Chapter 27

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Michael and Mia lie asleep close to each other as the sunlight shines through the curtains. He moved a lock of hair away from Mia's face spotting one of his bite marks on her neck that was already healing. Before her cell phone could ring, he picked it up seeing a text message from Cathy: NO WORK TODAY!!! WOO HOO!! That was good; not only had he had her for the entire night, but for the entire day as well. He brings Mia's sleeping body closer to him until she stirred. She opened her eyes to face him a smile.

"Good morning," he smiled kissing her softly. "Morning already?" she asked groggily. "Yep, and it gets even better, your friend left a text saying that there's no work today." he smiled. Mia sighs a breath of relief. "Oh, good, now I can sleep in today." He watched Mia cuddle closer to him as she goes back to sleep. Last night must have taken out a lot out of her. But then again, she's only human.

A knock came on the door. Michael turned around to see Caleb. "Can we talk to you for a minute?" he asked. Michael got up slowly not wanting to wake Mia up. After adjusting his robe, he stepped out of the room following Caleb. "What is it?" he asked. Caleb looked back at Mia and started walking, "I think it's better if we speak in Mari's room since it's soundproof," he said walking next door. He opens the door seeing Mari watching TV. He walked over and turned it off. "Hey, I was watching that, you big gomer!" Mari exclaimed.

"Not now, Mari, we have an important thing to deal with." Bart stepped in and closed the door. "Oh, good, all three of you are here." Mari looked at Bart with a confused look. "What's going on?" she asked. "I'm asking the same question," Michael said looking at Bart. He noticed that he had a worried look on his face. The last time he was worried was, well, he was never worried, he was always cheerful. A few seconds later, Bart spoke up. "I've met with the other clan leaders; it had been confirmed. Charla has definitely returned."

"What?" Michael asked with a shocked look as he sits on Mari's bed.

"But, daddy, didn't Michael take care of her?"

"He did, but it has been a century since then. By now, she's probably walking around the city."

"Where exactly is she, Dad?"

"We're unsure at the moment, which is why we need to scan the city tonight before there are any casualties. That reminds me, Michael, Mia gets off of work in the evening, and we might have to escort her."

Michael had his face buried in his hand. "That's not necessary, she has the day off for today. She's safe right now, but she would have to stay here during the night. "

Mari looked over at Michael. "But if we're scanning the city tonight, wouldn't she be here all by herself? I don't think the maids can help her."

"True, but as long as no one invites Charla in, she's not in danger." Caleb nodded in agreement leaning on the wall with his arms folded. "Well, since there's no need to worry about this now, I'll be in my room."

"Since you're heading downstairs, can you bring me some ice cream?" Mari asked. "Get it yourself," Caleb scoffed as he leaves the room. "Oh, son, must you be so grumpy all the time? It causes winkles," Bart replies following after him. "Oh, wait, we don't get wrinkles," Bart laughs loudly as Caleb groans. Michael laughed a little seeing that the situation went from serious to normal.

As he got up, he smelled something. Something fresh with a delicious aroma. "Since when did the maids cook for us?" Mari asked inhaling the scent. She looked up at Michael who had a big smile on his face. "They don't, but they're not the ones cooking this meal." Michael walked downstairs with Mari following behind him heading towards the kitchen.

They saw a plate of pancakes on the table with Mia frying more near the stove in her robe. "Pancakes!" Mari exclaimed grabbing one and stuffing it in her mouth. "Easy, Mari, there's enough for everyone," Mia giggled. "Oh, do I smell...hotcakes?" Bart asked entering the kitchen. "No one calls them "hotcakes" anymore, Dad," Caleb scoffed following behind him as they take a seat at the table.

Michael walked over to the stove placing his hands over Mia. "I didn't think you would bother getting up after all the fun we had last night," he smirks kissing her softly on her cheek. "Well, I figured a good breakfast would boost us up for more since I have the day off," she smiles. "Hey! Less talking more pancakes!" Mari whimpered. "Ok, ok, here they comes," Mia laughs setting down another plate.

The morning started off with bad news, but seeing Mia smile cheers me up. As long as she's with me, she'll be safe.

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