~Chapter 16~

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A/N I DO NOT own ANY of the songs that I put here, the credit should go to people that wrote them


After I got an approval from everyone in my family about Jacob we watched some of his favorite show, How to Get Away With Murder, and I slowly felt myself falling asleep on his chest... Today was perfect.. My boyfriend met my parents, Reina and Caleb broke up and I have the best friends ever and I'm finally living my life happily...

"I love you Nessa" Was the last thing I heard before I felt myself slip into a deep slumber.


Renessa's POV

Winter break was now over and we are officially seniors... In five months, were done with school... Jacob and I are going as strong as ever, dating for about a month and a half and I'm really happy...  Jacob is just so sweet and kinda and caring... But enough about me and Jacob...

Caleb and Reina still didn't get back together, to my happiness, but Reina vowed that it's my fault and she said how she's going to make my senior year a living hell... To be honest, I'm actually scared because she was dating my brother... Who knows what he could've told her..

Natalia and Chase and Cristina and Blake are still going strong. Throughout the winter break we went on a lot of triple dates so they could get to know one another... And they approve of him, not that they could tell me to stay away from him otherwise...

Aaron... Well... No one has heard from him but me actually... He came to me one day and asked me to 'talk' so we did. And he apologized for everything he did and we became friends again, but Cristina, Natalia, Caleb and even Jacob doesn't approve.... They all think he's just going to betray me again, but I can't say that I haven't thought about that as well... But he 'assured' me that he won't do that... But I just have this bad feeling... And the last time I had a 'bad feeling' Mike broke up with me...

Speaking of Mike, he and Rebecca are happy... And it's nice and all, but she's kind of a stalker because anywhere Mike goes, she goes with him... Except the bathroom and stuff that girls aren't allowed in, of course, but it's kinda creepy... It's like she doesn't trust him or anything.. But Rebecca and I still don't see eye to eye and Mike is trying to fix that since he still wants to be my friend but she's making it REALLY hard.. Everytime Mike and I would hang out with our group, and Mike and I are talking, she would always bring up something about how much of a great time they had in the past and it's like she's saying 'Oh look at a great time he had, without you' and I really don't give a damn about anything she says... I'm not really jealous per say but it can get really annoying...

Anyways, things have been going good but I just can't shake the bad feeling off me. My style, as you saw from before, has changed a lot.

It's the first day of school and the first time at college for Caleb... He's living here still since his school is about an hour to an hour and a half away but he has to wake up really early...

My alarm buzzed and I snoozed it but just as I was about to turn around and go back to sleep again I got a text.

"Ughh!" I groaned and reached for my phone, bringing a smile to my face only because of the name..

Jacob 💙- Morning pretty girl. I hope you got your beauty sleep, not that you need it, because your beautiful anyways.. But don't even think of  turning back around and going back to sleep, It's our first day of senior year! Get up and get your pretty self ready. Since I'm an early bird, I'm almost ready and I'm coming over in about 15 minutes to half an hour.. I'll make breakfast and everything.. When your done just meet me downstairs.

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