Chapter 23

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Mia wrapped herself with a towel as she enters the bedroom. Before she could gather her clothes for work, Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and began to kiss her neck and shoulders. "Michael, if you keep going like that, I'll never make it to work," she giggled. "That's the idea, I want to keep you all to myself," he replied huskily pulling her closer to him. He removed the towel from her and began to massage her breasts causing her to moan softly. "Michael..."

All of a sudden, her cell phone rang. Michael growled annoyingly realizing that his fun was cut short. Mia pulls away from his grip to answer her phone. The caller ID said it was Cathy.


"Mia, where are you?"

"I'm getting ready to come over there. Why? What's going on?"

"Well, you better hurry, I could use some help. This place is packed! I'm serving an entire basketball team and even a little league soccer team all by my lonesome. What the...did someone just bump me?!"

Mia laughed. "Ok, calm down, Cat, I'm on my way; I'll be there real soon." She closed her phone ending the call. She looked over at Michael, who was looking at her with a look like a puppy missing his friend. Mia walked over to him and cupped his face giving him a soft kiss. "I'll come back as soon as my shift is over," she smiles. "I miss you already," he sighed. Mia started to get dressed for work. A few minutes later, she left.

Michael plops down on his bed looking at the ceiling with a dull look on his face. He turned to his side and inhaled the scent on a pillow. He could smell Mia's perfume and held it closer to him breathing in her scent. Meanwhile, Mia and Cathy were serving tables and keeping track of the orders as more people arrive. "Good grief, where did all these people come from?" Mia sighed as she sat down. "I have no idea. I've never seen so many people here, it's rarely like this; I mean a few drinkers here and there, but this takes the cake. My feet are killing me, "Cathy replied taking off her shoes.

I bet you already know that I'm feeling pooped.

And I plan to relieve that stress as soon as you get here.

The girls watched as some of the people left. "Well, at least they'll come and go during the day," Cathy shrugged. "I just noticed something. We're sitting down and Rick hasn't yelled at us yet."

"I think it's because Michael straightened him out the last time he was here."

"Really? Sounds like you got a good catch with this guy."

"He's more than a catch. Besides, I didn't find him, he found me."

Back at the mansion, Michael was sound asleep. He started to dream about walking down a long dark hallway. He looked down to see that the ground was wet with blood. He follows the trail of blood leading to a tall and wide cage with candles lighting the sides of it. He knew what was inside the cage as he waits for it to appear. Suddenly, two large bloodshot eyes with slit pupils were staring back at him with a big grin.

Michael. Came to give me another lecture?

No, just making sure that you remain locked up.

I won't stay in this cage forever; especially now that I've met Mia. She's so sweet, and yet she's too pure.

Good, then she's making me strong enough to resist you.

It won't be long until I see her in person.

His dream was interrupted by a small force on his stomach. He woke up to see that Mari jumped on him. "Hi, Mikey." She smiled.

"Hello, Mari. Any reasons why you felt like body-slamming me?"

"Yeah, I have something to tell you, but you have to promise that you won't get mad."

"O..k, what is it?"

"I lost Lionel."


"What had happened was that we were playing a game and I can't find him. He's still roaming around the place, but he's a good hider."

"Alright, I'll help you find him." Michael got up and lazily follows Mari out of his bedroom.

As the day went by, the restaurant was starting to become less-filled with people with the exception of a few men at the bar. Rick approached the girls with their nightly tips. "Thanks, you girls can head home early tonight, I'll take it from here," he said before turning back to bartend. Cathy and Mia looked at each other in disbelief. "Today must be Opposite Day, because Rick was actually nice to us and lets us off earlier," Cathy blinked. "It must be, but at least we get to leave early, so what are we standing around here for? Come on, since you're driving, I can show you where Michael lives," Mia smiles.

Listening to Mia's directions, Cathy drove into the woods and parked near a mansion. "Omg, your boyfriend got some big money! You think he can lend me $20?" Cathy asked. "Come on, silly, I'll introduce you to his family," Mia laughs exiting the car. The girls entered the mansion watching everybody look under various furniture. Caleb was the first one to look up. "Who's the chick?" he asked.

"Excuse me? I have a name, you know. But since you're being impolite, I'm not gonna tell you," Cathy scoffed. Michael rushed to Mia giving her a hug. Cathy blinked wondering how he was able to get from where he was standing to Mia. "What are you guys doing?" Mia asked. "Looking for Lionel, it appears that Mari has lost him again," Bart replies looking under the pillows on the couch.

"Who's Lionel?"

"My pet snake," Michael answered. Mia looked up at Michael with shock. "Your pet what, now?" she asked. "And this is the part where I leave. I'll see ya later, Mia," Cathy rushed out of the door. "Honestly, Mari, only you would play hide and seek with a boa constrictor," Caleb scoffed. Mia's face turned pale hearing that not only there was a loose snake in here, but a big snake. "Um, when was the last time you saw him?" she asked. "He was down here," Mari shrugged. "Good, then I'll be upstairs," Mia slips away from Michael running upstairs and close the door to his bedroom.

Michael sat on the couch. "3...2..1.." he counted. On cue, a loud scream was heard from his room as he grinned.

Looks like Lionel found Mia.

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