~Chapter 28~

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"Well congratulations guys! You guys are having a baby girl!!" She announces and my eyes immediately fill with tears as she turns the ultrasound machine towards us and I watch as Nessie's eyes tear up as well.

"I'll give you guys some time alone." She says, smiling at me and congratulating me quietly before exiting the room.

"We're having a little baby girl Nessie." I tell her, the tears escaping my eyes.

"Just what you wanted..." She says, smiling up at me and I smile down at her.

"Yes baby girl we have a little princess inside of you..." I announce and I bend down and kiss her baby bump.

"I love you my little princess. I can't wait to meet you! Just remember that your mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back, more than words can explain... We can't wait to meet you little one. Now hurry up and pop out... I am so anxious to meet you" I speak out loud and chuckle to myself as I say the last part.


One month later....
(Renessa is five months pregnant)
Renessa's POV

I'm getting ready for Jacob's and mine, 'first' date but in reality its our six month anniversary.

I put on a pair of slack pink jeans and a white lacy top and some sandals since I can't wear heels because my feet have been hurting and swealing in the past month.

But it'll all be worth it once I hold my baby girl in my arms in the next four months. Ever since we found out we would be having a baby girl, we've been at it with baby names.

But we've decided that the name choice would be kept a secret until the day she will be born. We still have to buy supplies like, baby formula, baby bottles, pacifiers, bibs, baby clothes, a crib, babu monitors... Hey, no one said raising a baby was cheap.

My mom and dad have been a great help with the pregnancy so far. They can't wait to meet their granddaughter. Caleb is beyond ecstatic, he can't wait to meet his neice but I know he's still missing Reina but day by day, he's forgetting and erasing each and every memory that they have together.

"Nessie are you ready?! Jacob's here!" Caleb calls out for me and I look at my reflection in the mirror and fix my hair once more before walking downstairs carefully.

"You look beautiful baby girl." Jacob greets me with a kiss on the cheek and I smile, as a thank you.

"Well don't stay out too late.. And... Protect her yeah?" Caleb says, his protective side kicking in and Jacob gives him a pointed look and Caleb curtly nods.

I look between them, confused but don't ask anything.

"Happy six month anniversary/first date" he announces giving me a bunch of purple roses.

"Awww, Jacob... Their beautiful" I cry out of happiness and he smiles.

"Just like you" he whispers and I blush beet red.

Jacob helps me into the car and buckles me up and gets in and starts the car. We drive for about fifteen minutes and I stare at him out of the side of my eyes and admire his strong jawline, then his bright pink lips, his cheekbones, then I get lost in his leafy green eyes.

I hope our baby girl inherits his bright, strong, leafy green eyes.

Then a smug, cocky voice, breaks me out of my concentration, "Were you checking me out Ms Rose?" He asks me with a teasing smile as we stop at a local quick mart.

"I-I... um.. no!.. I.. Was just..." I stutter, knowing that I was caught and he sends me a smug smile.

"What are we doing at a quick mart?" I ask, changing the subject.

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