~Chapter 4~

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"Alright... Now that we are all sane... Miss Rose will be fine but the bad news is that she's in a coma."

"My poor Nessa. I'm so sorry I didn't notice your feelings... I could never look at another girl ever again Nessa." I stroked her cheek, pushing her black hair out of her face...

I leaned down and kissed her cheek.. "One day Nessa.. I will make you Mrs. Renessa Manzo."


Caleb's POV

He leaned down and kissed her cheek and whispered something I didn't hear.

But what I can't understand how come all of a sudden that she's in a coma that he's 'in love' with her.

I rolled my eyes. To be honest I kind of prefer Mike instead of Aaron because Aaron is SUCH player.

Five months later....

Mike's POV

Today is the day that she 'supposedly' wakes up. I have been by her side since she went into coma telling her about the day and what happened... All except for things about Aaron.

Why? Well Aaron got together with Lexi thoughout the five months... That sicko..

He was so sweet for like the first month, then we saw less and less of him but I saw a pic of them together on SnapChat that 'confirmed' that's there together so yeah.

I told Caleb what happened and he and Aaron got into this HUGE fight that I had to break up and I received a black eye for that.

During these five months of pain I have been receiving messages from a person called 'My Princess' and its been creeping me out because its like the person knows what I'm doing and the Princess hates Nes....

But anyways, moving on from that.... Today I'm taking my daily visit to see if she wakes up.

Once the nurse saw me she appointed me to Renessa's room. Once I shut the door, I take in what I see in front of me... A lifeless girl, that goes though WAY too much..

I set my guitar on the chair next to her and kneeled on the floor, next to bed, took her lifeless hand and started telling her about my day.

"Hey Nes, I don't know if you hear me but I want to tell you something." I took a deep breath and stroked her hand.

"The truth is.... Over these past few months, I'm not sure what has happened but I've felt-"

A door slammed and it interrupted me.

"So you sang her the song yet?" A bubbly Natalia came in.

I rolled my eyes as disecretly as I could.

I would have told her my feelings too... If you didn't interrupt me.

I took a deep breath and whispered, "This is for you Nes."

I took my guitar and stummed it before singing the song I wrote.

A/N The songs that I put here are not owned by me. (Although I wish they were) The only thing that I own is the plot.

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