Chapter 19

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Since Mia couldn't talk or interact with Michael, all she should do was follow him and watch the rest of his past. She watched Michael step inside the house and took one last look at the mirror. He sighed sadly seeing no reflection. "Don't worry, son, your reflection will come back eventually," Bart pats on his shoulder. Michael looked at him puzzled. "It will? But I thought vampires didn't have reflections." Caleb scoffed. "Somebody's been reading too many books. See, dad? This is what happens when you turn a human whose information about us is based on crappy novels."

"Caleb, that's not nice. Besides, I like reading the novels, I think they're pretty neat," Mari replies. "So what's next for me?" Michael asked. Bart ponders for a bit. "Well, for starters, I think you should get used to your new "body", just to get the feel of it." Michael nodded in understanding. "But I'm feeling a bit bushed for the night, so Mari and Caleb will be able to help you," he yawned.

"We will?"

"We will? Hooray! We get to teach the baby all of the neat tricks!"

Michael couldn't help but laugh. "I'm a baby?"

"Yeah, since you're newly turned, you're a newborn, a baby," Mari giggled. "Well, I'll leave the three of you alone. In the meantime, welcome to the family, Michael," Bart smiled warmly before heading upstairs to his room. Michael smiled but at the same time felt sad that he had to leave his old family for a completely new family. He felt comfortable knowing at least he can watch them. Mari jumps from the couch landing in front of him. "Ready to start?" she asked with a big smile.

"Uh, sure."

"Alrighty, since you know so much, well kinda, you know that we're able to do things differently, especially things that humans can't do." Michael nodded in agreement. "Watch this," Mari replies as she does a back-flip towards the couch, jumps up, and lands on the ceiling as Michael watched in amazement. "What a show-off," Caleb rolled his eyes. Mari stuck her tongue out at him. "We can scale buildings, jump over them, and land on our feet easily no matter how high we are from a building. You know, al l that cool stuff," she explained.

"What about my senses? Are they enhanced as well?" he asked. "Yep, heightened sight, speed, and strength," Mari explained. All of a sudden, she appeared behind Michael, which startled him a little. "See? Super speed. Give it a try. Try picking up that couch."

Michael bends down to pick up the couch. He expected it to be heavy, but it felt light as a feather, even with Caleb sitting on it. "Whoa, this is too good to be true," Michael laughed. "Glad to see you're having fun, newbie, now put me down!" Caleb said. "So what else can I do?" Michael asked as he places the couch down. Before Mari could say something, Caleb stepped in. "I'll handle this. Whatever you read about us having the ability to seduce humans, apparently that is also true."

"Ok, but it's starting to sound like all of it is true."

"Well, we don't freaking sparkle in the sunlight."

"I think I met a vampire who did sparkle," Mari said absentmindedly. But we do the ability to shapeshift."

"How often do I have to," he gulped a little, "drink blood?"

"You'd probably have to feed once a night in your condition. Over the years, you would be able to last without feeding for months or so," Caleb shrugged. "Should I be taking notes on all of this?" Michael asked. "I like you, you're cute" Mari giggled hugging him.

Suddenly, Mia was transported back outside on the streets. She watched as Michael approached a woman in her late teens. "Hello, what brings you out here so late at night?" he smiles. The woman wanted to move away from him, but after looking into his eyes, she was compelled to answer him.

"I just got out of work, I was working overtime."

"Really? Then you must be very tired. Allow me to help you with that." He offered his hand for her and later smiled watching the woman accept his hand as he lured her into an alley. Mia didn't want to watch him drink for this girl, but curiosity got the best of her. Besides, he can't see or hear her anyway. Michael held the girl in his arms and started to kiss her neck softly while caressing her upper body. He felt all of her tension leave her body feeling relaxed from being held by him. Michael extends his fangs and bit down on the girl's neck softly. The girl didn't even flinch. Mia watched the girl closing her eyes drifting into unconsciousness. A few seconds later, Michael stopped. He watched the girl slump down near a brick wall as he backs away. He runs into a sprint heading back to Bart's house.

The doors flew open as he makes his way upstairs. Bart noticed that he still had blood on his lips with a scared look on his face as he heads into his room and locks the door. "Michael, are you okay?"

"I can't do it. I can't drink human blood."

"I understand. It's going to be hard at first, but you can also drink animal blood if you want."

"No! I'm not going to drink blood, ever!"

"What? Now, son, if you do that, you'll drive yourself into bloodlust, you won't be able to control yourself."

"So be it. I rather go mad than take another person's life, just so I can preserve mine."

Bart sighed not knowing what else to do. He didn't want to force Michael to drink blood, but he didn't want him to starve himself either. Mia walked through the door leading into Michael's room. She watched him pace around trying to control himself. Oh, Michael, I wish I could help you. Later, a figure stood near his window.

"I thought I smelled a newbie," a familiar voice chuckled. Mia and Michael turned to see Charla. "You, you're the reason why I'm like this," Michael growled. He couldn't believe that a real growl left his throat. "Me? I'm not the one who turned you," she smiled.

"No, but you left me to die. Bart wouldn't have had to turn me if I hadn't met you in the first place, you evil tramp."

"My, don't you look cute when you're angry. So Bart took in another one of my victims, huh?"

Michael couldn't believe that she openly referred to him as her victims. "Wait a minute, you know Bart?"

"Let's just say the old man doesn't agree to my feeding techniques. I see you're having trouble with your own."

Michael appeared right in front of her. "" Charla suddenly pinned him to the wall with her strength. "Careful, handsome, you're still a baby. I'm stronger than you. I'm faster than you. And it's all because I don't hesitate when it comes to feeding. So go ahead, starve yourself, or give in to your hunger and I can show you what it's really like to be a vampire." Don't do it, Michael, don't let her talk you into it.

Charla removed Michael from her grip and offered her wrist to him. "Go ahead, drink." Michael could hear the blood flowing inside her. It was like it was calling out to him. His fangs enlarge as he bites into her wrist. Charla grinned evily watching him drink her blood. Michael retracts his fangs feeling her blood take over his body. Mia felt a different vibe coming from him. A very bad vibe.

"Now, how do you feel?"

Michael looked at her with bloodshot eyes as a low growl escape from his throat. "More."

No one will treat my Mia like that. It makes me love her even more to see the connection between her and friend. Hopefully, she'll be ready for the entire story.

BITTEN: Lustful ObsessionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora