~Chapter 20 part 2~

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to Kristianna7 for helping me come up with some of the things in this chapter. And while you check her out, check out her AMAZING, AWESOME, MAGICAL book 'My Crazy Life'.
(Thanks to all)


The paramedics arrived and put her on a stretcher with a breathing mask on her, "Who's coming with her? Is there a relative that can?" One of the paramedics asked.

I gulped, "U-um I'm her boyfriend.." I lied and they allowed me to come.

"Call her parents Tina!" I yelled to her before they closed the doors.


Jacob's POV

She's been in surgery for almost two hours now and I can't help but think the worst.

What if she dies?

What if she hates me for this?

What if she never talks to me again?

No! I can't afford to think negative.. Her mom is here and she's not taking it well, she's been crying on her husband for the whole two hours.

Even her dad wasn't taking it well... Well it's not everyday your daughter makes an attempt to kill herself. Caleb wasn't even here... And both of them are wondering why. I'm too coward to tell them anything right now, all my focus is on Nessa and if she's gonna survive this surgery.

Cristina, Blake, Natalia and Chase were here as well, they also were crying their eyes out... It means so much to me that everyone cares about her so much.

"Jacob? Can I talk to you a second?" Her father called out to me and when I nodded slightly, he lifted his wife off his shoulder and whispered something into her ear and then nodded to me.

"What is this whole thing about Jacob?" He asked me sternly and I gulped.. Should I tell him the truth?

I cleared my throat nervously, "Um- well" He gave me a look that says 'Don't you dare lie to me' and I curtly nodded and gulped nervously, "We-well some people were out to get her.. putting up notes in school and calling her a slut, and we-ell these things weren't exactly nice things and too make it even worse for I-I broke up with her..." If looks could kill I would surely be dead right now.. Note to self.. Never mess with a daddy's girl.

"With all due respect sir, Some people threatened me to do this and if I didn't.... they would kill Em-Emily and your wife... So I ultimately chose the latter... You don't know how much it broke my heart.... seeing her lying on the floor.. So lifeless... Like she was-- like she was almost..... dead" I sobbed and put my hands over my face as my body shook.

"S-so tod-today after her performance they revealed the photo and she... she well-- she didn't take it well and she apparently took a bunch pills that she found in the History teacher's desk and tried to kill herself. Cristina, Natalia and I got to her just before she passed out and well obviously we called the ambulance and well that's where we are right now..." I told him and wiped a few remaining tears that I had.

Her dad looked genuinely surprised and looked like he was ready to kill whoever put his daughter in the hospital and honestly I would be right behind him with this but he wouldn't be so happy when he found out that his son was in all of this.... World War III would happen. And right now this isn't right for Nessa.

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