Chapter 13

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Mia could feel Michael's hands roam around her body as she helps to pull off his shirt and unzip his pants. Seeing that she was fumbling with his clothes, he makes his clothes disappear into mist, which gave him a chance to rip off her panties leaving her naked. He stands on top of her admiring her body.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered lustfully.

"Is that all you think of me?" Mia asked.

"Of course not, you're more than that. You are smart, sweet, and funny. All of these qualities and more drew me to you," he smiles leaving kisses on her lips and neck. He felt Mia shudder a little as she wraps her arms around his neck. Michael breaks the kiss to take something out of a nearby dresser. He pulls two pairs of handcuffs looking at Mia with a partly evil grin.

Mia laughs nervously. She never tried bondage before. "I-I thought we were going to have a little fun."

Michael began to handcuffs her wrists to the bedposts. "We're going to have more than a little fun. You are bound to get wet, and I plan to take your breath away," he said in a deep, enticing voice. He leans down to lick her neck slowly. Mia shuddered again thinking that he might bite her. With that thought going through her mind, that's exactly what happened. She felt his fangs pierce her skin as he enters her. So much for foreplay. He thrusts hard and slow inside her as he drinks. Mia was starting weak, but at the same time she felt rejuvenated. He didn't drink her blood, even though he wanted to, but he retracts his fangs and stands up to thrust in her deeper and harder.

The sounds of Mia's moan motivated him to go faster as he lets out a mixture of a growl and moan. Mia's moans turns into pleasurable screams wanting to touch him only to be restricted from the handcuffs. Since the room was soundproof, no one was aware of what's going on in one of the bedrooms. Meanwhile, another visitor enters the house. Bart looks to see that his son has arrived. "Caleb! So good to see you, my son!" he smiles extending his arms. Caleb moves to the side to avoid the hug. "Come on, dad, you're being too friendly," he scoffs.

"And that's a bad thing?" he asked laughing. His laughter was interrupted by a girl pouncing him to the ground. "Daddy!" she exclaimed.

"Mari, my little blood drop, good to see you!" he smiles hugging her. Caleb rolls his eyes at their emotions. He takes a minute to sniff the air. "Smells like Michael is here." Mari jumps off from her dad hearing Michael's name. "Mikey is here? Where? Where?" she asked excitedly. "He should be upstairs somewhere with his lifemate, they've been up there for an hour now," Bart explained as he gets up. "Oooh, Mikey has a lifemate? I wanna see! I wanna see! " Mari runs up the stairs tracking Michael's scent. She caught his scent along with the scent of a human inside her bedroom. She opens the door catching Michael and Mia consumed in their act. It wasn't until they came together when they noticed that Mari was watching from the side of the door giggling. "Did I interrupt you, Mikey?"

Remember that pesky little sister? That would be Mari.

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