Chapter 29

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Charla stood up as she licked the blood from her lips. "Why, Michael, you don't seem too happy to see me. You'd think after 123 years, you would welcome me with open arms," she smiles as Michael glared at her. Mia looked up at Michael and noticed that he was beyond angry. His expression showed pure hatred for the woman. She couldn't even believe that the woman from his memory is now standing across from them in the flesh, so to speak.

"Why are you here?" Michael growled.

"Isn't it obvious? I came to see you. The last time we saw each other, you tore my heart out, literally speaking. I would like to start over, you know, make amends."

She turned her attention to Mia. "And who might this be? Your pet?" Mia glared at her. "I'm his lifemate, you evil b****!" Charla cackled as Mia hides behind Michael. "Lifemate? Don't tell me you believe in those silly little fairy tales that Bartholomew was always spitting out. It appears that humans haven't changed at all, they still believe everything they hear."

Michael snarled at Charla with his fangs elongated. "Get out of my house...NOW!" Charla chuckled. "Or else what? You'll kill me? You don't have it in you, or at least that side of you is repressed. Whatever happened to the Michael that loved bloodlust? The man who would smile at his prey before draining them? The vampire who would share their blood with me as we kiss?"

Mia realized that she was referring to the darkness. That's when she stepped in front of Michael. "Alright, look lady; don't act like you're going to get what you want. It's obvious that you can't accept the fact that Michael doesn't want you anymore and there is no way that you'll even see that side of him," she scoffed. Michael couldn't help but smile a little. He knew Mia was not the kind of girl who would just stand there while grown folks were talking. If she had something to say, she'd say it.

Suddenly, Charla lashed towards Mia until Michael stepped between them and tackled Charla to the floor. They began to fight to the point where Mia was unable to keep track of their movements. At one point, she saw that Michael had the upper hand as he pinned Charla down. "I'm giving you one more chance to leave, or history will repeat itself!" Michael snarled at her. "You're right, darling, history will repeat itself, "Charla grinned. All of a sudden, a bright light glowed from her necklace as Michael's eyes begin to glow. He felt something was being pulled out of his body as he tries to move away from Charla.

A few seconds later, Mia saw something was inside the necklace. Before she could figure out what it was, Michael removed Charla from his grip and stood up rubbing his head. "Michael. Are you okay?" Mia asked. He turned to face her with an evil grin. Mia was overcome with fear as she stares back at those familiar bloodshot eyes with slit pupils. Charla stood up placing her hand on his chest. "Now, what were you saying about never seeing this side of him again, human?" she smirked. In a quick movement, Michael dashed toward Mia until Caleb arrived in time to deliver a kick to his face.


"Come on, we gotta get out of here!" he replies as he picks up Mia and dashed out of the house. Michael got up popping his jaw back in place. "Looks like your meal got away, darling." He looks over at Charla and scoffed. "Mia is more that a meal to me, so much more. Let the fun begins," he grins.

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