Chapter 22

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Mia woke up seeing that Michael was once again away from his bed. He's probably in the library again. A few seconds later, Bart walked in carrying a tray of breakfast: scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast, and a glass of orange juice. "Good morning, Mia, I hope you had a good night sleep," he smiles laying the tray down.

"Well, it wasn't good at first but in the end I was starting to feel better," Mia nodded placing the tray on her lap. "Say, um, you wouldn't mind sharing your French toast, would you?" Bart asked. "I don't mind, you have the whole thing; I'm not really a fan of it," Mia smiled handing him the toast. She watched Bart takes a bite out of toast. "So I take it that you can still eat solid food?" she asked.

"Of course we can, but sometimes we just need the taste of the food instead of the actual thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Say, for example, you're eating breakfast now, and at the same time, Michael is feeling the taste and flavor of what you're eating. Whatever you're eating, he can taste it without even touching the food. One of the perks of having a lifemate. I remember tasting Margaret's delicious French toasts."

"Was Margaret your lifemate?"

"Indeed. I have a , how you kids say it, "pic" of her," Bart replied taking out a wallet size picture of a lady in her late 40s wearing a Victorian era dress. Mia looked at the picture wondering exactly how old Bart can be.

"Where is she now?"

"She passed on centuries ago."

"So vampires can die of old age?"

"Hm? Oh, no, I didn't turn her. No matter how much I tried to convince her, she wouldn't budge. And yet, I stayed by her side for the rest of her life." After hearing Bart's story, she wondered if Michael would turn her or let her live to old age. "But what about the darkness inside you?" she asked.

Bart smiled. "As long as I cherish the memories of my Margaret, my soul remains stronger than the darkness. And it would be stronger considering how long I have been a vampire and met Margaret. Looks like you finished your meal, thank you for the toast," Bart smiled taking the tray with him leaving the room. Mia stretched and yawned a little. "Had a good meal?" replied a familiar voice.

She looked over at the door seeing Michael smiling at her. "Glad to see you up so early since the sun is out," she smiled. "As long as I'm away from the sunlight, I'm fine," he said lying next to her.

"So you don't sleep during the daytime in a coffin?"

"You watch too many movies. I can sleep whenever I feel like it, and by the time I was turned, no one slept in coffins anymore."

"For your information, I don't believe everything I watch or read," she replies sticking her tongue out. Michael caught her by surprise by kissing her. Mia sighs returning the kiss. "Are you trying to turn me on?" she smirked. "Actually, I think I succeeded in that," he grins giving her another kiss.

Mia pushed him away slightly. "Easy, man, you know I gotta go to work today, so I have to head to the shower. "

Michael sighs. "Can I at least spend some time with you? I'm sure your boss won't mind if you're a little late."

"Alright, but after my shower."

"I'll be waiting right here."

Mia gets up from her bed and heads to the bathroom as Michael watched her. Once she was in the bathroom, she stripped off her pajamas, turned the water on and walked in the shower stall. She lets the warm water run down on her body relaxing her body. She heard someone entering the bathroom heading towards her. She yelped a little seeing Michael pull away the shower curtains standing before her in the nude.

"Michael, what are you doing?!"

"I can't shower with you? I thought you wanted some company. Besides, I couldn't wait any longer; I want you and I want you now," he stared at her lustfully as he entered the stall. Mia blushed feeling his arms wrap around her waist as he kiss her deeply. "Well, maybe being late won't be too bad," Mia giggled between kisses.

She pulls Michael closer to her. Michael moaned feeling her breasts close to his chests. He kisses her hungrily feeling her moan inside his mouth. Mia gasped feeling his bulge between thighs. The water made it easier for him to thrust inside her. Mia arches her back feeling him thrust deep inside her causing her to groan.

The more she moaned, the deeper and harder Michael thrusted. Whenever she begged for him go slower, he'd thrust faster. If she begged to go faster, he'd thrust slower. It felt like torture to Mia, but she was loving every moment of it. Their moans and scream echoed throughout the house, experiencing more waves of orgasms. Michael thrusted deeper inside her before cumming with her. They looked at each other lovingly as the water cooled them down.

"I swear that it gets better every time; good thing we're having a cold shower after that," Mia laughed while trying to catch her breath. Michael kissed her passionately trailing down to her jawline and neck. "I can never get enough of you, girl, you have me wrapped around your fingers, you know that?" he laughs. Mia kissed him running her fingers through his wet hair. "I think I should going to work now," she smiles stepping out of the shower.

My love for Mia grows stronger every day. She brings me complete happiness and peace; nothing will ever come between us.

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