Epilogue 1 (Caleb)

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(So obviously Olivia is played by Dove Cameron)

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(So obviously Olivia is played by Dove Cameron)

Seven Years Later....

After the whole fiasco with Reina, I'd shut my heart down so no one could hurt me like that again, BUT that was until my blonde beauty Olivia Branson came into my life.. I remember that day like it was yesterday...

Flashback to three years ago...

I was in Starbucks, getting a coffee and I was on my way to Lily's third birthday party... Jeez that child has some energy... So I walk into Starbucks and see a new worker girl. She had blonde hair and the most beautiful green eyes ever.

"Um sir, are you going order?" She asks and even her voice is beautiful, it's like an angel fell from heaven.

"U-Um, ye-yeah... I'll have a coffee but hold the sugar baby.. Your sweet enough.." I hear myself say and I flush with embarrassment and she giggles... Well that's a good sign.

"And what's your name..." She asks and I smirk at her but she stumbles, "W-we ne-need a name f-for th-the order.." She says and I chuckle.

"Caleb, Caleb Rose.." I tell her and I looked at her name tag, "Nice to meet you Olivia" I tell her winking at her as she takes my money and rolling her eyes, smiling.

I waited for my order and she comes to my table and gives me my coffee and slips a piece of paper in my pocket and I gasp at her forwardness and she chuckles, making the 'call me' sign.

And from that day on, we arranged a date, I took her for a picnic to the park and then we went for a walk under the stars.

"Oh and by the way, that was one of the worst pick up lines I ever heard." She says, leaning her head on my shoulder and I chuckle.

"But that didn't stop you did it? I'm just that good" I say, cockily and she giggles.

"I'm sure I could do better ones." She challenges and we had a pickup line contest.

"It's a good thing I have a library card, because I'm checking you out" She starts and I feel a flutter in my heart, the same fricking flutter that I felt with Reina.

But not all girls are like Reina, well from what I could see, Olivia is the totally opposite of her, she's everything that Reina wasn't. She's angelic, she's sweet, she's kind, she has the giggle of an angel, she lights up my whole world.... WAIT! This is the first date, I can't be thinking like this...

"Can you top that, Hot Guy?" She says and her eyes widened when she realized what she said and I smirk, "You think I'm hot?" She rolls her eyes and motioned for me to carry on.

"Do you know any good bakeries around? Because I'd love to have a cutie pie like you" I tell her and her face heats up and I chuckle.

"You must be a keyboard... Because your just my type." She says and I burst out laughing.

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