Chapter 28

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"Mmm, mmm, these pancakes are so delish and fluffy," Bart said as he takes another bite. "They're alright," Caleb shrugged. Michael kicked him from under the table. "Admit it, Caleb, you love them as much as Mari does," Michael teased. Mia giggles at the two men. Even though they weren't blood related, they really acted like brothers. She looked at Michael, who was the only one not eating. "Michael, you're not going to eat? I know you can still eat solid food," Mia asked.

"I'm fine, I'm not really hungry."

Come on, have a bite for, please?"

Mia picked up two pieces of sliced pancakes and placed them near his mouth like she's feeding a baby. "Open wide."

"Uh-uh," Michael replied with his mouth closed. Mari watched as Mia try to feed Michael. Eventually, Michael ate the pancakes only to have syrup covering his mouth. "Sometimes, Mia, I underestimate you, but your cooking is amazing!" he exclaimed licking his lips. "You look cute when you do that," Mia giggled.

"Do what?"

"Licking your lips."

"Oh, you mean like this?" Michael asked playfully as he licked his lips again.

"Ugh, not at the table," Caleb groans.

"Oh, must you be so stiff, son? You'll probably act the same way when you find a lifemate."

"Right, and the day that happens is when Charla comes right through those do-" he was cut short when Michael stuffed a whole pancake in his mouth. "Mia, I never showed you the rest of my home. Would you like a tour?" Michael asked. "Sure." As Michael led Mia out of the kitchen, Caleb spat out the pancake. "Eww, not only do you have a big mouth, but you're also gross!" Mari laughed.

Meanwhile, Michael was leading Mia to another set of stairs that took them to the library. It was filled with books from top to bottom. "Wow, what did you do, buy out an entire library?"

"No, I'm just a collector of fine literature."

"Then is that why you have a shelf filled with vampire novels?" Mia asked eyeing a shelf containing books from Anne Rice to Stephanie Meyer. "Those are Mari's books; she knows Caleb hates them, I glanced at them, so she has her own shelf of books. "Do you have your own shelf?"

"Not really, but I do love to spend the day reading." Michael climbed on a long ladder and climbed up to the top. "From fiction to nonfiction, novels, poetry, you name it. Plus, I have all the time I need to read. Come on, join up here," he shouts from the top of a tall shelf that almost reached the ceiling. "No way, you know I don't like heights." Suddenly, Michael appeared close to her and picked her up jumping back on the top. Mia looked down and gulped. "Oh, dear, this is high, this is very high!" Mia yelped. Michael held her close kissing her softly. "Relax. As long as I'm around, you have nothing to be afraid of."

Mia felt like all of her fears had vanished after he said that. After a while, Mia was feeling comfortable sitting close to Michael on the shelf. "So you're a reader. What about the others?"

"Well, Bart loves to paint. His room is filled with paintings; most of them are of his lifemate. Caleb and Mari are your typical, young adults who like to spend their time watching t.v., surf the web and stuff. Sometimes Caleb likes to fence with me."

"You mean like sword fighting?"


"Do you think the tour can wait, because I think last night is catching up to me," she yawned. "Of course." Michael held Mia tightly as he jumped down and landed softly. "Ok, that was cool and scary at the same time," Mia laughs. Michael carried Mia upstairs to his room and laid her on the bed. He lay close to her removing a lock of hair from her face. "Were you always this caring?"

"Yeah, I'm no different than I was as a human."

"So was Caleb always grouchy?"

Michael laughed. "I'm not too sure. Usually, when a person is turned, their personality and traits stays the same. Say, for instance, a psychopathic human is turned. He would now be a psychopathic vampire."

"Any chance you'll turn me? I mean, since I'm your lifemate and all."

"Soon, I will turn you. Are you anxious?"

"No, I was just curious."

Their conversation continued until they fell asleep in each other's arms. They slept through the morning until Mia's cell phone rang. "Let me guess, that's Cathy," Michael yawned as he cuddled close to her. "Hey, Cathy, what's up?"

"The sales at the mall, that's what's up. So how about it? Ready for an all-day shopping?"

"What is it with women and shopping?" Michael muttered in his sleep. "I heard that, Michael, and you better be treating my girl right," Cathy said through the phone. "Alright, Cat, you know where to pick me up," she smiles hanging up. "Michael, if you need anything, feel free to let me know, ok?" she smiles jumping off the bed. Michael only responded with a nod as he went back to sleep.

After Mia got herself dressed, she kissed him goodbye as she heads out the door. Later in the afternoon, Michael woke up to find Mia gone. "In case you're wondering, Mia and that girl went out, and as usual, her friend used that smart mouth on me," Caleb replied leading against the door. "And you didn't stop her?"

"I don't see why. Besides, it's still daylight out there, so she's fine. As long as she's back by sunset, there's nothing to worry about. Take a chill pill, man," he sighs as he leaves. Michael buried his face in his hands. He turned to his side and went back to sleep. Night has arrived and Bart has gathered everyone outside. "Alright, you guys, our main objective tonight is to locate Charla.

Mari raised her hand. "What happens when we do find her?"

"Well, we'll be splitting up to comb more areas of the city. If any of you find her, do not confront her. I want you to send a message, and we'll meet up and capture her. She's too old to be a newborn, so she had to have come from another clan, which is why we need to find her and interrogate her. I sound like a detective," Bart laughed until he noticed Michael was looking down at the ground. "Michael, are you alright?"

"He's just worried about Mia. By then, she's probably bumping into Char-" Caleb was cut short again when Mari stepped on his foot. "Owww, s***!"

"You have a big mouth, you know that, brother?" Mari replied politely.

"Don't worry, Michael. If you find Mia before then, you can escort her back here." Michael nodded in agreement. "Now, let's get moving," Bart replied as they sprint towards the city. Meanwhile, Cathy and Mia have finished their shopping coming out of the mall with handful of bags. "Cathy, remind me to ask how you manage to spend your paycheck so quick."

"Girl, I ask myself that same question. Now all we need is a man to help us." Michael appeared in front of them a second, which startled Cathy. "How did you get here so fast?"

"Mia, I'm here to escort back home."

"Oh, you're just gonna ignore me."

"Hello, Cathy, bye, Cathy," Michael said as he Mia with her bags and walked away leaving Cathy. It's a good thing she drove. "Slow down, Michael, what's the rush?" Mia asked. "I just want you get home safely, it's not safe out here."

"But, Michael, Cathy could have driven me back. Besides, isn't my weekend over? I can go back to my house now."

"You'll be safer with me, Mia."

"Ok, if you say so." Mia had no idea why Michael was so concerned for her all of a sudden. When they reached his house, they noticed that the door was slightly open. As they walked in, a slim figure was sitting on the couch with one of the maids' lifeless body at her feet. Michael and Mia dropped their bags recognizing the person who was now looking at them with blood-stained lips.

"Hello, Michael," Charla smiled.

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