael. But this time, it felt different. She wasn't afraid of some threatening stranger in her bedroom, she felt at ease being with a man who loved her. Michael removes his fangs and licks the remaining blood off her neck. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "I'm feeling dizzy, but I'll be fine, "Mia laughed a little. Once they arrived at the house, Michael carried Mia into the lobby placing her on a couch softly.

"Michael!" exclaimed Mari. Next thing Michael knew, he was pounced by the short-sized vampires. "Mari, I was only gone for a few minutes," he sighed. "I know, but it felt like a lifetime," she giggled. She jumps off and notices Mia lying on the couch. "Couldn't help yourself, could ya? Did you guys do the horizontal polka, too?" she asked. "Knock it off, Mari, go bug Caleb or something," he scoffed. "Ooh, good idea," Mari smiles as she skips away leaving Michael and Mia.

"Would you like for me to show my story to you while you're resting?"

"I wouldn't mind; since I'm lying down anyway." Michael watched as Mia closed her eyes. He laid his hand near Mia's head, closes his eyes and began to connect with her mind. Mia woke up to find herself transported to another house. This must be Bart's house. She looks around and found Bart, Caleb, and Mari huddled around Michael, who was lying on a couch facing death. She watched as Bart rolled up his sleeve and bite into his own wrist.

"Whoa, dad, you're not actually thinking about turning this guy, are you?"

"Caleb, if I taught you anything, it's that no one deserves to die like this, not in Charla's hand." Bart places his wrist close to Michael's mouth ordering him to drink. Michael couldn't do anything except allow the blood to flow down to his throat. A few seconds later, Bart removed his wrist. Mia watched as Bart's wrist healed itself. Wow, so that's how it works. All of a sudden, Michael's eyes shot open. Mia watched in horror as Michael begin to thrash and scream on the couch while Bart and Caleb restrain him. "What's happening to him?" Mari asked. "It's only his body dying, why do humans have to act so dramatic?" Caleb asked while trying to hold him down. "Now's not the time to complain, son, we have to calm him down," Bart replies. A few minutes later, Michael became silent. She watched as a set of fang form in his mouth and his complexion became pale.

His vision adjusted to his surrounding as he looks around. "Look, he's waking up," Mari watches. Michael shot up and looked around in panic. "Easy, son, it's ok, you're safe," Bart said. "Safe? What do you mean?" he asked.

"You don't remember?" Bart asked.

Michael groaned as he rubbed his head. "I do remember a lady. We walked into an alley, but after that, it's a blur."

"You were bitten," Caleb said matter of factly. "That lady was a vampire, she bit you and left you to die, end of story."

"Oh, I'm sure he feels much better now, Caleb," Mari replies sarcastically. Michael watched the trio and laughed a little. "You guys are crazy, there's no such thing as vampires."

"Actually, there is, and as of now, you're a vampire now," Caleb continued. Michael turned around to leave. Before he could turn the knob, he noticed a mirror next to him but didn't see his reflection. He screamed and trips as he sees the mirror without his reflection. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!!" he yelled. "Now, sir, please calm down, we can help you," Bart said calmly as he approached him. Out of shock, Michael grabbed Bart and threw him across the room. He gasped as his new strength, but runs out the house. Mia runs through the door and follows him. She managed to find him huddled near an alley with tears flowing from his eyes. She walked over to him to comfort him, but only to have her arms go through him.

Later, Bart arrived and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't something you would wish on yourself, but I couldn't leave you there," he explained.

Michael wiped away the tears. "Sometimes I wished that I could live forever, but not like this. So all of the stories about vampires, are they true?"

"Not all of them, but you still have to avoid sunlight, and you do need blood for nourishment. Please, let me teach you. There's more to your new life than blood and death." His new life. Michael didn't think he would hear those words. "What about my family? Will I ever see them again?"

"You can keep an eye on them, but they can't see you. "

"Let me guess, it's better for them to believe that I'm dead."

"In a way, yes. Now, let's get out of this filthy alley and head back, shall we?" Michael nodded softly as he gets up and follows Bart back to his house.

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