Chapter 20

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Charla stroked Michael's cheek with an evil grin. "And I will give you more, darling. Come with me, and we can make this city our own playground." Out of habit, Mia walked over to Charla and reached out to slap her, but only to see her hand move right through. Damn it, I can't even slap this bitch!

She had no choice but to watch Michael follow the evil lady out the window. Now she was transported back to the city on top of a building. She looked and gulped. Of all the places he could send me, it had to be on top of a freaking building. She noticed Michael walking around while scanning the streets as Charla leans against a small door.

"Michael, just pick a human, they're all the same."

"I know, but I'm looking for a particular one. I haven't finished feeding from her."

Mia was a bit afraid of this side of Michael. Lucky for her, he couldn't see or hear her. Michael stopped seeing a girl walk down the street holding her neck. It was the same girl he fed from earlier. "There she is," he said. Charla looks down spotting the girl. "So you want to finish the rest of your meal?" she asked. Michael nodded in agreement with a hungry look in his eyes. He jumps down from the building and lands softly on the ground in front of her.

"Did you miss me?" he grinned flashing his fangs. The girl gasped recognizing him as the man who attacked her. She turns around to run but bumped into Michael who grabbed her by the shoulders. The girl whimpered looking into his lust-filled brown eyes. "Just relax and it will all be over soon," he whispered in her ear. Mia turned away not wanting to see him this way. When she looked again, Michael was standing over the girl's lifeless body as he licks his lips. She covered her mouth witnessing this. He actually drained the girl's blood and left her out in the open.

Before she knew it, she felt him right behind her. "Hello, Mia," he chuckled. Mia turned around to see that Michael was standing close to her. Everything around her was starting to disappear leaving them in an area of darkness.

"Y-you can see me?"

"Well, I can, but the Michael you were watching before this couldn't see you."

"What do you mean?"

Michael started to circle around her like a tiger circling his prey. "Hmm, how do I explain it to you? You know that "darkness" that you've been hearing about? You're looking at it, baby. I'm the darkness," he smiled taking a bow.

"But how?"

"I don't take a form of my own, so I'm using this form since you love it so much. I can see why Michael picked you. You look so...mouthwatering. It's only a matter of time before I take over."

"That won't happen. I'm Michael's lifemate. As long I'm around, he can control you."

The darkness let out an evil, cold laugh. "You sound so sure of yourself, Mia. Even with a lifemate, I can be in control. Looks like Caleb didn't tell you that part. It's all about who's stronger. And right now, you're looking pretty weak. I can take over now if I wanted to."

"So what's stopping you?" Mia asked with a little courage.

"Like I said, you're too weak. I want to come after you when you're at your full potential. I can't touch you in this state, but just you wait, sweetie, I'll be the host of his body, not that pathetic soul of his." He appeared behind her and leaned close to her. Mia was too scared petrified to move. "Believe me when I say this, sweet Mia, I won't be gentle and tender with you. You will be my pet, my slave, and my very special toy." He cackled a little. "We are going to have so much fun together. But until then, farewell."

After that, Mia woke up in a cold sweat. She found herself back in Michael's room in her pajamas. It must have taken the whole day to watch Michael's past. She looks at the front of the bed seeing Michael staring at her. "That night when you bit me, was that you or the darkness?" she asked. "It was both of us. The darkness wanted to drain you, but I was able to control myself," he explained.

"I didn't think he would notice you, let alone care that you was watching."

"Well, it did, and now it wants to take over your body and make me its plaything!"

"That won't happen. I won't let it happen. My soul is stronger than hi-I mean it." Michael lies next to Mia and holds her. "I love you, Mia, and I will never let any harm come to you. I will protect you at all times," he sighs as he kisses her deeply. Mia returns the kiss as she snuggles close to him.

"Whatever happened to Charla?"

"I'll show the rest of it tomorrow. But tonight, let's get some sleep." Mia yawns softly as she drifts to sleep in his arms.

I didn't want to show that side of me. If it terrified her in its current state, it pains me to imagine how it will affect her if it overpowers me. I have to be strong. For Mia.

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